Saturday Night Live
Saturday Night Live mistake picture

Adam Driver/Chris Stapleton - S41-E10

Continuity mistake: Star Wars Undercover Boss: Starkiller Base: After Kylo says he looks forward to having some real talk with real folks, it cuts to the Storm Troopers getting lunch. As one is getting his tray, there is a sign on the wall stating "Keep your helmet on for safety." This sign is hanging loose by just one corner. But in the next shot, it's straight and held up correctly on the wall. (00:00:40)

Quantom X

More mistakes in Saturday Night Live

Marty Culp: Bobbi and I once faced the terrors of tripping on pot.

Tim Meadows: Did he say anything about people getting hurt?
Lorne Michaels: He said something after the ratings thing, but I really wasn't listening.

Parent: My kid saw that Tim Allen movie nine times. He loves Santa.
Dan Aykroyd: Kid, let me tell you something. I did time with Tim Allen. He's real people but he's no Santa Claus.

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