
30th May 2020

Twelve Monkeys (1995)

Plot hole: At the end the police shoot Cole while he was chasing Dr Peters but the police do not stop Dr Peters and question him as to why a man was chasing him at the airport with a gun, instead he is unchallenged and allowed to continue his journey.

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Suggested correction: There is no connection between Cole and Dr. Peters, nobody knows he is specifically chasing him. Dr. Peters is beyond the gates and on his way into the plane so unless they want to stop the entire flight, which is unlikely, he is left alone. Perfectly reasonable.


Cole is chasing a man and Dr. Peters is running away (and knocking people over in the process). Further, they were screaming "there he is...stop him he's got a deadly virus" and pointing at Dr. Peters. Highly unlikely they would have let the plane depart.

There was a dude with a gun, a lot of people were running, panicking. Perfectly reasonable reaction from Peters. The police were after Cole anyway, so the attention was on him, not on Peters. And as I said, Peters was already past the inspection, so he was where he was supposed to be and there was no reason to stop him.


Not to mention that Dr. Railly can also corroborate the reason Dr. Peters is being chased.

Dr. Railly can corroborate the reason Cole is chasing Dr. Peters. When she points out that he is even on the front page of USA Today with a Nobel Prize winner, I think they'd definitely investigate.

The shrink was still alive and seemed to give up quickly on her mission to stop a virus from killing billions. Like she just let them take her while she remained silent instead of continuing to scream that he had a virus so Cole died in vain. And they would know why he was chasing them because all they would need to do was ask him.

Her concern was with Cole, she tries to protect him throughout the movie. After Cole is shot she knows there is no way they let her continue the chase, all she cares about is Cole. Cole is being chased by the cops, no reason for them to believe what he is yelling, no reason to believe her either, since she is as an accomplice.


16th Aug 2004

Van Helsing (2004)

Corrected entry: When Dracula says "And perhaps the devolution of my ring." he shows that one of his fingers has been cut. Dracula's regenerating abilities should have made it grow back.

Correction: If the finger was lost before Dracule got killed and revived as living undead it would have not worked. The healing abilities only cure injuries which were inflicted after changing into a vampire.

Christoph Galuschka

Correction: The finger was not cut off. He simply held it bent at that moment.

He is not bending it. It's missing in that scene. Funny too because he still has that finger in previous scenes.


Yeah, if I recall, they even mention in the commentary that it's technically a mistake since he has all his fingers in every other scene. (I could be wrong though, but I'm pretty sure they bring it up when it happens).


Other mistake: When the group returns to the lake where Leo crashed, as he is underwater leaving the pod with his pack, he has it in his left hand. The next scene he grabs Estella Warren's hand with his left. The pack is gone. As they swim up, if you watch it frame by frame, the pack instantly appears back around his left forearm before they surface.

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Suggested correction: The bag was always in his left hand.

Might want to add he was holding on to the strap so it fell out of camera view when he grabs her hand, you see it when they swim up.


27th May 2020

Twister (1996)

Plot hole: During the scene when Jo introduced the first Dorothy to Bill for the first time, you can see the blurry figure of Dusty and Dr Melissa holding hands in the background, which is super weird given she was annoyed by his presence at that point.

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Suggested correction: Dusty is leading her to Dorothy, to let her see what they are working on. Obviously she doesn't mind being led there by him. He is eccentric and direct and she isn't used to that, but that doesn't mean she thinks he's annoying. Not even a character mistake.


Corrected entry: When Dr. Channard is looking through the sliding panels at the really crazy patients in the padded rooms, there is a man with a tattooed head wielding a crucifix. The fact that he is in a padded room means that he is a danger to himself and would not be allowed a metal tool that he could hurt himself with. Also, the door on the inside isn't padded like the walls which it should have been.

Correction: Dr. Channard doesn't really care about his patients. He is more concerned with bringing back Julia. He probably allowed the guy to have a crucifix so that in the event that he does indeed hurt himself, Channard can feed him to Julia like he does to the bug guy later in the movie.

Any hospital with padded cells would have padded doors. I think it's just a movie mistake, Doctor Channard only just found out about Julia, so I don't think he would have had the foresight to give the man a crucifix, and his cell was covered in drawings, so he obviously had a sharp instrument (pen or pencil) prior to Channard finding out about Julia.

Channard is a sadist, he enjoys watching his patients hurt themselves and feeds their insanity.


