
28th Jul 2014

Band of Brothers (2001)

The Patrol - S1-E8

Question: Why did Liebgott tell Webster that Malarkey was getting a battlefield commission?

Answer: To mess with him. A lot of the "regular" soldiers didn't respect or even like Webster early on because he was a college boy. That dislike and lack of respect was deepened when Webster took what they perceived to be an extended stay in hospital after being wounded when many of their other comrades - Popeye for example - left hospital early to get back with their friends to fight.

He couldn't leave hospital early because he was in England. The wound in Band of Brothers was perceived a lot less serious than it was, and a lot of easy men were happy to have him back, especially Luz.

If you read the literature around Band of Brothers, you'll find that Kenyon Webster was perceived as a slacker in the sense that, while not precisely a coward, would never volunteer to put himself in harm's way. He only did as told and nothing more. So, regardless of the reasons why he really couldn't go back to Easy, his friends were predisposed to feel he was slacking off at the hospital while they were risking their lives.


20th May 2004

Seinfeld (1990)

Answer: I just Shazammed the music. It is a Jazz piece called "West Side Blues" by John Cameron. A search in IMDb corroborated this.


Chosen answer: The composer of nearly all the melodies that are heard in the show is Jonathan Wolff. As far as the name of the the melody; little interludes such as this are rarely named because they are not complete songs, just intro's or outtro's that are written to help move the action of the show along.

5th Jan 2021

Battleship (2012)

Question: Hopper's brother, who died fairly early in the film and really didn't do too much fighting of the aliens received the second highest Navy award for valor, the Distinguished Service Cross. Whereas Hopper, who saved the world, who had the initiative after his own ship was destroyed to commandeer a vintage battleship and lead it into battle, knocked out the aliens' ability to communicate, etc, received a lesser honor - the Silver Star. Why the disparity?


Answer: One one hand, his brother's sacrifice could be deemed a greater act of valor. On the other hand, the movie is hardly a documentary on naval matters.


9th Apr 2021

World War Z (2013)

Answer: She demonstrated to have wits and be resourceful. She gets to stay in that safe haven and help in the efforts to fight the disease back.


Question: Does anyone know if ships actually have "rev limiters" as shown in the film? Phillips had to keep ringing down to the engine room whenever he wanted to throttle the engines up a notch. I was always under the impression that marine engines that are used on boats are designed to be at max revs all day long?

Answer: Ship engines are run at a maximum optimal speed. The engine could go faster, but by doing so, fuel consumption could increase unnecessarily and/or you may have too much cavitation as the water flow is greater than what the propeller is designed for. But in an emergency, the engineers could make it go a bit faster than the maximum setting allowed by bridge control.


21st Feb 2023

Blood Diamond (2006)

Question: When Solomon met with Michael Sheen, he and Maddy were staging a set-up to expose him, as well Van De Kamp. Since what he and Van de Kamp did were technically illegal, wouldn't Solomon be arrested for giving him the diamond?

Answer: More often than not, lesser criminals are granted immunity in order to bring down greater criminals or complete criminal organizations. From a criminal justice standpoint, it makes sense to let Vandy off scot free if it helps you put the big fish in jail.


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