Brett Crawley

15th Mar 2014

Grease (1978)

Question: At the dance competition the camera dwells on a random drunk guy with his tie round his neck for several seconds. He also partly invades the dance floor to dance with Cha Cha during the routine with JT. Who is he or what is his purpose / role?

Brett Crawley

Chosen answer: He is just an extra. They show him once, looking momentarily concerned, as Sandy brushes past him when she storms out of the gym. They show him in the center of the frame again a short time later hamming it up and enjoying himself. And he does partly invade the dance floor and dance in front of Cha Cha, for no apparent reason other than a moment of being noticed. But he has no actual purpose other than adding his ebullience to the background of the scene.

Michael Albert

Answer: It was Sonny or one of the T-birds did that because he was drunk.

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