17th Jul 2004

Jurassic Park (1993)

Corrected entry: When the T-Rex moves to Dr. Grant and the boy they hold still because it can't see things that don't move. Unfortunately though, T-Rex's have a highly developed sense of smell and would certainly have known they were there.

Correction: Considering the fact T-Rex's have been extinct for 65 million years, its quite difficult to tell what their sense of smell was like. Also, Grant says quite clearly in the film that sight was the Rex's most powerful sense and if you stayed still, it confuses him.


There is actually evidence that T-Rex had visual clarity 13 times better than a human, and could see objects up to 6 kilometres away. So, T-Rex would have been able to see Dr. Grant and the boy regardless of whether they moved or not.

If a T-Rex is unable to see something when something is standing still, it's not its most powerful sense. Smell makes more sense, but not provable.


Evidence indicates that the T-rex had an excellent sense of smell. Citation: Hughes GM, Finarelli JA. 2019 Olfactory receptor repertoire size in dinosaurs.Proc. R. Soc. B286: 20190909.


20th May 2020

Ghostbusters 2 (1989)

Corrected entry: At the end of the movie you see the Statue of Liberty looking down from the rooftop, and then you don't see it the next time we see the rooftop. Then it's on the ground. How can it move without them controlling it?

Correction: Because it fell over, which requires only gravity.


Also I think they are not controlling it, the positive slime turned it sentient.


20th May 2020

The Dark Knight (2008)

Corrected entry: During the bank scene, there's 5 guys. Three in the car, two on the roof. As they begin the robbery, there are three on the bank floor, one in the vault, two on the roof (where did the extra guy come from?) The guy on the roof deactivates the alarm, gets shot. The shooter then goes down to the vault, where he shoots the vault guy. Technically leaving us with 4 guys still in the bank. He then begins to collect the money in duffel bags. While this is happening, the bank manager shoots and kills one robber, shooting him in the back. Leaving two robbers on the bank floor and one in the vault. Manager shoots the second robber in the arm, "where you learn to count?" Joker shoots manager, and begins loading the duffel bags. The only problem is the the vault guy never came up. He never bought the money to the floor. Joker shoots the last robber, shoots the bus driver and leaves. What happened to the money guy and where did the vault guy come from? "Three in the car, two on the roof."

Correction: The shooter of the guy on the roof goes to the vault to get it open, there is no extra guy. Later the guy who got shot in the arm visits the guy in the vault and shoots him once he has opened it, and starts loading the cash. He goes back and threatens the Joker about killing him and then gets hit by the bus. The amount of people is correct - the bus driver is extra, but only the Joker knew the actual amount.


11th Apr 2016

Breaking Bad (2008)

One Minute - S3-E7

Other mistake: At the end, we see the gunfight between Tuco's cousins and Hank. Several shots are fired, cars smash into each other, a woman runs off screaming. So not a "quiet" attack. However, as the camera zooms out to show the carnage, 2 people who are not involved in the attack, are just stood talking in the car park. A bit odd since there has been a very clear shoot out. (00:44:50)


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Suggested correction: Nobody is actually standing in the car park. People are standing around on the sidewalks talking to each other about what was going on, keeping their distance. Personally I would keep a bigger distance, but whatever distance they feel safe with.


As the camera pans out you can see some people only a couple of cars away.


All I see are bystanders at a safe distance. At least from a distance they don't know where the actual shooting took place. It looks perfectly reasonable to me for the situation.


13th Jul 2017

Breaking Bad (2008)

No Mas - S3-E1

Factual error: The final scene of the episode, the cousins are hiding with other migrants amid a farm truck's bales of straw. One of the migrants claims they are in Texas. However, the mountains in the distance are the Manzano Mountains which are just several miles southeast of Albuquerque, more than 200 miles away from the border with Texas and Mexico. The migrant claims he has gone through this route 3 times, so it is unlikely this would simply be a character mistake.


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Suggested correction: He could have just been boasting, whilst not actually knowing where he is. He is just a kid after all.


Worse than all of that, is the fact that you can't get directly from Mexico into Texas without traversing a river. There are no land routes.

There are no bridges?


