
22nd Jun 2009

Minority Report (2002)

Minority Report mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the start of the movie, two wooden balls are created to name the next victim and killer. After the balls are created, they are dull and unpolished, but their travel through the tubes shows them to now be highly polished and shiny. (00:01:55)


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Suggested correction: After being created they are encased before going down the tube and unseen. They could have easily been polished during this time before then rolling down the tube.


13th Jul 2005

Minority Report (2002)

Continuity mistake: When the cheated husband says "I forgot my glasses", the lover is on top of the wife, and tries to sneak by bouncing way up and then turning to his left. The jump is cut and the angle changes to a close up of the lover, but this time he is right next to the wife, as if he had just moved aside. No bounce. You'll need to freeze the image to notice it.


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Suggested correction: If you have to freeze frame, or use slo-mo, to see a mistake, it's not a valid entry.


26th Jan 2016

Minority Report (2002)

Corrected entry: After PreCrime thwarted Anne Lively's murder, and hauled the man away, Burgess steps in and drowns her. The deed was overlooked by the technicians, believing it to be an echo of the original murder. But since the PreCrime cops had actually stopped the murder from occurring, wouldn't at least one of the officers in attendance remember that Lively wasn't dead when they left? And would they have been so incompetent and uncaring as to leave the poor woman just sitting all by herself after such a traumatic event?


Correction: First off, Anne was never found dead, she was just "another missing person". So even if the PreCrime cops said she was alive when they left, that would have no bearing on her going missing. And since her actual murder was discarded as an echo and there was never another murder predicted for Anne, they wouldn't think she was killed. In regards to leaving her, it's a complete assumption leaving her would be negligence or seen as uncaring. The cops are only there to arrest a suspect prior to a traumatic event from occurring (unlike today's cops where they are there after a traumatic event occur where cops would stay with the victim, EMS would likely be called, and the cops would take statements from the victim regarding the incident).


8th Sep 2016

Get Smart (2008)

Corrected entry: When Agent 23 kidnaps Agent 99 at the end, he puts her in the car, he then gets in and drives away. He is wearing a suit jacket and tie but the next interior shot shows him without the jacket or tie, his shirt undone, and sleeves rolled up. Impossible to do at any time while driving, let alone in a car chase.

Correction: First off, this isn't impossible to do, nor does it take that much time. I have rolled my sleeves up while driving plenty of times. Plus, the next shot of him, he's already on the freeway, so we know it's not a continuous shot and plenty of time has passed.


29th Mar 2009

Get Smart (2008)

Corrected entry: When Max leaves CONTROL after learning he won't be promoted to field agent, he is wearing a gray suit. Outside the pet store, his suit becomes blue.

Cubs Fan

Correction: His suit is never blue. He's just standing in the shadows so it looks darker. You can see he's still wearing the same grey suit when he bumps into 99.


Corrected entry: In the bar scene when Tec punches the Mexican guy, if you slow it down, Tec's hand isn't even close to the Mexican's face. (00:46:53)

T Poston

Correction: Needing to slow down the film makes the mistake invalid.


Other mistake: Rocco places the bomb in the "Best Actress" envelope, but Drebin discovers the bomb in the "Best Picture" envelope during the announcement for Best Picture.


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Suggested correction: No, he doesn't. He grabbed a stack of envelopes and put it in the bottom envelope. The top envelope was "Best Actress", but there were several underneath it and he ends up putting it in the "Best Picture" envelope.


Corrected entry: When Frank burps up the shredded pieces of paper you see pieces coming out even though his mouth is almost closed. (00:37:25)


Correction: His mouth is opened wide enough to look like it could come out of his mouth. Even using slow motion to watch you can see. It's only after the paper is "burped" out that they spread out wider than his mouth.


Corrected entry: When they're in prison and you see the people jumping over the prison wall, you hear a dog barking. The dog's bark is cut short suddenly for no reason. (00:30:10)

Correction: You can hear 4 distinct barks from the dog, 2 before and 2 after the scream. But they're never cut short. If the dog had bitten the man, it wouldn't be able to continue barking.


Corrected entry: In the scene early on in the movie where Frank goes to the fertility clinic, he sits on the waiting couch and reaches for a paper. The headline on the paper of the man sitting behind him changes from the shot where Frank sits down and the shot immediately following that, when he's actually called by Tanya.

Correction: This is a common gag in the film series. The headlines are humorous and it's a way to get more than one jokes in.


Continuity mistake: At the end of the movie, Frank kisses and old woman by accident during his speech. The woman disappears during a few shots and reappears on the balcony. (01:19:35)

Dr Wilson

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Suggested correction: The old woman, Barbara Bush, is simply off camera standing next to her husband, George Bush. She had plenty of time to step back to be next to him when we get a shot of Jane. The balcony scene isn't a continuous shot though. And she's back because she's with George Bush on the balcony.


