
Chopper - S1-E15

Revealing mistake: The headless motorcycle rider's torso and arms are not in proportion to a real motorbike rider. The torso is obviously made larger to accommodate the stunt bike rider.


29th Apr 2014

Combat! (1962)

A Child's Game - S5-E6

Revealing mistake: A German soldier steps out of a doorway ready to throw a grenade, but he gets shot, dropping the grenade a couple of feet in front of him. However, the explosion from his dropped grenade occurs from within the doorway itself.


29th Apr 2014

Combat! (1962)

25th Apr 2014

Combat! (1962)

The Letter - S5-E7

Factual error: Sgt. Saunders is looking at a color photo of his kid brother in a letter from home. Aside from being prohibitively expensive for the average family to afford, color photos were not common. Also, the wartime rationing of photo chemicals for color film used by civilians would not be available.


25th Apr 2014

Combat! (1962)

15th Apr 2014

The Heat (2013)

Continuity mistake: While Shannon and Sarah are speaking to Robin, two people (a blond white guy and a black guy with a blue satchel) pass by the trio twice.


18th Mar 2014

Combat! (1962)

1st Feb 2014

The Rat Patrol (1966)

27th Jan 2014

Jack and Jill (2011)

Continuity mistake: As Jill ascends the staircase, the frontal shot of her niece shows the niece's doll in the center of her chest, while the scene from behind the niece shows the doll canted to her right. This is shown several times as the scene shifts.


27th Jan 2014

Combat! (1962)

Crossfire - S4-E8

Factual error: As Stevens charges the German machine gun nest, he fires more bullets than his M-1 rifle could hold (the rifle could hold only eight rounds per clip).


27th Jan 2014

Combat! (1962)

Crossfire - S4-E8

Continuity mistake: As Sgt. Saunders and Pvt. Stevens are about to enter the HQ, in the close up shots are several soldiers walking out of the HQ towards them. In the long shot of Saunders and Stevens the soldiers have disappeared.


27th Jan 2014

Combat! (1962)

The Raider - S4-E16

Continuity mistake: During The Gun battle at the farmhouse, the number of bullet holes striking the window frame varies from scene to scene. Also, the window frame gets shot to pieces, but in subsequent scenes the window frame is intact-aside from the bullet holes in it.


27th Jan 2014

Combat! (1962)

27th Jan 2014

The Rat Patrol (1966)

27th Jan 2014

The Rat Patrol (1966)

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