Best comedy movie mistakes of 1964

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Dr. Strangelove picture

Factual error: When the B-52 is flying low over Russia, the shadow on the ground is a Boeing B-17G, a World War II propeller driven bomber.

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Mary Poppins picture

Continuity mistake: The father tears the children's advert for a nanny up into 8 pieces, but when it comes out of the chimney it's in far more bits.

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Hard Day's Night picture

Continuity mistake: There is a scene in the movie where the Beatles enter a limousine, I believe at the beginning of the movie. In this particular scene the Beatles are all dressed in suits and ties, but when the Beatles are filmed in the limo, John Lennon is wearing a turtle neck sweater beneath a blazer.

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Send Me No Flowers picture

Continuity mistake: When Dr. Morrissey comes to George and Judy's house on Sunday night after the fishing trip to bring them some fish, he sits down on the couch and removes his glasses. Then, in the next shot, his glasses are back on again. He wouldn't have had time to put his glasses back on. (01:09:45)

More Send Me No Flowers mistakes
A Shot in the Dark picture

Other mistake: Subtitle (English) appears to be incorrect: "He is setting the scions of criminal investigations back 1000 years" should be "He is setting the science of criminal investigations back 1000 years." "Scions" is a description of the branches of a tree. (01:11:00)


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The Brass Bottle picture

Revealing mistake: When the genie (Burl Ives) moves the fire plug you can see a bracket holding it up and running down to a track beneath it.

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Carry On Cleo picture

Revealing mistake: Near the beginning, Hengist and Horsa are watching a young cave couple dragging each other around. Hengist is pouring Horsa a drink and you can see him pour, raise the jug, then Horsa takes a sip from his cup. All this time it is patently obvious that no liquids are in the vessels.

More Carry On Cleo mistakes
Viva Las Vegas picture

Continuity mistake: Ann Margaret is seen dancing with high heeled shoes at the beginning of a dance routine and during the routine is seen in flat ballet shoes, then near the end she is seen wearing high heeled shoes again.

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More Kiss Me, Stupid mistakes
Bedtime Story picture

Continuity mistake: When Marlon Brando's character demands 20% of the con game proceeds, David Niven points at him with a cigar he holds in his left hand. But when the shot cuts to a different angle, Niven's hands are both instantly in his robe pockets, and the cigar has disappeared. (00:42:30)

Jean G

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The Unsinkable Molly Brown picture

Continuity mistake: At Molly's party after returning from Europe, the Duchess is introduced, and everyone bows. The shot shows Molly reaching for her neighbor who's standing straight, to bow down, and she does. Then there is a long shot showing the crowd, and the neighbor is again standing, and then you see Molly reach out for her again as she just had.

Jack's Revenge

More The Unsinkable Molly Brown mistakes
Carry on Spying picture Carry on Spying mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When our heroes are on the conveyor belt which carries the rocks towards the spinning saw blades, the rocks which get cut in two are seen to be cut before they reach the blades. (01:20:45)


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Father Came Too! picture

Continuity mistake: When the fire engine leaves the Pilsbury Pageant, you can see that there is a blue mattress and a pink blanket on the back of it, but after running over the puddle and covering Mr Chipfield in mud, we cut back to the fire engine and the pink blanket has disappeared.

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Kissin' Cousins picture

Continuity mistake: When the initial site team comes to the Tatum's, the second jeep in the convoy has the same supposedly unique serial number as the one the general arrives in a week later.

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The Yellow Rolls-Royce picture

Continuity mistake: Rex Harrison is the first to buy the yellow car, but he asks for three changes, the first is to move the intercom phone to the left, but when George C Scott buys the car, the phone is on the right side, not the left.


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Robin and the 7 Hoods picture

Continuity mistake: When Sammy Davis Jr. is shooting up the casino, the glass rectangles for the lights on either side of all the wine bottles have machine gun bullet holes in all of them before he shoots.

Liz A Blue

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Fantomas picture

Continuity mistake: When the clerk looks in close-up at the bank cheque written in disappearing ink by Fantomas, the background has nothing to do with the desk, and the distance is all wrong as well. (00:03:10)


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Continuity mistake: When the protagonist of the first episode is shown, he's on the phone talking to his lover, alone in the middle of a room. The cable of his phone though comes always from the same direction even when supposedly he is in different, opposite, spots inside the same room. (00:02:50)


More Love Factory mistakes
False Hare picture

Audio problem: When the Big Bad Wolf is blasted through the wall a second time, we cut back to Bugs who says "I don't see why anybody thinks these club initiations are dangerous." When he says it, the audio is a few frames behind his mouth.

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Pancho's Hideaway picture

Continuity mistake: When we see a close-up of the meter, there is a box saying "10 Centavos for One Hour." The words were not in the box in the previous shot.

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