Brian Katcher

7th May 2020

My Cousin Vinny (1992)

Question: How did the witnesses think that it was Bill and Stan who committed the murder? Didn't they even see the faces of the other killers after them?


Answer: This is actually fairly common in real life. It goes something like this: the witness sees two men in a green car fleeing the scene of the crime. Later they learn two men driving a green car have been arrested for the crime. In their minds, they saw these two men, and as time goes on they subconsciously "see" them in their memory of the event. This is addressed in the film. Vinny even questions one witness about that, asking if it's possible that they just saw "two guys in a green convertible, and not necessarily these two guys."

Answer: The witnesses saw two young men in a very similar car to Bill and Stan's drive off. The prosecutor made a compelling case that they were the murderers, while Vinnie initially bumbled. In cases like this, it's somewhat easy to convince someone to believe they saw what they want to believe, especially if they feel they're doing a civic duty or if it makes them feel important. See the play 'Twelve Angry Men' for an example of this.

Brian Katcher

Answer: They saw hardly anything at all, but they are convinced somehow that they saw these 2 boys and not someone else.


Question: When Pee-Wee offers gum to Francis and Mr. Buxton as a peace offering, what was it with the gum that caused Mr. Buxton to scream?

Answer: It was some sort of gag gum (popular in the past) that either had hot pepper/cinnamon or simply tasted terrible.

Brian Katcher

7th May 2020

Friends (1994)

Answer: He's asking if she wants to know if he's going 'number 1' (urinating) or 'number 2' (having a bowel movement).

Brian Katcher

28th Apr 2020

Beetlejuice (1988)

Answer: I think you're thinking of the musical, there's no Girl Scout in the movie. As for the musical, after the girl plays up her heart condition and how a minor shock to her system could kill her, she ironically survives her encounter with Beetlejuice just fine.

Brian Katcher

26th Apr 2020

The Simpsons (1989)

Oh, Brother, Where Are Thou? - S2-E15

Question: How exactly did the production of Homer's car bankrupt Herb? If Herb, as a highly successful car manufacturer, was spending so much money spoiling Marge and the kids that an $82,000 price tag for making a car was enough of a straw to break the camel's back, wouldn't he have gone bankrupt sooner than later anyway?


Answer: It wasn't the cost of one car, but that they'd produced thousands of Homer's ridiculous vehicles, which they'd marketed as a family car, but cost five times as much as a new car at the time. No one would buy them and the company went under.

Brian Katcher

Wasn't the car just a demo though? How would they have been able to produce thousands of cars in such a short amount of time?


Herb had given instructions to his team to build whatever Homer wants, thinking it would be a success. More than likely the plant produced the one seen while production continued on the rest. Herb had too much faith in Homer and his ideas.


Big difference between a "demo" or prototype car compared to a launch car. The dealers must have stock available of the launch car so people can actually buy them straight away.


Question: When Déagol finds the ring, Sméagol asks to have it. When Déagol asks why, Sméagol says because it's his birthday and that he wanted it. Was it really Sméagol's birthday or was he already so quickly drawn by the ring's power that he only claimed it was in hopes that Déagol would hand it over?

Answer: In the book, it absolutely was his birthday.

Brian Katcher

What chapter in the book where smeagol kills deagol?


The Fellowship of the Ring, chapter two 'The Shadow of the Past.'.

Brian Katcher

Answer: It probably wasn't his birthday on that exact day, that would be too much of a coincidence. But close is definitely possible, or at least closer than Deagol's. Both were immediately drawn by the ring, heavily enough that they fought over it and Smeagol becoming the ultimate winner. Both did everything to keep it.


4th Apr 2006

Red Dwarf (1988)

Answer: Presumably he does, but it's never been used in any material related to the show. He is the only Cat left (as shown in Series 1), so even if he had once had a name, nobody would know it.


Answer: In the book, the Cat finds the concept of a name confusing, as he's convinced he's the center of the universe and the idea that someone wouldn't know who he was is baffling.

Brian Katcher

21st Mar 2020

Bridesmaids (2011)

Answer: The driver behind her couldn't see her brake lights and didn't realise she was stopping.

Brian Katcher

Plus the driver was also driving really close to her.


Question: Andy didn't kill his wife and her lover. Still, he says in the beginning of the film that he did do something wrong. What does he mean by that?

Answer: He later tells Red that he was a distant man and a workaholic whose neglect drove his wife into the arms of another man, where she was killed. Andy thinks if he had been a more attentive husband, she never would have strayed, and therefore blames himself for her death.

Brian Katcher

12th Mar 2020

Cast Away (2000)

Question: Why did Chuck and Kelly not get back together at the end? Yes I know she's with that other guy but they still have feelings for each other. She didn't move on by choice, she had to move on because she thought he was dead.

Answer: She hadn't seen Chuck in years, she's married to another man, and had a child with him. Just because she still cares for Chuck (and maybe wishes things had turned out differently), doesn't mean she doesn't love her husband or wants to leave him.

Brian Katcher

And if I recall, they didn't meet because the new husband told her that Chuck didn't want to see her.


Chuck and Kelly didn't reunite at the FedEx hub because Kelly was too overwhelmed emotionally. The man she truly loved is lost to her, and she knows she cannot hurt her current husband by tearing their family apart for her own desires.


Answer: Jack and Kelly were going to be engaged around New years. So no commitment yet, whereas she was married and had a daughter with new relationship.

That would be Chuck and Kelly, not "Jack."


Answer: She wanted room for her own things. The apartment was cluttered with so many collectables that Leonard never looked at, that he never noticed when she put some in storage.

Brian Katcher

Well if they're a couple why not talk to him about it? After all couples are supposed to compromise on things, imagine if he'd done this to her.