16th Oct 2010

Blade II (2002)

Corrected entry: In the sewer scene Reinhardt melodramatically puts his hand under one of the holes where sunlight is passing through and we see it starting to smoke. He is wearing gloves, why would his body react to the sunlight while it's covered?

Correction: As a pureblood, clothing does not protect vampires from the sun or UV light. Otherwise they would simply be able to go outside fully covered and be safe, which they never do. In Blade I, Frost does manage to go outside with sunscreen and clothes that protect him for a little bit, but Frost wasn't pureblood and still fairly young.


15th Nov 2002

Blade II (2002)

Corrected entry: During the sewer scene, Whistler says "well some of us can't see in the dark, nipplehead". Fair enough, humans can't see in the dark, vampires can. So why do they have the lights on the guns? As a UV weapon, constantly on but filtered for quick access? That's just about OK. But that doesn't explain why Nyssa uses a flashlight in the house of pain as she searches the rooms/corridor/loft. (00:42:01)

Correction: There wasn't a scene I saw of Nyssa using the light, her guns were holstered when walking around the house of pain. There is a scene when Verlaine is searching with the light on. When she and Lighthammer first enter together, you see the filter on and then the next time we see her, the filter is off. But this makes perfect sense in the movie, she kept the light on, but filtered when walking through a room full of "friendly" vampires. When they were out of the way, she removed the filter to be ready to use the UV light as a weapon.


You can see her walking up a ladder and turning on a light to check the room.

Turning on the lights and using a flashlight are 2 different things.


Corrected entry: When Clark goes around the side of the house to see why the lights don't work, one of the mothers goes in the garage and flips on the switch making the lights go on. Considering Clark covered the whole house with lights, he would've seen them come on.

Correction: The running gag in the Vacation movies is how oblivious Clark is. This is simply a joke pointing that out. He even thinks he figured out what was wrong without noticing the lights came on.


29th Dec 2013

We're the Millers (2013)

Corrected entry: When at the airport, look closely at the IDs of David and Kenny, they have different addresses even though they live in the same apartment block.

Liam D

Correction: There's a good chance David, being a drug dealer, has a fake ID, and/or moves around frequently to avoid the police.

Correction: We clearly see David's address as "200 Miller Street", which is the address of the apartment complex and the same address Kenny has. It's Casey who has a different address on her license, but that because she doesn't live in the same place.


28th Sep 2016

Insurgent (2015)

Continuity mistake: Tris overpowers Peter in the testing chamber. After Jeanine says that she has enough guards, Tris pushes him away and turns around. A second later Peter is in the control room with Jeanine, his face already cleaned and without blood. (01:54:20)


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Suggested correction: 10 seconds pass before we see Peter next, he has time to wipe the blood of his face as he goes into the control room. We even see blood on the back of his hand as if he used it to wipe his blood off.


10th Apr 2015

Insurgent (2015)

Corrected entry: When Tris, Tobias and Caleb flee from Eric and troops they escape by running across train tracks, placing an oncoming train between themselves and the shooting troops. However in a shot of the group preparing to board the train, bullets can be seen impacting the side of the carriages all around them...but the firing troops are on the other side of the train.

Correction: They bullets aren't impacting the side of the train Tris and company are on, the bullets are going through the train and hitting the inside wall, sparking out of the holes in the train. We know this because we see barrels inside the train leaking and the factionless tell the group they damaged their goods.


31st Jan 2002

Swordfish (2001)

Factual error: When the copter is getting ready to lift the bus, there is a shot where you can clearly see high-tension electrical wires and a tower behind the parade of vehicles. The wires path must have crossed the roadway the bus etc. were on just moments before. How then, did the copter remain cabled to the bus?

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Suggested correction: Even though you see the tower behind the bus, the wires weren't down or attached to the bus before the tower, only afterwards.


26th Feb 2017

42 (2013)

Corrected entry: When Jackie Robinson is leaving the train station the US Flag has 50 stars, however that was 1947. Hawaii and Alaska were not granted statehood until 1959.

Correction: No, the flag only has 48 stars. On 50-star flags, the rows are off set and rows alternate between 6 stars and 5 stars. The flag seen at the station had the rows all lined up.


9th Nov 2013

Spider-Man (1994)

Sins of the Fathers Chapter 12: The Spot - S3-E10

Corrected entry: In this episode, Kingpin states that despite his appearance, he only has 2% body fat. There is no way a person with only 2% body fat would appear to be morbidly obese (not being toned isn't the same thing). Abdominal muscles start to show at around 9%. Kingpin is a normal person with no super powers, so no special science fiction exceptions can be made for him.


Correction: And Cartman in South Park always says he's not fat, just big boned. It's simply a lie Kingpin tells people. Perhaps the last physician who told him his actual body fat percentage met with an untimely demise so the next person told him what he wanted to hear, that he has 2% body fat.


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