20th Nov 2006

The Prestige (2006)

Corrected entry: Julia dies in the underwater escape trick tank because the axe couldn't get her out in time. However, if she was able to open the lid from inside the tank, get up, over, and down, then close the lid (all quickly, silently, and without assistance) when the trick goes properly, then there is no reason that the four men standing around could not have simply lifted the lid, either acting a key in the fake padlock to preserve the trick, or using a key if it's real. At this point she could have gotten her head above water and draped her hands over the side of the tank to stay up. That done, the crisis is over, and she must only wait to calm down enough to get herself down, or be assisted. Cutter built the tank, so he knew how strong the glass was. The only explanation for using the axe was to allow Julia's death, thus advancing the plot.


Correction: You can imagine a number of things. First of all, even if they were able to unlock the lid how would they get it open? You need to get high enough to be able to open it, can't do that hanging from the side of the case. She is lifted into it by chains so there is no ladder to get up there easily. It's also possible only she can open the lid from the inside. Secondly I'm sure the idea is they had tested the glass and found an axe to be sufficient to break it in time. The problem for her of course is that she is under for a minute before anyone realise there is something wrong and she hasn't got the ability to get her head above the water since her hands are tied, there is also nothing to hold on to. You can see Angiers being indecisive about what to do, he is putting most faith on Cutter breaking the glass in time. They are all basically stunned from what is happening.


27th Aug 2001

The Lion King (1994)

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Suggested correction: Her eyes were green the whole time. It's just lighting making it look like they changed color.

The correction assumes these lions are filmed, but they are drawn. So if the eyes are blue, they coloured it blue and if it's green they coloured it green, on purpose.


They are colored to emulate different lighting conditions. Note that the fur is also different colors in the different shots.

A darker shade of the same color isn't the same as a whole other color.



Continuity mistake: In the library scene Indy discovers the "X" high up on the balcony. The X is green with a grey background. When he breaks the tile to find the tomb the X has become a faint outline on the floor. (00:27:40 - 00:28:45)


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Suggested correction: You still can see one "leg" of the X on the floor, it's only darker than viewed from above because the camera angle and illumination set used.

I think it is meant to be an optical illusion.

The "X" is first shown as a dark green "X" on a beige background. Next, we are shown the same dark green "X" that is barely visible over a green background. I think we are meant to understand that the beige square tiles were lifted away in a cut scene.

I see no reason why they would replace the floor just for the higher shot, it's the same floor throughout the scene. When they enter it's the same floor we see later as they are going into the hole. It's probably not a real marble floor, so they can use a styrofoam or plywood tile that Harrison can lift, one that matches the surrounding tiles. They don't shine as much as the rest of the floor. In the shot up high there is different lighting, so that could explain it. It just appears to be different. Of course, sudden different light can be seen as a revealing mistake.


Suggested correction: Not a mistake, just a different viewing angle.

30th Apr 2004

Anaconda (1997)

Corrected entry: When the anaconda eats Jon Voight whole, there is a movement over the other side of the room, and it slides over at incredible speed. Snakes take hours to eat their prey (especially the size of a man) and weeks to digest. During this period, they can barely move at all. Also, after it spits him out (again, not possible), he winks.

Correction: Maybe it goes for regular sized anacondas but not giant huge anacondas that they have to take hours. Also it is possible to spit out their food. On Google theres a REAL video of an anaconda spitting out an entire baby hippo.

Hippos are native to Africa, and anacondas to South America. Also, snakes regurgitate their prey only in an emergency, like being threatened by a predator. Even gigantic anacondas like the ones in the movie would still take several weeks to digest a person, and remain immobile throughout.

Jukka Nurmi

They don't move intentionally, to help digesting their prey. That doesn't mean they can't actually move though, they can if they have to. This big one is faster than any real snake anyway. In the footage of an anaconda regurgitating its prey, the prey is a tapir.


Hippos can be found in the wild in South America. They were the pets of Pablo Escobar. A group of hippos originally imported by Escobar to his private zoo decades ago has multiplied and, according to scientists, is now spreading through one of the country's main waterways - the River Magdalena.

1st May 2020

Scream (1996)

Corrected entry: After Billy Loomis and Stuart "Stu" Macher are revealed as the villains, they stab each other multiple times to appear as victims. Billy cuts Stu too deep, and Stu begins feeling weak and bleeding profusely from his wounds, showing that he may be dying. When Sidney (in the Ghostface costume) stabs Billy with the umbrella, Stu's rage takes over and he suddenly has the dangerous energy to battle Sidney in the living room. Stu nearly kills Sidney, until she pushes the TV on his head. If Stu was dying in the kitchen, how does he have all that energy to fight Sidney?

