Answered general questions about movies, TV and more

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A few years back I was watching MTV and they played a movie. All I really remember is it had to do with bullying and a guy was on a video chatting website where other people can see him, and he was saying he was going to kill himself so he stared taking pills, and then when he started taking a lot people got worried and were saying they needed to call the police. The boy finally went in his bed and said goodbye - the cops came into his house and brought him to a hospital.

Answer: It could be the movie Suicide Room.

I am searching for a movie that I believe was made in the 90s.The plot involves a teenage girl who runs away for the summer due to family problems (from what I can remember it was stepmother in particular.) She ends up staying with her brother for the summer, who I believe lives on or by a lake. Her family finds out from her brother that she is there and follows her. This includes her mother and other extended family. I vaguely remember a pregnant girlfriend of a family member who falls in love with someone else (the brother perhaps?) And stays with him in the the end. I also remember a sister who falls in love. I saw this on TV, so it may have been a made for TV movie. Does this movie sound familiar?

Answer: That would be 1992's "Big Girls Don't Cry... They Get Even".


I'm looking for a movie, possibly two, that I saw 20+ years ago. This is what I remember. There is a girl (late teens, early 20s) with short dark hair who gets kidnapped by a group of people. She escapes and I remember her running down the street in her underwear (I think) and then she goes up to a house and starts pounding on the door to get help. An older woman comes to the door and the girl is begging to be let in, but the woman gets freaked out, goes back into the house, and shuts the door. The kidnappers find the girl and take her again. The other part I remember is very vague and I don't know if it's from the same movie or a different one. There is a man with longish, dark, curly hair and glasses. There is also an old pick up truck; red, maybe orange. I also remember a mattress being outside and set on fire. Please help me if you can.


Chosen answer: This may be Last House on The Left.

I'm after the title of a cartoon. I remember watching a cartoon when I was young i.e. in the late 90s (animated film) that had hillbilly style animals that would play bluegrass music. I remember the grass actually being blue in the cartoon. I remember one scene where the 'good character' was versus the 'evil character' in a musician's competition and the evil character was playing so hard that the guitar smoked and blew up. Another scene was when the good character was being told to keep on practising and he would get better at playing his banjo. This sounds really vague, I know, but any help would be appreciated.

Answer: Are you thinking of The Devil and Daniel Mouse? This was an animated short movie made by the Canadian company Nelvana. You can find it on Nelvanamation Vol. 2 or in the DVD extras of Rock & Rule (another, and even better, Nelvana film).


I'm trying to remember a movie that maybe came out in the 70-80's about a man who falls in love with a woman but when he goes to sleep with her he finds out she's a man, and he may have beaten him in a garage?

Answer: Could be 'A Girl Like Me'.

I am looking for a movie where a white women is lost in the desert and then found by an Arab and kept in his house as a sex slave.

Answer: This sounds very much like the 1990 film, The Sheltering Sky, starring Debra Winger.


I was wondering if anyone could back me up on this. When the James Bond films were in limbo between 1989 and 1995 and two studios were fighting over rights issues, I am sure I read articles which claimed that producer Joel silver was desperately trying to obtain the franchise with the full intent of casting Mel Gibson as Bond (despite Gibson repeatedly saying that he wasn't interested). I have found nothing anywhere online to back this up so I was wondering if anyone else had read this. Or it is simply my imagination?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: There were many actors who were considered for the role of James Bond during this period, including Mel Gibson in 1987. MGM suggested casting him, but producer Albert Broccoli rejected him because he was not British.


It's been bugging me a while now. There was a movie I saw only a few years ago, that I can not remember the title to, or even what it was about. I just have memory of one particularly funny scene and it's been driving me crazy trying to figure out what movie it was. All I remember from the movie is this scene where a guy and his family come home. They did something to piss someone off in the Navy, so they found their car in their living room. Impossible to fit through the doors, the Navy men had disassembled it piece by piece and put it back together right in his living room as a way of getting back at him for something. I can not remember what, or who plays in it. Anybody know what movie this is?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: Sounds like Youth in Revolt (2009) starring Michael Cera.


I've been looking everywhere for the name of this movie. It's an 80'2 90's drama/scary movie about a couple who are being stalked, or trying to be killed by a police officer. All I remember is that the cop helps them install a home security system and they agree on the password pyramid, and he tells them not to tell anyone what the password is. I remember that they find out the cop is the one after them because he uses the alarm code to enter their house, or something like that. All I clearly remember is the password being pyramid. Please help, if you can.

