The Legend of Bagger Vance
Movie Quote Quiz

Rannulph Junnah: I could have killed you out there.
Bagger Vance: Oh no sir, see I set myself directly in front of ya. Judgin' how you were hittin' them balls that's where I figure I'd be out of harms way.

Walter Hagen: Hey, I admire the way you're dealing with this match, Junuh. Fighting the way you are. It's damn noble. But no matter how good a fighter you are, just remember, I can ask the King to hold the flag for me when I putt, but he's not going to give me his crown, neither is Bobby and neither am I.

Rannulph Junnah: This is getting embarrassing.
Bagger Vance: Oh no sir, this has been embarrassing for quite some time.

Bagger Vance: Yep... Inside each and every one of us is one true authentic swing... Somethin' we was born with... Somethin' that's ours and ours alone... Somethin' that can't be taught to ya or learned... Somethin' that got to be remembered... Over time the world can, rob us of that swing... It get buried inside us under all our wouldas and couldas and shouldas... Some folk even forget what their swing was like.

Bagger Vance: You wanna quit Mr. Junuh? You know you can just go ahead and creep off somewhere I'll tell folk you took sick... Truth be told, ain't nobody gonna really object... In fact, they'd probably be happy as bugs in a bake shop to see you pack up and go home.
Rannulph Junuh: You know I can't quit.
Bagger Vance: I know... Just makin sure you know it too.

Rannulph Junuh: Alright I'll play in your stupid golf tournament (to Adel) I shoulda' let you finish what you started, now I got nothin' at all to show for it.

Hardy Greaves: I heard my dad say that you won every golf tournament there ever was in the South and how you hit a drive so long that they made you stop playin for 20 minutes just to measure it for a record... and how you used to swing righty, but you were in the woods once by this tree so there was no room to swing righty... so you borrowed somebody's lefty club and hit the ball six inches from the hole.

Adele Invergordon: And now I'm supposed to run into your arms and melt like butter on a hot muffin?

Old Hardy Greaves: God is happiest, when his children are at play.

Bagger Vance: Yeah the rythm of the game just like the rythm of life.

Rannulph Junuh: I'm not asking for your crown, Walter. If I wanted it badly enough, I'd just take it.

Bagger Vance: Don't make no sense is all... Man say he don't play no golf when he out here this shade of night hittin balls off in the dark where he can't even see 'em.
Rannulph Junuh: Yep... Well, I've done things that have made less sense.
Bagger Vance: As we all have.

Bagger Vance: See, the trick is... to find your swing.
Rannulph Junuh: What'd you say?
Bagger Vance: Well you lost your swing... We got to go find it... Now it's somewhere... in the harmony... of all that is... All that was... All that will be.

Walter Hagen: The meaning of it all is that there is no meaning.

Old Hardy Greaves: Confused, broken... and unable to face a return to a hero's welcome... Junuh just disappeared... Hopin to forget... and to be forgotton.

Continuity mistake: When they start the 18th hole of the last round, the sun is just starting to set (over the Atlantic Ocean, no less). When they get to their tee shots to hit their second shots, it is already pitch black. This could only be a matter of couple of minutes to walk to their next shot. And, yet, at the very end when Will Smith hears the roar of the final shot, he's walking along the beach into the setting sun? (01:52:10)

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Trivia: The dog in the scene where Adele's father shoots himself is actually Charlize Theron's dog named Denver.

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Answer: There are many reasons that known actors appear in movies and are uncredited. Cameo appearances often go un-credited. Actors sometimes do a cameo if they are friends with the director or the other stars. It can add an unexpected surprise for the audience. There are also contract and payment issues if an actor receives billing in the credit. Jack Lemmon, who was the narrator for the story, may have preferred not being credited. He was certainly a big enough star that if he wanted to be listed in the credits, he would have received proper billing.


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