Relic Hunter

Relic Hunter (1999)

6 mistakes in Affaire de Coeur

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Affaire de Coeur - S1-E15

Factual error: Entering the secret room in the old part of the castle, the protagonists find there the ring and a specific painting...but doing so, they casually walk in front of another painting kinda hidden in the background...a perfect copy of the uber-famous Leonardo Da Vinci painting "Lady with an Ermine"! Considering that the painting was finished in 1490, the opening caption of the episode said "1430." Even if after the incident the young lord lived into his 80s or 90s, there surely wouldn't be a perfect copy of it in his secret hideout. (00:25:40)


Affaire de Coeur - S1-E15

Revealing mistake: When Nigel shows Lord Aubrey's page from the genealogy book of the various lords of the house, the text does not deal with the lord at all, but it's Latin filler from Celsus' "De Medicina." (00:22:10)


Affaire de Coeur - S1-E15

Continuity mistake: Curled up in the bunk bed, Nigel apologizes for the plot contrivance hit to Sydney's noggin. He is clutching the book, with his hands in obviously different spots between the two shots. (00:10:55)


Affaire de Coeur - S1-E15

Continuity mistake: Sydney is reminiscing about her Peruvian fling; in the foreground her client is taking a sip of wine, and the glass is about half empty. It is already much fuller in the next shot. (00:09:20)


Affaire de Coeur - S1-E15

Other mistake: In the Romeo & Juliet-like beginning of the story, Calum looks at his own hand and discovers Elena's blood. Obviously censorship ratings prevent the scene from being realistic and he has barely a smudge of blood on his own hand, but Elena was lying dead on top of him; the fact that his clothes are absolutely pristine for the rest of the scene is laughable - at least she could have gutted herself a little bit on the side and not where she would inevitably bleed him a river right on his white shirt. (00:02:55)


Affaire de Coeur - S1-E15

Other mistake: Calum fights off Elena's father and is chased away by the guards. Somehow he has a fight on the top of the stairs with 2 guards, but it takes in excess of 40 seconds for the previous pursuers to catch up with him. (00:04:25)


Sydney Fox: I'm talking about something much more serious than a curse! I'm talking about a crazy woman in a bustier.

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