Homeward Bound II: Lost in San Francisco
Movie Quote Quiz

Chance: Jamie? Is that you? Wait, what am I talking about? Of course, it's you! It's really you! I found you! I found my boy! I found my Jamie! Oh, I'm so happy! Oh, I could just lick you for days! Give me a hug.

Chance: I'd always heard love hurts. I never knew it could hurt this much. It's like getting a bath and missing dinner and going to the vet all rolled up into one.

Sassy: Does the cat always have to be the brains of the operation? Beauty and brains. I never cease to amaze myself.

Chance: It's a thing of beauty when Chance is on duty.
Sassy: Speaking of doody, I thought I smelled something.

Shadow: Sassy, do you hear a truck?
Sassy: No, Shadow. I see a truck.

Plot hole: The house fire first started when the dog catcher threw the cigarette in the dry grass next to the house. When Shadow and Sassy find out the house is on fire when they're passing by, the exact side the fire started at isn't burning. How did the fire even get inside the house?

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