
3rd Mar 2015

X-Men (1992)

Courage - S4-E3

Trivia: This episode marks the return of the Sentinels. Before Xavier expresses his wonder as to who brought the Sentinels back, Beast relates Morph's predicament to the story of Ahab. In the comics, a character named Ahab was the leader of the Sentinels in an alternate future.


3rd Mar 2015

X-Men (1992)

X-Men mistake picture

Courage - S4-E3

Continuity mistake: When Morph and Wolverine are fleeing the facility, Morph's hands are colored yellow. It's as if the animators thought he was supposed to be wearing gloves but his fingernails are still visible. (00:06:45)


3rd Mar 2015

X-Men (1992)

3rd Mar 2015

X-Men (1992)

3rd Mar 2015

X-Men (1992)

3rd Mar 2015

X-Men (1992)

3rd Mar 2015

X-Men (1992)

3rd Mar 2015

X-Men (1992)

3rd Mar 2015

X-Men (1992)

3rd Mar 2015

X-Men (1992)

One Man's Worth: Part 1 - S4-E1

Other mistake: Shard shows Storm and Wolverine surveillance footage of Trevor Fitzroy's deal with Master Mold, stating it was all they could get of their plan before the camera was discovered. However, the footage shows multiple camera angles that a lone mounted surveillance camera could not achieve. (00:11:30 - 00:12:35)


26th Feb 2015

X-Men (1992)

26th Feb 2015

X-Men (1992)

26th Feb 2015

X-Men (1992)

26th Feb 2015

X-Men (1992)

One Man's Worth: Part 1 - S4-E1

Continuity mistake: When Bishop and Shard first appear in the alternate present timeline, they appear right next to the doorway of the infirmary where Wolverine, Storm and others are taking refuge. When the shot changes to Bishop stating that they have arrived too late, he and Shard are suddenly several yards away from the doorway. (00:07:20)


26th Feb 2015

X-Men (1992)

26th Feb 2015

X-Men (1992)

26th Feb 2015

X-Men (1992)

26th Feb 2015

X-Men (1992)

26th Feb 2015

X-Men (1992)

26th Feb 2015

X-Men (1992)

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