
22nd May 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

One More Summer - S2-E16

Stupidity: The whole episode is adorable 80s camp that makes zero sense. A very public attempt is made to the life of the star player, at a party and there are 3 bullet holes in a car to prove it. He hires someone to investigate, and the only way this guy has to protect him is to be added to the team. That's absurd; not just because it's not how pro football works, but also because being on the pitch getting physical with other players in no way helps to protect Darcey from a shooter that snipes at him from distance; Magnum would have done a better job watching him from the stands and being on the lookout at the hotel.


21st May 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

Computer Date - S2-E13

Stupidity: Mrs. Randalph must be hard of hearing, to be oblivious of Rick asking for her just outside the open door of her study. (00:40:20)


21st May 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

Try to Remember - S2-E14

Stupidity: Magnum totals his car and suffers " a severe concussion, numerous cracked ribs, bruised hip and a contused kidney." The injuries are methodically listed and can't be dismissed, but he's driving, on his own, literally the next day, and the Ferrari (which requires importing pieces, plus an insurance claim) is repaired just a day after. Both are more than miraculous recoveries - and his friends who care this much about him just let him drive in such condition (one has to assume that with damage so severe he'd also be on pain medication, but that's not mentioned).


20th May 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

The Jororo Kill - S2-E12

Stupidity: Kate is supposed to nail the biggest scoop of her career on Bannister and bets all of her career on it, really. but she apparently never bothered to check out how the guy looks or sounds, since all it takes is hearing one sentence from him thanks to the tape from TV, to recognize who he is.


20th May 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

20th May 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

Ghost Writer - S2-E11

Stupidity: TC has been circling his helicopter for ages directly over the building, but nobody inside was aware of his presence until the plot required it.


19th May 2020

Saint Seiya (1986)

19th May 2020

Saint Seiya (1986)

Shito! Kyofu no kokushiken - S1-E11

Stupidity: The 'repairing the cloth' scene does not make any sense as presented. Shiryu cuts his wrists and just pours blood on the armors spilling it before he reaches them (one just assumes that Mu told him off-screen that he needed to bleed all over the armors and not collect it, would have been pretty awkward if he died hemorrhaging before Mu could fetch a bowl), and he keeps saying that he just needs to repair Seiya's armor. Since Mu says that he needs half of Shiryu's blood to repair BOTH armors and he'll die if he loses a third, Shiryu could repair Seiya's armor and go fight armorless - which he always does anyway, he's arguably stronger without it - giving just 1/4 of his blood, instead of dying leaving Seiya on his own. No need to expect a character from a 'shonen' to act logically, but simply a throwaway line saying that he needed to repair his own armor out of duty to his stars or something similar, would have been enough.


19th May 2020

Saint Seiya (1986)

Ayaushi shiryu! Cloth no hakaba - S1-E10

Stupidity: Saori blushes when Seiya opens the door shirtless...but she's seen him shirtless practically all her life, the boys kept training and fighting all the time. He even fought shirtless for the last part of his duel with Shyriu just the day before.


19th May 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

The Sixth Position - S2-E10

Stupidity: Magnum is well aware that the person who randomly dropped from the tree to get his attention (!) is all a ruse, but he just leaves Kendall alone to go check him out, thinking to himself through interior monologue that "walking into the trap may keep Kendall out of it." The guy is playing possum face down on the lawn, far off in the distance. How would THAT guy be a more immediate threat to the woman you are bodyguarding, than just telling her "go ahead on your own through the trees"? Who reasons like that, with obviously more people lurking, since the first is merely a diversion? How do the bad guys even think that this could work? And yet, it does. (00:23:20)


19th May 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

The Taking of Dick McWilliams - S2-E9

Stupidity: If the big Hawaiian dude who is a drinking and fishing buddy of your husband is showing up with a stocking on his face and pretends to kidnap him using the car he always uses, chances are you are gonna recognize him instantly - but not if you are in a TV episode.


Stupidity: There's no explanation for the level in Italy; Billy and Jimmy have already all the three stones by the end of the Japan battle and they need then to go to Egypt. The NES version does explain it, in a laughable way; Hiruko says a rather silly "We must now travel to Egypt to free Marion, but before we do, we must spend time in Italy, practising for the big battle", Technically the NES version has a different storyline, since Marion is not missing at all in the other versions.


18th May 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

Tropical Madness - S2-E6

Stupidity: The elaborate plan of the bad guy obviously involves driving Magnum increasingly crazy and create a rift between Higgins and him, but practically all the most damning episodes are outside the bad guy's control, and all the steps he takes are actually harmful towards him should have Magnum been in any way competent at his job. He couldn't have predicted that Magnum would paint the whole episode under the ridiculous light of "sumo wrestler and midget" instead of "big guy and small guy", he couldn't have predicted he'd stain himself, he'd try and force himself upon the girl, he wouldn't check the girl's background.


18th May 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

Tropical Madness - S2-E6

Stupidity: For the ending to happen, TC must have had his chopper sitting by if not landed directly in the estate, without Higgins saying a thing about it, wondering what was it doing there, etc. He came by van.


18th May 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

Tropical Madness - S2-E6

Stupidity: Higgins believes TC's story about leaning on the gate and causing sparks, but it's barely 20 seconds between the moment the lights go off and when he shows up; in 20 seconds he couldn't be from the gate of the five acres estate to the mansion's door if he ran to it, surely not in a casual night saunter. (00:39:00)


15th May 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

Dead Man's Channel - S2-E2

Stupidity: Magnum, Rick and Marion have yet to towel themselves and change their soaked clothes when the police has been called, have already arrived and recovered the body fishing it from the bay. (00:25:00)


14th May 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

J.'Digger' Doyle - S1-E17

Stupidity: The good fellas at Laseronics have a CCTV camera Joy and Magnum get past, which somehow detects her sneezing from the other end of a huge hall with active machinery. The camera does not detect the sound in Higgins' cell, and they don't give a damn about the fact that the camera has not been broadcasting anything since someone threw a towel on it. Strangest security system ever. (00:37:15)


12th May 2020

Saint Seiya (1986)

Doragon! Muteki no ken to tate - S1-E4

Stupidity: The tournament bracket of the Galaxian Wars makes hardly any sense, in particular in the anime where there is no explanation for its creation and why some fighters have a "bye"; the preliminary round is not over yet, two fighters have no opponents and one is missing, but they rush a fighter who battled just 2 days before, against someone fresh.


9th May 2020

Saint Seiya (1986)

Yomigaere! Eiyuu Densetsu - S1-E1

Stupidity: Despite being in training for 6 years at the temple to compete for a magical armor consecrated to a constellation and meant to harness the power of the Cosmos, Cassios and everyone else but Marin (Shaina towards the end) are mistified about the whole idea when Seiya uses it. What in the world have they all been training for, for 6 years, then? Shaina has to be the worst trainer ever. Cassios even calls it a 'superstition', but his master Shaina channels the power perfectly. It's like a Muggle working at Hogwarts and not believing in magic.


7th May 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

Lest We Forget - S1-E10

Stupidity: The whole knife fight scene is pure silliness; the two got married - when and how, would be nice to know, since it was the middle of the night - and already planned to escape. They are on the car, and just the cranky maitresse talking to them from the stairs; they could and should simply drive off, and nobody could have done anything to stop them. Instead he just stays there to reply to her and gets back in the alley to have a pointless knife fight with the pimp.


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