The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

Corrected entry: After Frodo and Sam encounter Merry and Pippin in the farmer's crop, they roll down a hill. At the bottom, Pippin almost gets a face full of animal dung, and there is a close up of him close to it and he says 'That was close' so you know it was there. The hobbits get up to gather mushrooms, and the huge pile of dung has disappeared.

Correction: The pile is hidden from view by vegetation when seen from the angle that the next shot uses.

Corrected entry: In the mines of Moria Frodo is stabbed by the cave troll. He falls to the floor and the spear is shown. The camera cuts away and then returns and the spear has gone.

Correction: When the camera returns, we only see part of Frodo ? where the spear should be is out of the shot so of course we don't see it.


Corrected entry: When Gandalf battles the evil wizard, Gandalf's staff is taken from him and he is therefore defeated. Gandalf is placed atop a large column until rescued by the giant bird. Once united with Frodo again, however, Gandalf's staff is by his side.

Correction: Gandalf doesn't regain his staff, he has two different staffs. The branches on the tip of the first one are almost straight and there's a spot for his pipe to fit. On the second one the branches on the tip are bent to one side. Both can be seen in pre-release pictures.

Corrected entry: When Galadriel pours water from a pitcher into the fountain, three set lights can be seen reflected in the pitcher.

Correction: All you can see in the reflection are three points of light; there's nothing to indicate what type of lights they are. They could easily be lanterns - there are many of them in Lorien.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Boromir is giving sword-fighting lessons to Pippin and Merry, someone throws Aragorn an orange, which he catches in his hand (and subsequently drops), but, considering the direction from which the orange was thrown, none of the other characters can have thrown it.

Correction: Merry could throw an orange to Aragorn in that time. He is not visible, because he's behind Frodo, so you can see him right after, when he is looking at Aragorn.

Corrected entry: In the fellowship of the ring, when we first meet Legolas he has brown eyes. In the next two films the colour of his eyes alternate between being very dark blue, to icy blue.

Correction: Arwen's eyes change color too, it's an Elvish characteristic.

Nick Bylsma

Corrected entry: When Gandalf first approaches the village on the cart, a water-powered mill can be seen slowly turning in an anti-clockwise direction. The water in the foreground stream appears to be travelling from right to left which would make the mill turn in a clockwise direction. However, in the very next scene (shot looking across the bridge at the same mill) the water is clearly stationary because the leaves on the surface of the stream are not moving. So either the mill is turning the wrong way or it should not be moving at all.

Correction: If you look closely at the mill house, you can see a water sluice over the top of the wheel. It is the water from the sluice which is turning the wheel, not the water in the river. In fact the wheel doesn't even touch the river.

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring mistake picture

Other mistake: When Sam and Frodo are in the field with the scarecrow, you can plainly see a car cruising past in the distance, from right to left. Further comment - there are two different shots which show the car moving from right to left. One starts at the top right distance, and in a shot a few seconds later the car has traveled down the road a bit and is more easily visible. Complicating matters is that the dust thrown up by the car looks similar to smoke from a chimney in the right distance, making some people think it is just the chimney. But chimneys don't move, and the smoke from the chimney is separate from the moving vehicle. [It is deleted on the DVD, but you can still see an obvious bit of image fakery on the hill just left of the smoking chimney. One can see the hill, tree, and surrounding area move up and down and shimmer slightly where someone has done a cut and paste to cover up the auto. The "car inclusive" scene appears on the National Geographic documentary, "Beyond the Movie The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring." Also, watch the music documentary on the Extended DVD - when it shows this scene the car is still in it. Bizarrely, in his commentary Peter Jackson said he never saw a car and doesn't know what people are talking about, but the production/post-production team say in their commentary that despite not thinking anyone would be able to see it, they took it out anyway.] (00:42:55)

More mistakes in The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

Sam: Mr. Frodo's not going anywhere without me.
Elrond: No, indeed. It is hardly possible to separate you even when he is summoned to a secret Council and you are not.

More quotes from The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
More trivia for The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

Question: Since Gandalf knew how dangerous the ring was, why did he give it to Frodo and tell him that he must destroy the ring? It would make more sense to either do it himself or find someone else to do it.

Answer: The temptation of the Ring is directly proportional to the power and ambition of the bearer. To someone like Gandalf - a mighty wizard who wants to save the world - the temptation would, over time, prove to be too much, and he's realistic enough to understand that about himself. With an ordinary hobbit who only wants a nice meal and some peace and quiet, the Ring has a lot less to work with.

Answer: Gandalf can't take the ring because he would be tempted to use it, and it would ultimately corrupt him. This is true for nearly anyone who has it for any length of time, except hobbits for some unknown reason. Gandalf recognized this in Bilbo, and later in Frodo.

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