Answer: You're thinking of the 1992 film called "Unlawful Entry." It starred Kurt Russell and Madeleine Stowe as an affluent young couple who at first are aided by then are stalked by a corrupt cop played by Ray Liotta.


I stumbled on this site when I was just about to give up. I am really hoping someone here can help. My sister and I are trying to remember the name of a movie we watched in the mid-to-late 90s. All we can remember is a young girl with an egg carton collecting pretty magical orbs. We think she lived on an island, over a temple and that her parents were scientists. She also may have rescued an eagle or hawk from poachers at some point during the movie. Please please help us.

Answer: Sounds very similar to the Last Mimzy. Check it out and see if it fits:

Looking for a 1980's movie about a young farm boy (late teens) who wants to become a singer. I remember at the end he was in a barn singing a song he wrote. I believe his girlfriend was present and it was either his parents' farm or his girlfriend's parents' farm. The name of the song I believe was "Heart to Heart".

Answer: I believe the film was Thunder Alley (1985).

I remember a TV movie from the 1980s (perhaps early 1990s) whereby a sister and brother (I think) come across a medallion. They somehow realize that the medallion belongs to a king (everybody seems to be puppets, like the Muppets but NOT the Muppets, except for the sister and brother). The movie involves them trying to bring the medallion to its rightful owner, however, there are bad guys who want the medallion themselves. I cannot remember much else besides the fact that the sister and brother (who fought a lot at the beginning of the movie), become closer and better siblings by working together in returning the medallion to its rightful owner.

Answer: Sounds like it could be The Argon Quest (1990) or Blizzard Island (a 1988 TV series).


I cannot remember much of this movie but I loved it as a kid. It might have been a 90s movie. I don't think it had any popular actors in it either. It's about a young girl who was kept in a shed by her dad for most of her life. I believe she was mute because of it. Some kids found the girl and sneaked her out with them a few times. The girl and her mother were abused. That is all I know. I hope someone can help. This has been bugging me for months. :) Thank you.

Answer: Sounds like it could be Wildflower, a 1991 made for TV movie.


I'm looking for this movie, and I can't remember much but it's been nagging at me for ages. I remember this boy, and he's in a hamster ball of sorts, I think he's sick or something. He ran away, was happy, and he got chased by an animal or something - I really can't remember anything else. (02:06:15)


Chosen answer: Sounds like it could be Bubble Boy (2001).


I am searching for a movie I saw a long time ago. I do not remember much about it other than there was a young girl and a man and I remember them dancing on top of a truck to Bruce Springsteen's Dancing in the Dark. I also remember a scene where this man kills a dog and wraps it in a flag (I think) and the younger girl sees it and runs away in a field.

Answer: Sounds like it could be Lawn Dogs (1997).


Movie help: I cannot remember the title or any actors. All I remember is a teenage girl runs away from home. A man picks her up hitchhiking, they talk for a while, I think he is about to drive her home, then a truck hits them in an accident and she is killed. The man now knows where she lives and he goes to see her mom. That's all I can remember, if anyone knows what it is called please help me.


Chosen answer: The film is "Snow Cake". The man is Alan Rickman, the mother is played by Sigourney Weaver, her character is suffering from autism.


I'm looking for the title of a heist movie. I don't have a specific time frame of when it was made, but I do remember that I watched it somewhere between 2001 and 2005 on DVD. It had a (subtle) sex scene in it which took place in a sauna, and I think it ended with the main character putting someone on a weight bomb in a white van, and after that he got out via a secret hatch in the bottom, parked over a sewer.


Chosen answer: The movie is "Heist" with Gene Hackman; great movie with numerous twists and surprises...

I watched this movie a long time ago about these young kids and they all went out on a boat on the lake for this boy's birthday. The boy couldn't swim and got knocked off the boat and he drowned and died. The teens took the body and went to bury it - they all swore they wouldn't tell, but then they got guilty and told the cops.

Answer: I'm pretty sure this movie is Mean Creek.


I am looking for a movie that played on the scifi channel between 2002-2004 aired very late at night. I caught the last 15 minutes which showed two men fighting in an old west looking indian fort. The men stabbed and beat each other repeatedly and one had a small sickle stuck in him during the fighting. The film ended when the 2 men wrestled each other and rolled into a bear trap which killed them both, then some people rode to the fort, opened the room the men were in, looked at them, and then closed the door. The credits rolled then. Last thing that might help, no one said a word during the entire last 15 minutes as I remember.

Answer: The film you're looking for is "Ravenous".


What is the movie where the dance teacher dates one of his student's mom just so he can stalk the student himself? It's one of those scary movies.

Answer: The Obsession, starring Daphne Zuniga and Sebastian Spence.

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