Best comedy movie mistake pictures of 2007

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Continuity mistake: At the start, when the camera pans through the doorway of Ms. Darbus's classroom, Zeke sits on a tall stool that is about 3 feet high. Oddly enough, in the following shots, the munchkin stool he now sits on only reaches the height of about 1 foot. (Did they really think we wouldn't notice?) The wood stool also moves forward a few feet. (00:00:50)

Super Grover

More High School Musical 2 mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Homer and Bart are on the motorcycle trying to get rid of the bomb, the bomb slips out of Bart's grip. When he's hanging onto his father's shirt, Bart first grips the bomb's handle with his palm and fingers facing the front of the bomb, with the clock. Then when he's hanging onto his father's hair, Bart's hand has flipped around and he's now gripping the bomb's handle with his palm and fingers facing the back of the bomb. Something to look out for is the shot just before the close-up of Chief Wiggum, because as Bart raises his arm the bomb actually flips over in his hand while we're watching. Quite impossible. (01:12:55)

Super Grover

More The Simpsons Movie mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Dave leaves his house for work, there is a skateboard leaning up against the wall by the door and there is an umbrella stand with a lot of umbrellas in it. But when Dave gets back home from work the skateboard is now on the other side of the door in the corner and there are now fewer umbrellas in the stand. (00:03:35 - 00:09:30)


More Alvin and the Chipmunks mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: After receiving the phone call from Nancy, when Robert and Morgan are talking in the taxi, his seatbelt repeatedly changes from over to under his trench coat collar. (00:16:45)

Super Grover

More Enchanted mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Remy is reunited with his father in Paris. They are in a conversation at a little table. Remy's 'cup' moves closer to the edge of the table, towards our left, in several shots.


More Ratatouille mistake pictures
More Norbit mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When the Sergeant has the shotguns in the backpack on his back, and you see a close up of his face, you can see that the shotguns do not have triggers. On plastic prop rifles, the trigger is usually molded into the trigger guard in the pulled back position, and you can see this on these prop shotguns.

Ian Hunt

More Hot Fuzz mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Chazz and Jimmy are talking about Chazz's shampoo, Mane & Tail, Jimmy puts the bottle on top of the bed post. When Jimmy turns away, the bottle is gone. Immediately before he turns, the top of the bottle was visible. (00:32:10)

More Blades of Glory mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: At the mass hanging, when the singing begins, in one shot of the people (with the boy) standing at the gallows, the others down below, who wait at the head of the line, are also seen behind them singing. In a following shot, some at the head of the line differ.

Super Grover

More Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End mistake pictures
More Futurama: Bender's Big Score mistake pictures

Deliberate mistake: At the start of the hockey game against Cheltenham, after the close-up of Janey sharpening her hockey stick, when Bursar says, "Okay, yeah, into position," his close-up is a flipped shot. Note his shirt's pocket and logo. (00:26:35)

Super Grover

More St. Trinian's mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the morning after Alex and Sophie sleep together, Sophie is holding a blanket around her and talking to Alex. The position of the blanket changes between shots throughout the entire scene. (00:55:50)

Movie_Freak 1

More Music and Lyrics mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the scene where the security guard halts Mr Bean (dressed as a grandma) and the supposed kidnapped child, he is asked for his pass. Mr Bean hands the guard an already opened ID style flip card, but when the guard takes it, he is seen opening it as if it were closed.

More Mr. Bean's Holiday mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When Juno and her friend are looking at the Pennysaver in the park, you can see the boom mic at the top of Juno's sunglasses.

More Juno mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the study, when Peter shows Daniel the photos, Daniel places the first photograph (at Regent's Park) on the desk and holds the second. In the close-up of the desk, as Daniel holds the second photo, the photograph on the desk is actually a different photo than what was just placed on the desk. (00:39:50)

Super Grover

More Death at a Funeral mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: While racing, Carter crashes against a wooden barrier, splaterring its bits all over the race track. When the angle changes the road is clean.


More The Bucket List mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Walter is looking for the condom in his drawer, he pulls out a picture of a girl and some cylindrical object and puts them on the desk. The items change position in the shot where he turns his back to the camera. (00:52:40)


More Pretty Cool Too mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Marina (Fernanda Torres) gets interrupted by her husband and her dad's toilet humor as she is reading the draft of the petition for the sanitation project. Her dad Otaviano (Paulo José) has his glasses in hand in front views, but still wears them in the reverse shots. (00:02:55)


More Basic Sanitation, The Movie mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: Near the end, right when "little wonders" starts, Lewis takes a moment to look at his future family, Lucille, Frannie, etc. When there's a closeup on Lewis, his memory scanner reveals a reflection of no one in the gym, except for Lewis, even though people are supposed to be standing in front of him.

More Meet the Robinsons mistake pictures

Factual error: The license plates on Dan's car are very inaccurate fakes. The colors especially are way off. Certainly, the makers may use a fake sequence of characters the same way "555" phone numbers are, but the styling of the plate should look right. Real NJ plates are a pale yellow along the top 1/4 that fades to a very pale tan by halfway down. Dan's plate is a bright yellow (nearly orange) at the top and the rest is white. The numerals are also the wrong typeface. The mistake is made more obvious by the fact that real New Jersey plates are seen in the early portion of the film on other cars.


More Dan in Real Life mistake pictures

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