
Revealing mistake: As Annie gets ready to call Sandy to go to the Warbucks house, you can see the right side of Sandy's head, as they wait for the cue to send him in.

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Trivia: Since the mansion used in the movie belongs to Monmouth University, the pool that's in the basement had to be uncovered and converted back as it was and still is being used for administrative offices for the school.


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Question: Question regarding the search for Annie's parents: When Mr. Warbucks launches the nationwide search for Annie's parents using the best legal and investigative minds of the day, should they not have discovered that said parents died in a fire? The authorities somehow knew there was an abandoned child and where to send the parents' "junk", and Miss Hannigan was informed of the deaths. Obviously, someone knew Annie was at the orphanage and whose child she was. How did Warbucks' top notch team of private eyes miss that?

Answer: Miss Hannigan's box of Annie's parents' things might have the only record of her birth certificate. This is the 1930s, after all. Paper records went missing all the time.

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