Steven Lee

Other mistake: A handwritten entry in Phileas Fogg III's diary says he and his servants (The Three Stooges) were interrogated by Chinese intelligence. The word is misspelled "inlellegence." (00:55:15)

Steven Lee

Other mistake: Phileas Fogg III and a confidence man are at the Regent Street Bank to sign an agreement regarding Fogg's bet that he can travel around the world in 80 days without spending any money. A Security Bonded Transfer Company courier arrives at 10:37 with a valise filled with cash. As the two men leave the bank two minutes later, Big Ben is chiming 11:00.

Steven Lee

Other mistake: What appears to be a long hallway in the palace is actually a painted backdrop. When two guards lock Ulysses in the dungeon, they cast a shadow on the backdrop.

Steven Lee

31st May 2024

Safety Last! (1923)

Trivia: The scenes of Harold Lloyd hanging from the hands of a skyscraper clock were filmed on a facade erected on the roof of the L.L. Burns Building at 908 South Broadway in Los Angeles.

Steven Lee

31st May 2024

Safety Last! (1923)

Other mistake: As Harold begins to scale the DeVore Department Store building in Los Angeles, the intersection shown in the background is 10th Street and Broadway. In later scenes, it is 9th Street and Broadway. In the final scenes, it is 6th Street and Spring Street.

Steven Lee

Courage - S2-E19

Other mistake: The clock shows the time as 2:20. Ozzie goes outside and spends five minutes talking with Mr. Thornberry. When Ozzie comes back inside, the time on the clock is still 2:20.

Steven Lee

Dental Receptionist - S1-E22

Other mistake: Cathy Calhoun is knitting a pair of socks for her brother, and offers to make a pair for Ozzie. She tells him, "If you really like them, I could get some more of the material." Knitting is done with yarn, not material. (00:06:50)

Steven Lee

Other mistake: Bobby, Clovis and Celia Bradley find a large gold nugget in a mine. An assayer says gold is worth $15 an ounce and values the nugget at $87,425. That would mean it weighs 364 pounds, more than double the weight of the record-setting 173-pound gold nugget found in 1869 in Moliagul, Australia.

Steven Lee

Top Gun - S6-E26

Other mistake: Five young boys in Ozzie's backyard are pretending to shoot each other with toy guns. Ozzie pretends he's been shot and falls to the ground. When he sits up, the boys compliment him on the way he "died great." Ozzie then tells them about his great-grandfather, a gunfighter known as Six-Gun Nelson. Following a fantasy sequence with Ozzie portraying Six-Gun Nelson, Ozzie is now magically wearing a gun belt with two holsters and two guns.

Steven Lee

2nd Feb 2024

The Rifleman (1958)

2nd Feb 2024

The Rifleman (1958)

27th Dec 2023

Stan & Ollie (2018)

Factual error: A "maple leaf" Canadian flag is flying at the Savoy Hotel in London in 1953. That flag was introduced in February 1965, replacing the Union Jack flag.

Steven Lee

27th Dec 2023

Stan & Ollie (2018)

Factual error: Stan's wife Ida says St. Petersburg, Russia, is a nice place to visit. The city's name did not change from Leningrad to St. Petersburg until 1991.

Steven Lee

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