Blair Howden

2nd Apr 2024

The Simpsons (1989)

Lisa's Wedding - S6-E19

Character mistake: When Hugh proposes to Lisa using the electronic signage, he spells the word "honor" using the American English spelling. Hugh should have used "honour" as this part of the show was set in England, and Hugh is from England.

Blair Howden

Question: How does Ted have so much time on his hands when he is a solo dad? He is able to attend his son's karate class, no problem. He has the time to shop for his son and make Howard look like a bad father. Also, he lives in a rather nice house, something that wouldn't be affordable if you were just working part-time, so Ted probably works full time. Howard, on the other hand, looks to be working hard to get ahead in life. He has the support of his wife, who also appears to be a stay-at-home mum.

Blair Howden

Answer: Since it's never explained in the film, everything would be speculation. There's a number of things Ted could do to have the type of lifestyle seen in the film. For example, he could be getting child support from his ex-wife if he has primary custody. He could even be getting alimony from his ex-wife. Ted could also be earning passive income (e.g. rental property or other types of investments). It also seem Howard is working a lot of overtime where Ted may have a regular full time job, but has hours set that make it look like he has a lot more free time.


Answer: As Bishop73 basically said, people have different circumstances and situations. It doesn't make sense to say that one single parent should, or should not, be able to do something, judging by the life of another single parent. Life happens to everyone differently. My husband and his five siblings had a single mother. She still attended some school events, worked part-time or temporary jobs, went shopping, and went on dates.

Other mistake: At the end of Marge's video message to Homer, Marge explains she taped the message over their wedding video. The video then shows the remainder of Homer and Marge's wedding. This is inconsistent with The Simpsons' Season 3 episode "I Married Marge" and Season 8's "A Milhouse Divided," which show Homer and Marge marrying at a chapel on the state line and later Homer and Marge alone eating cake together in a parking lot.

Blair Howden

Question: When the three men decide to try to stop Sylvia from boarding the plane to London they go to the airport and are able to go through security right up to the gate to try to locate Sylvia and Mary. Was this actually possible for an international flight in 1987 when this movie was made? Could you go past airport security without a ticket and passport in 1987 for an international flight?

Blair Howden

Answer: Yes. Before 9-11-2001, non-passengers were allowed to go into airports and go to any of the gates. A lot of times, people would accompany friends or family members to their gate or be there for their arrival. And you wouldn't need a passport just to go to a gate with an international flight. In fact, one time I went to pick up a friend (pre cell phone days) and didn't see her come out and was afraid I missed her or didn't see her. So I asked one of the airline employees if she could check the manifest list to see if my friend was even on the flight, which she did to help me out. Things were much "simpler" back then.


26th Jun 2018

Fly Away Home (1996)

Factual error: At the start of the movie Amy and her mother Alaine are in a car accident near Auckland, New Zealand. The ambulance is a US or Canadian ambulance, as New Zealand ambulances do not have the word paramedic on the side.

Blair Howden

13th Jun 2017

Pete's Dragon (2016)

Factual error: When Pete is riding on the back of the school bus and jumping on top of the bus in the background a New Zealand style Give Way sign is seen and also on the left hand side of the road. The film is set in the USA so this should have been on the right hand side of the road. (00:34:00)

Blair Howden

8th Mar 2016

Superstar (1999)

Other mistake: After Mary has a tin of paint tipped over her head she runs out of the school, gets on the back of Slater's motorcycle, and they ride to the pool. Mary is covered in wet paint yet none of that paint is transferred to Slater's jacket. The back of the jacket is shown clean.

Blair Howden

Question: At the end of the movie the town clock that was removed from the train station is shown stored in a basement just as the basement floods. The clock is seen to still be working, but how, given that there was no one there to wind it? As the clock was made during the first world war it would be mechanical, not battery powered.

Blair Howden

Answer: It is symbolic, showing that time never stops. Everyone will be swept up by the tsunami eventually. No force of nature can compare to time itself. Nothing at all.

Question: Why does Biff travel through the outskirts of Hill Valley to get from his home to Hill Valley High school? Biff travels through what looks to be the countryside through the River Road tunnel to the school and he is travelling through the countryside when he heads home from the dance as well. It almost suggests that Hill Valley High is in another town. One could say the road Biff took in 1955 may be a populated area in 1985 but it doesn't really make sense to have the school so far away from the town center, the movie gives the illusion Hill Valley high school is in another town. The only logical answer I could think would be that Biff actually lived in another unnamed town in 1955 and drove into Hill Valley to attend high school, perhaps he was kicked out of the neighbouring town high school. Although that doesn't work that well, as we watch Marty follow Biff from his home to the town square.

Blair Howden

Chosen answer: Hill Valley is in a valley with hills to the west and east. The main street/Courthouse Square are against the western hill, the school is to the north of the square, Biff's and most of the other houses are on the eastern hill or to the south. To get to the school Biff drives through the tunnel (presumably under the railway line through the valley). Note the town square seems to be closer to Biff's house than the school as Doc leaves the house on his bike after Biff and Marty drive away, yet he reaches the courthouse while they are still in the tunnel. Biff only drives for a few minutes so it's not too far, and there are likely to be trees by the side of the road near the tunnel.


Question: One thing I have wondered is how Marty was able to cram so much into the final hour before the lightning bolt at the clock tower which was Marty's ticket home to 1985? Just after 9:00pm George stands up to Biff, we know this because we see the clock on the wall just before George proceeds to the car where Marty and Lorraine are parked. The next time we see the time is 9:30pm with Doc standing in front of the clock noticing the storm is coming, just after 9:30pm Marty plays "Earth Angel" at the Dance followed by Johnny B Goode, Marty arrives back at the clock tower at 9:56pm. So basically in 26 minutes Marty was able to play 2 songs at the dance, wish George and Lorraine the best for the future, change out of his Zoot suite and then drive back to the clock tower to go home. The whole sequence gets even better in Back to the Future Part 2, between 9:30pm and 10:04pm Marty manages to stop Biff's goons from jumping Marty up on stage playing Johnny B Goode, he then witnesses Marty from part 1 talking to his parents and having a confrontation with Biff. Marty and Doc then chase Biff what looks to be through the outskirts of Hill Valley and eventually get the Almanac from Biff, and see Biff crash into another manure truck. Marty and Doc then have time to fly down to the future location of Lyon Estates to burn the book, and then for Marty witness the time machine be struck by lighting and the man from Western Union to turn up with the letter for Marty.

Blair Howden

Chosen answer: Both songs are less than three minutes long, so there's six minutes of actually playing plus, say, four minutes of chatter in between songs. That's ten minutes. Five minutes to change brings the total up to fifteen minutes. At this point, he's till got eleven minutes to wish George and Lorraine a happy life and book it to the clock tower a few blocks over. He's barely got to hurry.


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