Band of Brothers

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Question: BoB is virtually free from major script "errors" like in Saving Private Ryan. I am referring to strongly questionable military tactical behavior, which bother me a lot with SVP. (Miller making his own interpretation of military priorities, the strange assault on the machine gun nest etc.). To which extent did the BoB crew consider the script "errors" of SPR when they made BoB? Or is it a mere coincidence that the feeling of military amateurism one gets from watching SPR, is completely gone with BoB?

Airborne Ranger

Chosen answer: The makers of Band of Brothers were very particular about getting things right. It helped immeasurably that BoB was initially based on the book by the military historian Stephen Ambrose, who based it entirely on interviews with the real individuals. Scripts for the episodes were shown to some of the surviving members of Easy Company, and their suggestions were incorporated into the show, as, indeed, were they. It's not so much that they actively considered the 'errors' of SPR - it's more that the source material (the recollections of those who were really there) that was available to them was so accurate that none of these types of errors ever entered the equation.


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Question: How does the ranking actually work? Winters seems to be promoted but keep the same title, is this right?

Answer: Winters was promoted from 2nd Lieutenant to 1st Lieutenant during training (at Toccoa). He was promoted to Captain and Major during the war. 2nd and 1st Lieutenants are usually just called Lieutenant but, other than that, he was always referred to appropriately.

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Currahee - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: In the bootcamp scene where Captain Sobel is yelling at Private Christenson for drinking from his canteen, you see a machine gun resting on Christenson's right shoulder. When the camera angle changes to behind Christenson, the machine gun has suddenly moved onto his other shoulder. This happens quite a few times in this particular scene.

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Richard Winters: That night, I thanked God for seeing me through that day of days and prayed I would make it through D plus 1. I also promised that if some way I could get home again, I would find a nice peaceful town and spend the rest of my life in peace.

More quotes from Band of Brothers

Crossroads - S1-E5

Trivia: In the scene where the Red Devils toast the 101st Airborne, when the camera shows the assembled soldiers you'll see Tom Hanks as one of the Red Devils in a beret at the back left (5 or 6 men in) with his right hand on his hip. His head moves forwards to become obscured behind another soldier. (00:30:30)

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