Best comedy movie mistake pictures of 2003

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Visible crew/equipment: As Will and Jack duel up top in Brown's shop, in two close-up shots a large plank is visible at their feet with two long black marks along each side detailing where the beams are supposed to be, so that Orlando Bloom and Johnny Depp know where to land as they supposedly leap from beam to beam and feign keeping their balance. (This is ONLY visible on the video version.)

Super Grover

More Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When Karen rips open the wrapping on her gift from Harry, in the close-up of the CD as she holds it with her right hand, it is blatantly obvious that it is not Emma Thompson's hand. Just compare it with the earlier shot of her hand when she sneaks a peak at the card signed - "Sorry I'm such a grumpy bugger.. Bad Harry." (01:27:45)

Super Grover

More Love Actually mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Tapia is giving the mural artist a dressing-down, his daughter has a book in one hand for most of the scene, but when the shot changes to one from above Tapia and his daughter, the book changes to the other hand. (02:03:15)

More Bad Boys II mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Becca is fighting against the fridge door, beside the fridge is a paper-roll. Between shots the roll changes from having a sheet of paper hanging down, to the paper being rolled up properly. (00:02:30)


More Scary Movie 3 mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: During their sightseeing in Italy, Sarah and Tom pose for an artist who sketches the two of them. In the first shot, their portrait is tacked on the left of the easel with two other portraits. In the next close-up, their portrait is tacked on the right of the easel. (00:55:30)

Super Grover

More Just Married mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Bruce is confronting the gang that beat him up earlier, he has the monkey come out of the guy, who falls to the ground in pain. After the other guys run away, there is a shot of Bruce taunting them, but the injured guy is not on the ground behind him, even though he should be visible. A second later, he reappears when Bruce turns to face him. (00:38:35)

More Bruce Almighty mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When the dentist wants to put Nemo in a bag, it's a resealable one with a seam at the top. When he finally catches him, it has changed to a normal plastic bag.

Dr Wilson

More Finding Nemo mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When the Angels are walking through the sprinklers after getting shot, you can see the bullet holes in each one of the Angels' shirts. When they get to the car, and it blows up, Cameron Diaz's bullet hole disappears. (01:20:00 - 01:21:30)

More Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Natalie Imbruglia and Rowan Atkinson are trying to enter John Malkovich's "chateau", when Natalie is climbing a ladder a tattoo is visible on her lower back. Later, when Pascal Sauvage (Malkovich) is being crowned, Natalie is fighting a sniper on the upper-level of the church. When the sniper pushes her away, the stunt double for Natalie falls to the floor and the tattoo is missing.

More Johnny English mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: At the end when Bob walks out to see who played the song, there is an order pad sitting near the end of the counter. When Bob walks out with Walt the pad has turned into what looks like a menu and moved to the very corner. (01:42:55)

Joel Gordon

More Stuck On You mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: NBA Finals-Game 1. Andie wants Ben to buy her a Coke. During this scene, the camera cuts back and forth between Andie and Ben, and the basketball game. When Ben first looks at the game clock there is a little over a minute left in the game. He rushes to get her soda, and when he gets back, she says she wanted Diet Coke. There is a shot in this sequence where the camera is filming the basketball action, and you can see the game clock with over 7 minutes remaining, even though they are supposed to be nearing the 30 second mark. (00:33:35)

More How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When Tom and Dylan are hanging from the chandelier, there is a shot of the ceiling showing the chandelier coming loose. Then when it cuts back to Tom hanging from the chandelier, in the background behind him is a crewmember holding a boom mic. (00:24:15)


More Cheaper by the Dozen mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: After their encounter with the monks, Buddy and Dave speed off and come out onto a road. The first shot sees the whole car come onto the road, where there is a double unbroken line in the middle of it. The shot changes to Buddy and Dave in the car. Watch through the back windshield. The double unbroken line has turned into a single, broken line. (01:07:35)

More Anger Management mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When Peter is at the golf course with Mrs. Arness, you can see the golf cart behind them. In the next scene, there is a woman sitting in it and she appears to be the stand in for Mrs. Arness. (Confirmed on the audio commentary). (00:40:05)

More Bringing Down the House mistake pictures

Factual error: In the scene where the kids are viewing the cupcake baking, there is a sign in the corner reading "laugh". The sign is facing towards the chef, when it should be facing the crowd. (00:31:40)

More The Cat in the Hat mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Steve Zahn and Martin Lawrence are driving away from the police in the junkyard, they hit a car in the junkyard, and we can see the damage inflicted on it. However, in all of the shots following the car is not damaged. (00:55:35)

More National Security mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Mitch is sitting on the bed in his hotel room talking to the camera, the cap from one of the pill bottles on the bedside table disappears from one shot to the next. (00:25:30)

More A Mighty Wind mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: During the fight in the outdoor market, Jackie Chan flips a table over with the ridged side facing upwards. In the next shot the ridged side is facing down.

More Shanghai Knights mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When Ben is in the fish and chip shop and is calling Judith Lucy, when the camera pans by one of the chip heaters, a boom mic is visible bobbing around on the reflection of the glass at the top just below the silver bar. (01:05:25)

More Bad Eggs mistake pictures
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