
Mr. Monk Visits a Farm - S5-E14

Character mistake: When Randy Disher is having Chinese food in his apartment with his new girlfriend in 3-12 "Mr. Monk Gets Cabin Fever", he gets a fortune stating that he is going to get money from his uncle, and says that he doesn't have an uncle. In this episode Randy inherits a farm from his uncle who appears to have committed suicide, but was actually murdered.


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Suggested correction: Randy says when that uncle dies that they were never close, so his leaving him the farm comes as a total surprise. It's still a character mistake, however, Randy is established as the sort of person who could "blank out" a relative that long-lost.

Captain Defenestrator

Randy says he can run the farm because he went there and helped his uncle every summer.

Mr. Monk and the Kid - S3-E16

Character mistake: Stottlemeyer says that the human finger was "still bleeding, freshly severed." But prior to him saying this, when we are shown the finger, there is no bleeding whatsoever and the blood on the severed end had already dried.


Mr. Monk is the Best Man - S8-E13

Character mistake: At the end, after Stephanie fired the gun, Captain Stottlemeyer shows her the gun's magazine but calls it a "clip." A police captain like Leland would know the difference between a clip and a magazine and would use the right word.


Mr. Monk and the Three Julies - S6-E13

Character mistake: Julie has just passed her driver's test. At the end, she drives up with two teenage friends in the car and offers the stranded Captain Stottlemeyer a ride. Instead of simply accepting, by-the-book cop Stottlemeyer would be lecturing her. California law prohibits new teenage drivers from having other teens in the car. (00:40:15)

Jean G

Mr. Monk and the Naked Man - S6-E3

Character mistake: SPOILER. Arlene Boras murders Vicki Deline in order to stop her telling Peter Magneri that he has an aortic aneurysm. Boras wants Magneri dead to clean up by short selling the stock in his company. Boras is a medical professional, and she would know that an aneurysm can burst if the patient is under stress or is shocked in some way. Allowing Deline to tell Magneri that he is in danger of dropping dead on the spot would kill him, which is exactly what she wants.

Mr. Monk Goes Back to School - S2-E1

Character mistake: Sharona invites Monk home for dinner. Monk is playing with his food, and Sharona guesses it is because the potatoes are mixed together with the carrots. Sharona asks Kyle to fetch two plates (So Monk can separate the potatoes and carrots.) As he tilts the dinner plate, Monk succeeds in scraping all the carrots onto one dish - save for one stray potato - all the while speaking. He completes his thought without removing the stray potato. In all other instances, Monk cannot allow such a transgression. He either corrects it before saying his piece, or after. But he cannot let it go.

Mr. Monk and the Naked Man - S6-E3

Character mistake: SPOILER ALERT Monk accuses Arlene Boras of swapping Peter Magneri's X-rays in order to hide the fact that he has a potentially lethal aortic aneurysm. We see Magneri being examined and we see Boras handling his records, and they are not X-rays. Magneri was examined in an MRI scanner and Boras swaps the MRI scans - not X-rays.

Mr. Monk Goes Back to School - S2-E1

Character mistake: When Kathy is presenting her model of General Robert E. Lee's surrender to General Ulysses S. Grant on April 9th, 1865, she incorrectly states that the surrender occurred "at the courthouse in Appomattox, Virginia." The surrender didn't take place at the actual courthouse, but rather at the McLean House, a private residence selected by Grant and his aides for the meeting of two of the greatest generals in American history. This is a common misconception as the village itself is called Appomattox Courthouse. (00:29:05)

Mr. Monk and the Big Game - S5-E3

Character mistake: When Julie asks "who discovered DNA?", Captain Stottlemeyer says "Watson and Crick. Two British scientists." However, James Watson is American (as of 2021 he's still alive), not British. And the duo only discovered the structure of DNA, not DNA itself. As much knowledge as the Captain demonstrates on the subject, he should know these two facts at least.


Mr. Monk and the Badge - S8-E14

Character mistake: When Monk is talking to the cops on the shooting range about the window washer's story, he says that the window washer said he was on the 7th story of the building. But in the press conference Monk saw in the bar, he said he was on the 6th story. Monk isn't likely to forget a detail like that, especially since it's the detail that's bothering him about the story. (00:19:25)

Captain Defenestrator

Mr. Monk Goes Camping - S8-E12

Character mistake: The campers suspend their packs with food from a tree, while the two criminals watch from behind a tree. Criminal 1 asks, "What are they doing?" Criminal 2 responds, "They're getting their food off the ground, it keeps the bears away." But they only suspend the packs a few feet off the ground, still easily within reach of the criminals and certainly within reach of a bear.

Mr. Monk Paints His Masterpiece - S6-E14

Character mistake: While the concept of the knife height and stab wound is OK, the way Monk measures the height of the knife is way off. He says it's 48", which is 4 record lengths, but he doesn't put the bottom of the record where the top previously was, sometimes he only moves it half way up. Then the top of the record is above the knife, so it couldn't be 48" even if it was done right. As particular and accurate as Monk is, he wouldn't make this mistake.


Mr. Monk and the Genius - S7-E2

Character mistake: At the beginning when Monk is writing Natalie's check, we see a shot of it, but the I in "nine" isn't dotted. As meticulous as he is, Monk would never leave an I undotted (we've even seen him dot someone else's i) especially since it would bother him.


Mr. Monk Goes to Jail - S2-E16

Factual error: Death row prisoners cannot donate organs. No doctor participates in an execution and after the lethal injection the medical examiner must wait at least fifteen minutes to test for cardiac activity before pronouncing the prisoner dead. This is enough time for hypoxia to render the heart, lungs and kidneys useless for transplant. Apart from this, organs intended for transplant must be removed within minutes of the death of the donor. Prisoners are not executed in operating theatres.

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Show generally

Question: If Monk is afraid of germs, then why does he keep touching things that could possibly have germs on them like parking meters or books?

Answer: Notice also that in the opening credits scene when he is touching parking meters her also wipes his hand on his clothes each time he does it.

Answer: That's the thing about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. It's not something rational. He just has to touch things like that. It's not something he can rationally think through. However, since part of his disorder includes an obsession with cleanliness, he also has an assistant walk around handing him wipes periodically. It's like when he gets a cold and uses both a humidifier (because that's what you use when you're congested) and a dehumidifier (to counteract the effects of the humidifier). He may spout rationalizations after he does something, but his compulsions exist outside of any rational thought whatever.


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