Correction: At this point he is fully working on adrenaline. He probably was feeling weak because he realised he might be dying and he saw all that blood and got shocked from it (he is kinda crazy), until his anger took over again. He would have probably collapsed right after, if he avoided getting killed.


29th Apr 2020

Minority Report (2002)

Plot hole: Lamar makes his crime look like a glitch. But the pre-cogs must show these two as two separate murders. And they should give two sets of wooden balls.

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Suggested correction: A ball is created when the precogs identifies the killer and victim. However they get their visions randomly and seperately, Agatha being the most powerful one but they have to work together to identify a victim and killer. They put visions together and eventually balls with names will appear. The pre-crime team, led by Anderton, then pieces the visions together to find the location and then go after it, that's all they do, technicians are the ones that bring the visions together for processing by the pre-crime team. The visions they got were seen as "echos" and disregarded before the precogs were able to identify the killer. If they had it would put Burgess as the perpetrator. But since it looked exactly the same as the previous one they didn't allow the precogs go futher into the visions and not put them together. Agatha did have the vision of Burgess but Burgess removed those vision from the system.


But the previous "one" was not a murder so it should not justify a vision (it was only a staging). The real murder is committed by Burgess and it was premeditated, so a brown ball with Burgess' name should have popped out.

The first murder is not a "staging." Quoted from the film: "all you'd have to do is hire someone to kill Ann Lively, someone like a drifter...someone with nothing to lose." Burgess hired someone to kill her so they do have the intention to commit murder, hence the vision. He knew it would be stopped the first time and then the second time would be seen as an "echo" of the vision of the murder that was stopped and erased before a ball is produced.

Staged may have indeed not been the right word. A blame murder or false flag murder may be a better term. Planned in order to point the finger at the wrong person for the murder in any case.


Even staged murders are put in visions, same with the one Burgess tried to set up Anderton with. If someone is killed, the precogs get visions, but they don't know the context (the biggest flaw with the system of course). The visions come before the balls and if the engineers think it is a echo they will discard those visions and prevent the precogs from identifying the victim and killer. If they had the time, indeed a brown ball would be formed. Remember that premeditated murders come much earlier to the precogs in vision than emotional ones, so that was the reason why those visions showed up so soon after the staged one, adding to the idea it was an echo, perfectly calculated by Burgess.


5th Apr 2020

Common mistakes

Corrected entry: It's very common for shows, games, or movies that take place after the end of the world to still show people using fossil fuels like gasoline and diesel in vehicles. However, with the production of gas having ended, this could not last very long. Even when properly stored, civilian gas supplies would go bad and be unusable after about a year, diesel a little longer but not by much. Private stashes of gas, like in cans, would only last about 5 months. And the military supplies of gas would, at best, last for 5 years.

Quantom X

Correction: Stored gasoline is typically treated with fuel stabilizer (about 2 ounces of stabilizer will treat 5 gallons of gasoline and prolong its shelf-life by years). All of my stored gasoline is treated with stabilizer, and I've used cans that are 5 years old and older. Even untreated gasoline can have a remarkably long shelf-life: Some years ago, I sold an old Volvo that had been sitting in my garage with a dead battery for 11 years; the buyer brought a fresh battery and installed it just to test the starter, to see if the engine was frozen. To everyone's amazement, the old car immediately started, revved and purred like a kitten, burning the gasoline in its tank from over a decade earlier.

Charles Austin Miller

Correction: This all highly depends on the quality of the gasoline and the amount of ethanol and its exposure to oxygen. I've heard about jerrycans of gasoline 25 years old still usable. It's also possible to purify the gasoline again so it's usable by filtering it. Don't need a huge refinery for small amounts.


But then again, the common person or every day man wouldn't know how to do these things. Use of gas after the apocalypse is too common in films.

Quantom X

Usually plenty of people around to figure it out. On a small scale at least.


8th Apr 2020

Common mistakes

Factual error: In almost every movie from the introduction of sound on to present day, lightning and thunder happen simultaneously, while in reality there's always a delay between the former and the latter.


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Suggested correction: Hardly always, if the lightning hits right in front of you you hear the thunder immediately. I'd say from about 100 meters you perceive it as instantly, as it's only 0.3 seconds between flash and thunder.


