
27th Jun 2017

Animal House (1978)

Question: What is the musical song called that's played during Otter and Mrs. Wormer's affair in Otter's bedroom?

Answer: It's Bossa Nova music that has no title. It was incidental music composed by Elmer Bernstein for the film.


It's the theme from A Summer place.

The theme from "A Summer Place" is playing when Mrs. Wormer comes into the house. But it's not what is playing when they get into the room.


21st Jun 2017

Rawhead Rex (1986)

Question: Early in the film, Rawhead Rex kills a farmer, but the farmer's pregnant wife gets Rex's attention and he goes toward the house. She runs upstairs to hide but the monster follows, cornering her in the bedroom. He reaches out to her, but then relents and spares her for some reason. The movie never really explains why. Can anyone explain why he let her live?


Chosen answer: Pregnant woman (and possibly women on their periods) are his weakness and the only thing he fears.


Chosen answer: They were talking about the apartment Steve Rogers lives in. Pierce is saying Nick Fury bugged Cap's apartment, one of his own agents.


Question: I have questions about the horses in terms of their breeds. Is Gaston's horse a Friesian, Lefou's horse a Gypsy Vanner, and Belle's horse (Philippe) a Percheron?


Chosen answer: Gaston's horse was actually a Friesian cross. Incidentally, it was the same horse Luke Evans rode in "The Hobbit". Purebred Friesians were used to pull the prison wagon. Belle's horse was a Spanish horse, an Andalusian. And actually 3 different horses were used for Belle's horse, 2 of which had to be painted each day. I do believe for some of the action scenes, one of the horses was a Percheron. Lefou's horse does appear to be a Gypsy Vanner.


I don't understand why Philippe was played by Andalusian when he was Belgium draught, don't get me wrong but Andalusian are incredibly beautiful horses but Philippe identity was a Belgian draft.

Are you referring to the 1991 cartoon and asking why the change? Or are you saying in the 2017 film he is identified as a Belgium draft? There were a handful of changes made in the 2017 film that seemed to make Belle more empowered. Or the filmmakers simply may have wanted a different look. Of course, there are many mistake entries pointing out inaccurate breeds being used or named if that's what you're suggesting.


Chosen answer: Penny's reply was "wait, you're inviting people to our wedding?" Most people don't like when other people invite guests to their wedding. Penny and Leonard were getting remarried so their families could attend this time (and a few friends). Mary, Sheldon's mother, is not family to Penny or Leonard, and while they like her, they wouldn't consider her a close friend. I think Penny liked the idea that Mary was hooking up knowing how it would bother Sheldon, who didn't realise what was happening. And it was funny to her knowing the conflict it could cause since it didn't affect her at all.


31st May 2017

Zoey 101 (2005)

Show generally

Question: If Dustin, Dana, and James don't appear in a lot of episodes in the show, why are they still considered main characters?

Answer: Dustin was only considered a main character from season 1-3, and probably just because he's Zoey's brother. Dana was only a main character for season 1 and James didn't become a main character until season 4.


Question: In The Wolverine, when Yashida (as the Silver Samurai) breaks his claws, Logan regenerates his claws, but they are made out of bone. How come they are metal again when Logan panics and slashes Kitty?

Answer: No definitive answer has been given, although director Bryan Singer has said a possible explanation is Magneto helps. At the end of the Wolverine film, Professor X and Magneto are waiting for Wolverine at the airport. So at some time in the future, Magneto could have rebonded the metal to Wolverine's bone (which has happened in the comics). In the comics though, the True Adamantium turned into Beta Adamantium due to the presence of Logan's mutant healing factor gene. Beta Adamantium has regenerative powers as well (it's also what allows bones to function as they grow properly) and Logan's metal claws could have possibly just grown back, over time.


31st May 2017

The Train (1964)

Question: Where was this movie filmed?

Answer: In several location throughout France, from Paris to Mertz, with many scenes being filmed on location. You can find more details on IMDB or Wikipedia.


Question: In the movie and in most of the live shows Christine is brunette but I have heard that in the original book she is blonde. Is that true and if so, do you know where in the book they say it?

Answer: In the English translation I've read (I have not read the original French version); in chapter V, The Enchanted Violin, when the old man is telling the story, it reads "Raoul looked at Christine's blue eyes and golden hair". It should be noted that Christine is Swedish and black hair is uncommon among the Swedes.


30th May 2017

South Park (1997)

Show generally

Question: Forgot the episode and the season, but does Mark, the kid that gets home schooled and ends up beating Kyle, ever show up in later episodes?

Answer: He appears in at least 5 other episodes, but usually just as a background character. He can be seen at Cartman's party in "Immaginationland". He was also one of the kids trying out to replace Butters in the "Professor Chaos" episode.


30th May 2017

The Most Extreme (2002)

Strength - S1-E10

Question: The gorilla is said to possibly be able to lift two family cars, which weighs over 2090kg. If it can, then why is it only number 8 in the countdown while the rhinoceros beetle is number 1?

Answer: They based it on how much they can lift in relation to their body weight. A Rhinoceros Beetle can lift 850 times its own body weight, which would be equivalent to a Gorilla lifting 255 tons (over 100 times more than 2,090 kg).


Question: This was produced by the Walt Disney Production Company. Unlike other Disney films that were family friendly, this one had a dark tone to it and even terrifying moments. Why would the Disney Production company help produce this film considering how scary it is? It seems unusual considering that a lot of the movies they made were more light-hearted.