Not sitcom couples. Every reaction has to be exaggerated and borderline psychotic.


It's a play on the "women always do what they want and the man goes along with it" type scenario. Plus, Penny is seriously hot and way out of Leonard's league so its entirely plausible she knows this and knows he wouldn't question her anyway, as he will always give in and give her what she wants.


6th Mar 2020

Joker (2019)

Question: So if Thomas Wayne is Arthur's father does that mean that he and Bruce Wayne are brothers?

Answer: Half brothers, yes, provided Thomas really is Arthur's father.

Brian Katcher

29th Feb 2020

Beetlejuice (1988)

Question: How did the football players die exactly?

Answer: A bus accident.

Brian Katcher

Answer: After returning to Juno's office, the quarterback tells her that he doesn't think they survived the crash.

27th Nov 2004

The Simpsons (1989)

Answer: She also appears in the episode 'Bart Gets Hit By a Car.' Bart sees her in Heaven, complete with tire tracks on her body.

Brian Katcher

Answer: Snowball 1 appeared in an episode where they talk about how Lisa first got her saxophone. The cat appears in a flashback scene where Homer has stolen an air conditioner and the house is ice cold. Snowball 1, white coloured, slowly walks through the scene, with icicles hanging from her.

Question: Doesn't anybody think that when the Star Wars movies were released, that the name of the enemy, Darth Vader, would get George McFly a little suspicious? After all, he had to have remembered the name of the spirit that "came down to him from planet Vulcan" since it is on the cover of his book at the end.

Answer: Suspicious of what? He never finds out Doc Brown has a time machine or that Marty affected his past. It might make him believe in some sort of "The truth is hiding in plain sight" conspiracy theory. Oh and BTW, he'd see Star Trek in 1966 (with the Vulcan reference) before he sees Star Wars.

Grumpy Scot

Marty says that he is "Darth Vader from the planet Vulcan", and unless George doesn't remember "meeting him", he might think back to it and be like "wait a minute..." Regardless of when Star Trek and Star Wars would come out, a nerd like him would be able to put two-and-two together and see that they don't add up, unless he thinks that it's just a coincidence.

Answer: I think it was mostly as a shock to him waking up like that with loud noises right in his ear. Disoriented and confused and already being kind of a jittery and craven person he just did what he was told. Doesn't matter at that point how unalien the encounter actually was. I mean the music was guitars, Vulcan is a common word, the "alien" spoke plain english and i'll bet people from the 50's have seen an environmental suit before (basically a diving suit with a gasmask).


Answer: In a special "front page wrap" of USA Today for October 22, 2015, written by Michael Klastorin. The name of the alien is "Garth D'Vade." Obviously done as a joke, it does show that George may have not remembered the name and didn't associate it with Darth Vader, so there's nothing for him to be suspicious about. It's also possible he believes Darth Vader to be real and thinks Vader must have visited George Lucas.


I highly doubt George became a paranoid alien conspiracy theorist and a respected scifi author at the same time.


Answer: Vulcan had long been used as the name of fictitious planets (when 19th century astronomers thought they'd discovered a planet closer to the sun than Mercury, they were going to name it 'Vulcan'). As for Vader, George wouldn't have heard the name again until more than 20 years after his 'dream, ' and either chalked it up to coincidence or misremembering what he heard.

Brian Katcher

8th Jan 2020

Aquaman (2018)

Question: Why didn't they move? Surely they could've hidden in one of the other states mainly a landlocked one like Iowa, Nebraska, or Kentucky, as in not near an ocean.


Answer: Yes I mean as in his father and mother should've moved, not the Atlanteans.


They both obviously love the ocean very much, and it might have been to hard for them to live away from it. Call it a false sense of security if you will.

Brian Katcher

Answer: If you are talking about the Atlanteans, their entire civilization sunk into the ocean. Instead of leaving it, all that history, culture and technology, they adapted instead. They didn't want to leave their home and be exiled forever. A lot did go and live in other areas of the ocean but by that time humans had taken over on land, and they didn't want to interfere, nor did they need to by that time.


I think the question is asking why Arthur's parents didn't move. Why, knowing that people from Atlantis are hunting you, would you continue to live near the ocean?


Answer: Yes, though that was more common in the past. Several brands contain alcohol, though they're obviously not intended as a beverage. In the book 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, ' there's a scene where the inmates get drunk on a jug of industrial cough medicine.

Brian Katcher

8th Jan 2020

Rocky III (1982)

Question: Why is Mickey stubborn about seeing a doctor for his heart? Does he think this would distract Rocky?


Answer: A lot of older people are stubborn about their health, especially if they fear the news will be bad or if there's nothing to be done. At his age, Mickey doesn't want to hear that his heart is bad, that he doesn't have long to live, and that he has to make major lifestyle changes. As an ex-boxer, he's not going to want to sit in a rocking chair eating healthy food.

Brian Katcher

Question: If they were constantly being bullied then why didn't Ralph and his friends tell their parents about their bully? That and why take the same route home if they knew that's where he'd be waiting for them?


Answer: Until recently, bullying wasn't taken very seriously. Also, school kids don't take very kindly to the idea of 'snitching.' Scut might have gotten in trouble if they'd told their parents, but in the long run, that might have made things worse for them. As for taking a different route home, it's possible he altered where he ambushed them or that he wasn't there every single day.

Brian Katcher

Thanks it's just that when Mad Magazine did their spoof of this I wondered this as did they.


29th Dec 2019

Joker (2019)

Question: Why doesn't Arthur's doctor recommend a new doctor after their sessions end so he can keep getting his meds?


Answer: Arthur's therapy and medication are paid for by the city government. The entire program was cut and Arthur can't afford it on his own.

Brian Katcher

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