This is a mistake about in almost all movies, not in all thunderstorms. The common mistake in the movies is when lightning isn't hitting 100m away from the character, but the sound is still instantaneous.


I assume it's about thunderstorms in movies. Name an example.


Instant thunder (even at a considerable distance of miles from the lightning or explosion source) is, indeed, a common and probably deliberate error in most films. The reasoning for it is simple: a prolonged and realistic delay between lightning and thunder could change a 1-second shot into a 6-second shot, for example, compromising the director's intended pace and mood for the scene. Steven Spielberg films have utilized both instant and delayed thunder. In "Close Encounters of the Third Kind," for example, when the UFOs zoom out into the distant background (certainly miles away) in a wide landscape shot, they produce a lightning effect in the clouds that is simultaneously heard as thunder. But in "Poltergeist" (a Spielberg film directed by Tobe Hooper), there is a very deliberate scene of characters realistically counting the seconds between distant lightning and resulting thunder. Choosing to obey physics or not is a matter of the director's artistic license.

Charles Austin Miller

I posted this while I was watching Death in Paradise, episode 7 of the third season, but really, you have never seen in pretty much any horror or cheap slasher movie whenever there's a storm, the flash of a lightning coming at the *same* time as a thunder jumpscare sound? It's vastly spoofed, even, when some ugly/creepy/terrifying character makes its appearance. One example randomly picked? Dracula by Coppola, in the first 10 minutes, carriage, lightning in the distance, not even a split second after, rumble. In RL it would reach you a couple seconds later. But really, it's such a movie archetype, I am sure you can find it in any Dracula movie.


The Dracula example doesn't really show how far away the lightning is, it could right above them. It's fake as hell, I agree with that, but the fact there is lightning and thunder at the same time without actually seeing the distance is not a mistake to me. It's also highly unnatural lightning as it only happens twice and then nothing, it's not even raining. It's obviously meant to be caused by the evil surrounding the place. The idea is there is constant lightning right on top of them.


There's a scene in Judge Dredd where every few seconds, there is a flash of lightning instantly accompanied by the sound of thunder. It happens frequently in Sleepy Hollow as well.


I know the scenes you are referring to. In both those instances you have no idea about the distance of this lightning. It could be (and probably is) right on top of them. You can hear that from the typical high sharpness of the sound, only heard when the flash is very close. Thunderclouds are never very high in the air so even the rumbling within the cloud itself can be heard, sometimes you don't even see lightning when it rumbles (yet there is). It's a bit far fetched but you could hear a rumbling or the thunder from a previous flash and mistake it for the flash you see at the same time. Can happen when there are continuous flashes.


26th Apr 2020

Speed (1994)

Corrected entry: When Jack tries to stop the subway and realises he can't, he has a gun behind his back in his waistband. Why didn't he just shoot the cuffs off?

Correction: It's a common misconception that you are able to just shoot cuffs open. It's very dangerous as the bullet can ricochet off and hit a vital part of the body of either party.


27th Aug 2001

Gladiator (2000)

Corrected entry: Although many like to quote it, few have apparently read "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" by British historian Edward Gibbons. For it clearly describes a Roman general named Maximus Quintillian. He may or may not be the person portrayed in the movie, but there was a Roman general named Maximus who defeated the Germanians and was a favourite of Marcus Aurelius. He was killed by Commodus.

Correction: Actually, if you watch the documentary on the VHS called 'Blood, Sand and Celuloid', it clearly states that Maximus was the only fictitious character in the film. If you read 'The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire' and other related texts properly, it is quite clear that Maximus Quintillian was a favourite of Marcus Antonius Aurelius, not Marcus Aurelius. It is true that Quintillian was killed by Marcus Antonius Aurelius' son, but he was called Antonius Commodus. As such, this was an entirely different father and son, though the names are similar. There is no record of a general called Maximus at the time of the early Aurelians, the time of Marcus Aurelius and Commodus.

The Doctor

Do you mean Marcus Aurelius Antoninus? The Gibbons reference about Maximus Quintilian doesn't say anything about him being a general.

There are about 14 Emperors named Marcus Aurelius. Including Commodus, being of that line.The First Marcus Aurelius full title was Caesar Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus. Commonly refered to as Marcus Aurelius. There is only one the first and that was the one portrayed in the movie. Commodus became Emperor Caesar Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antoninus Augustus. Also portrayed in the movie.


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