Answer: Disney at the time was trying to break the stereotype of only producing family-oriented animation films. So they were interested in making more mature films, especially ones targeted to the teen audience. At the time they had already produced "The Watcher in the Woods" and "Dragonslayer". "Something Wicked This Way Comes" was toned down though and some things deemed too dark were removed. It should be noted, this was also the last film under the Walt Disney Production label.


28th May 2017

Beetlejuice (1988)

Question: Why do the couple get old and start to disintegrate when Otho summons them in their wedding clothes?

Answer: Otho was trying to perform a séance (using the wedding clothes as something belonging to the dead). However, he was using the Handbook for the Recently Deceased and didn't know what he was actually doing and accidentally started performing an exorcism. It was the exorcism that caused Adam and Barbara (the couple) to age, in the attempt to destroy them.


Chosen answer: It's unlikely that they ever met, which would mean Mary visited. However, the show seems to imply Leonard has had to call her in the past to help out with Sheldon, and he has her number. Plus, Mary seems to be more motherly (then say Beverly) and one can assume she's called Sheldon a number of times to check in on him and it's likely Leonard answered the phone some of those times and spoke to her. Given that Leonard often shares personal stories with the gang, it's also likely he's told the gang something about Mary.


Question: During the Vietnamese child-rescue scene (in which Vic Morrow and two child actors were horrifically killed in real life), why on earth did they allow Vic Morrow and the children to perform their own stunt work in what was, without question, an incredibly chaotic and deadly-dangerous night-time shoot? With several large pyrotechnics exploding on all sides and helicopters hovering less than 20 feet over the actors' heads, it was a recipe for disaster. Why did the film makers consider it worth the risk to capture a few frames of Vic Morrow's blurry likeness in a wide, distant shot?

Answer: It's unlikely we'll ever fully understand. However, there were already a number of violations involving the children, prior to the stunt. It seems to boil down to the audiences at the time demanding more and more dangerous stunts and actions in their films that the film makers, and Landis, tried to accommodate. Landis also seemed less concerned about the dangers and either didn't think it would be that risky or was more concerned about finishing production on time. For whatever reason, Landis ignored warnings of the dangers. But given that he violated night time production laws involving the children, including hiding the children from welfare workers and telling them to keep everything a secret, shows he was more concerned with getting the shots and must have felt the stunt was that important.


Christmas Who? - S2-E5

Question: Santa doesn't come to Bikini Bottom, but then Squidward receives a thank you letter from him and sees him and his reindeer in the ocean's sky. Why didn't Santa come before? The one voiced by John Goodman appeared in "It's a SpongeBob Christmas" stop-motion special at the bottom of the sea talking to the characters. Can somebody clarify this for me?

Answer: In the "Christmas Who?" episode's intro, Patchy the Pirate is reading a letter where a fan ask if Spongebob loves Christmas as much as he does. Patchy explains they didn't always celebrate Christmas and this episode is a flashback to the first time Bikini Bottom had heard of Christmas. Santa had never visited before because nobody had believed in him before. Santa finally does visit because of Squidward's Christmas spirit. The "It's a Spongebob Christmas" episode aired 12 years later. So by this time, Bikini Bottom had been celebrating Christmas for quite sometime. Santa comes for a special visit because of how everyone in town, except Plankton, is on his naughty list.


18th Nov 2006

King of the Hill (1997)

Answer: I just watched this episode on Hulu yesterday. There is a moment in the hotel (where Rad takes Luanne for a date) when Rad says hello to a man named AJ, while he hugs Luanne. I am quite sure that I never saw this moment when the episode aired on regular TV channels.

Answer: This is a reference to the Backstreet Boys, of whom AJ was the least popular member.

Has nothing to do with AJ from BSB. He was never the least popular. He was like the main singer in the group. Howie was the least favorite and didn't even sing.

Answer: We're never told, but he was just a friend of Rad.


4th May 2017

Diddy Kong Racing

Question: After Microsoft purchased Rare from Nintendo, a DS remake of Diddy Kong Racing came out. Developed by Rare and published by Nintendo. But if Rare no longer works with Nintendo, how did Rare make the game?

Answer: Short answer; Microsoft allowed them to. Since Microsoft wasn't involved in the handheld console market, Rare was still able to develop handheld games for Nintendo (essentially a small division of Rare was allowed to develop these games as long as their main focus was on developing Microsoft games). Rare developed games for the Gameboy Advance which were published by THQ before development for the DS. Microsoft even said in 2003 they weren't going to publish GBA/DS games and if any company wanted to they could. There were rumors at the time that the DS was going to be able to connect to the XBox because of Rare developing these games.


4th May 2017

Sons of Anarchy (2008)

NS - S3-E13

Question: What was the symbol Chibs wrote in Jimmy's blood on Stahls car at the end of the episode?

Chosen answer: It was the IRA's symbol (or their "tag"), an upside-down cross in a circle. It was done to frame them for the killings.


4th May 2017

Sons of Anarchy (2008)

Chosen answer: John Teller (Jax's father). "Piney" Winston (Opie's father). Lenny Janowitz. Keith McGee (President of the Belfast charter). Wally Grazer. Thomas Whitney. Chico Villanueva. Otto Moran (not to be confused with Big Otto Delaney with the eye-patch). "Clay" Marrow (though not a founding member).


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