
30th Apr 2015

X-Men 2 (2003)

Question: What was the whole purpose of Nightcrawler trying to assassinate the president?

Answer: In the first X-Men movie, the proposed "Mutant Registration Act" was called off. William Stryker, who was anti-mutant, wanted to force the issue by having a mutant kill the president, to show how dangerous mutants are. Nightcrawler was brainwashed by Stryker to attempt this.


23rd Apr 2015

The Avengers (2012)

Question: Why is Loki immune to death? He is repeatedly blasted, beat by Thor, and smashed by the Incredible Hulk.

Answer: While Loki is not immortal, he's just as powerful as Thor, and many mortals would consider him a God as well. Loki is actually a Frost Giant taken in by Odin, but is just as invulnerable to many attacks. There may also be an element of magic involved in his survival as well.


5th Jun 2014

Wreck-It Ralph (2012)

Question: If characters of respective games are revived when they die, why were Taffyta and every "meanie" worried about being executed by Schweetz? Or how was she going to execute them?

Answer: We learn at the beginning if a character dies outside their respective game, they don't revive. So they would be executed outside the game. King Candy didn't revive because (SPOILER ALERT) he was really Turbo, and thus outside his own game.


Question: When Simms tells the 3 thugs they are dead, he screams at them "This ain't no funeral home. It ain't the terra dome neither." What is the terra dome? When I look it up online I only find a mention of an underground home, but I don't see what that has to do with Satan and Hell.


Chosen answer: The word he says is "terror dome". He is just referencing a Public Enemy song, "Welcome to the Terrordome".


23rd Apr 2007

King of the Hill (1997)

Answer: His full name is Jeffery Dexter Boomhauer III. (His father is Jeffery Boomhauer II). While he does say his name in the video game, in "Uh-Oh Canada", a woman calls him Jeff.


Answer: As of 2014, King of the Hill finished with 11 season, putting it 6th among longest running US animated shows (with at least 3 animated shows already in 9th or 10th season.) In terms of episodes, it's 3rd with 259 episodes, behind The Simpsons and The Bugs and Tweety Show, with South Park nearing that number.


26th Mar 2015

Heroes (2006)

Jump, Push, Fall - S4-E2

Question: In season 3 Peter could only absorb one power at a time and only when he touches the person. How could he suddenly go back to being the empath who automatically absorbs the power of people around him in season 4?

Answer: There must have been some confusion in what you saw (or you caught an error). After "Dual" (s03e13) until the end of the series, Peter's altered abilities always required him to touch someone to gain their powers, he was never able to absorb the power without physical contact and never had more than 1 power at a time (although later he gains the ability to touch someone and not absorb their power).


20th Mar 2015

Bad Words (2013)

Question: Why do the shirts the contestants wear change from green to purple during the event?

Answer: The shirts don't change color, it's just the lighting that seems to give a different tint to them. The film switches from the typical movie lighting that gives the shirt a duller and darker look (which you may see as green), to the "live TV" lighting which brightens the shirt color to a blue (or purple) color.


18th Mar 2015

General questions

There was a movie about a teenage boy and his girlfriend going on some sort of trip. The boyfriend, while doing something, is bitten on his left arm by a snake. His girlfriend takes him to a hospital for treatment. While asleep in the hospital bed, a nurse notices his left arm is moving in an unnatural way. When she removes the bandages, she is shocked to see that his entire arm has turned into the head and body of a snake, which then kills the nurse. The end of the movie has the boy standing in a field in the rain begging his girlfriend to help him. Suddenly, his mouth opens extremely wide and a snake comes out. The girlfriend is left with no choice but to kill the snake with a shotgun blast to the head. This isn't Anaconda, but I know it was from sometime in the 80's.

Answer: The Curse II: The Bite (1989) from director Frederico Prosperi.


22nd Jan 2015

Mulan (1998)

Question: When Shang finds out Mulan is a woman, Chi-fu (council guy) stops Yao, Ling and Chien from saving her from execution, and says "you know the law." Was there a certain rule back in Ancient China allowing women to get in the army, why was need for Mulan to be executed (almost executed), couldn't they just send her home, why was it a big deal?

Answer: While it was not common for women to serve in the military (depending on the dynasty), they were never put to death. Disney just made this is as a plot device to develop the love interest. The movie is partly based on the ancient poem, "The Ballad of Mulan" and in none of the ancient versions was she ever threatened with execution. In fact, the poem may be based on Fu Hao, a woman who not only served in the Chinese army, but was a military general.


I think that it was an issue, because according to what the emperor said, she basically stole an identity; she "deceived the captain" and "impersonated a soldier."

Chosen answer: Officer Don ended up appearing in 100 of 139 episodes, but I would say season 3 is when he become permanent as Wayne Knight's name appears in the opening credits. However, as he did appear throughout season 2 (first appearance S01E17), it's possible they already considered him permanent at that time since season 3's opening credits also included Simbi Khali (Nina) and Elmarie Wendel (Ms. Dubcek).


5th Mar 2015

General questions

I am looking for the movie title of a movie with the following beginning scene: Two men are fishing on a small boat on a big lake. It is a calm scene but suddenly you hear the engine of an airplane coming. The noise of the engines gets louder and louder, till you start to see a big aircraft. For some seconds you see the nose of the aircraft and it flies so low that the two man fall out of their small boat. This beginning shot was really impressive for me when I watched it as a kid. It must be a 90s movie. I want to rewatch the movie :-) I looked everywhere on Google but does not seem to find the title. Anyone? Thanks.

Answer: Steven Spielberg's "Always", starring Richard Dreyfuss (1989).


17th Feb 2015

P.K. (2014)

Question: If no one on PK's planet communicated using voices, then why did he have vocal cords in the first place?


Chosen answer: This would be a complex speculation question. But first off, it's not the vocal chords that allow humans to speak as we do, other animals have vocal chords, yet can't speak. It's about our mouths and muscle structure that allows us to "shape" sounds into words. Given the humanoid figure of PK (i.e. small, non protruding mouth and neck length), we can assume PK's species developed the ability to speak and then evolved past that, but maintained the needed structure for speaking for whatever reason, such as eating.


17th Feb 2015

Better Call Saul (2015)

Answer: It is my opinion that you should absolutely watch Breaking Bad first. If you did not know, Better Call Saul takes place before the events of Breaking Bad. At the time I am posting this, BCS is mid-way through season 5, with season 6 on the way perhaps in a year. So if you binge Better Call Saul now, you would not be able to "flow" right into Breaking Bad. To me, it's better to watch in the order that they came out. Breaking Bad was a phenomenal show, and now watching Better Call Saul, it is fun to watch the events unfold and start to lead up to what we saw in BB. Enjoy.


Answer: Now that it's ended, this question can be fully answered. Better Call Saul includes events after the conclusion of Breaking Bad, as well as references to and descriptions of major events from the latter. Not only would Breaking Bad be spoiled for you by watching Better Call Saul first, but there's a lot that wouldn't be understood.

Chosen answer: So far the show has been about Saul's struggles as a lawyer long before the Breaking Bad timeline (Spoiler Alert: It starts out for the most part at a time when he didn't even go by the name Saul).


10th Feb 2015

The Blacklist (2013)

Show generally

Question: How can Lizzie's father have died in the fire when in an earlier season, Red killed him in the hospital when Lizzie was already an adult?

Answer: The man Red killed, Sam Scott, was Lizzie's adoptive father, not her biological one. However, at that time Lizzie (and thus the audience), was led to believe her real father abandoned her and her mother, so expect more secrets to be revealed how her real father actually died (or if he's even actually dead).


2nd Feb 2015

Flightplan (2005)

Question: How could the conspirators possibly imagine that their plot would work? Their confidence that none of over 400 passengers might happen at some point to fix on Kyle and her daughter, perhaps even have a whole conversation with them, either at the gate or on the plane, seems unwarranted. They had to have been awfully sure that no one would notice them boarding at the call for passengers with small children. They had to assume that once the plane had leveled off that the girl wouldn't spend half an hour traipsing tirelessly up and down the aisle dragging her bear along and saying hi to everyone. And then there's the coffin. When Kyle did open the coffin, it made no sense that she did! So how in the blazing sun would the plotters have expected that she would do that at some point?

Answer: They most likely would have had contingency plans in place. For example, if the conspirators saw someone talking to Kyle, they'd interrupt to distract that person. Or initiate their plan earlier if the daughter started getting noticed. Of course, since the script didn't call for any of these contingency plans, we can only speculate. And they basically manipulated Kyle into opening the coffin.


Question: Why did Spielberg make Temple of Doom a prequel to Raiders of the Lost Ark? I read somewhere that he didn't want to make the Nazis the villains again, but that wouldn't be a problem since the Nazis never went to India or China.


Answer: This is conjecture, but it seems the general function of setting Temple of Doom before Raiders of the Lost Ark is that it helps set audience expectations that the two movies are self-contained episodes. For instance, Karen Allen has said she wasn't disappointed about not being asked to return because she'd already been told that the next installment was being set in the past before her character is reunited with Indy. Conversely, since we're already aware Raiders makes no mention of the events of Temple of Doom, we know we shouldn't necessarily expect any further installments to continue directly from prior movies' storylines regardless if they are set forward in time.


Chosen answer: It was actually George Lucas who wrote the story, made it a prequel, and has stated it was because he didn't want the Nazis to be the villains again. The idea most likely seems if it wasn't a prequel, the Nazis could still be after Jones, even in China or India. But alas, there is really no other insight as to Lucas' prequel decision.


2nd Feb 2015

Criminal Minds (2005)

Chosen answer: No, it's spelled correctly. It's written in cursive so it might just seem misspelled.


26th Jan 2015

Covert Affairs (2010)

Chosen answer: It is Hebrew. It means "soul" but is used as a term of endearment as in you're a part of me, "Neshama shellee" means "my soul".


25th Jan 2015

Face/Off (1997)

Question: How could they possibly remove Archer's bullet scar? If they could, wouldn't that just create a bigger scar?


Chosen answer: Surgical scar removal is a real thing, usually involving skin grafts or lasers. Keloid scarring is a result of the body aggressively attempting to heal/repair itself after trauma or injury (in this case, the gunshot). With proper surgical techniques, the body isn't traumatized to the point that deep scarring occurs. Of course, just like with the face surgery, the movie exaggerates the results of the scar removal.


I thought he kept it.

He says he wanted to keep it at the beginning of the movie, but when he is about to have his face changed back at the end of the movie, he says he doesn't need it anymore.


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