
7th Apr 2024

Flightplan (2005)

Plot hole: Kyle is an airplane engineer and designer (decent paying job) who is flying on the same plane that she helped designed, and she is traveling with her daughter back home to family after her husband's untimely death, transporting his body in a casket. No one under these circumstances would be traveling lightly (possibly no economy) as she does. She would almost certainly have special privileges and notice from officials, and there would be impending knowledge of her flight prior to boarding.


21st Mar 2024

Lost Highway (1997)

Revealing mistake: When Mr. Eddy is shot in the head and killed, there is an extremely quick shot that you can catch of what is a puppet's head exploding from the shot, before it cuts to Mr. Eddy falling back dead.


18th Jan 2024

Lethal Weapon (1987)

Plot hole: There is no way Riggs and Murtaugh would have let Joshua kill the two officers guarding the house, if they were already waiting for him. And if they didn't get to the house first, there certainly would not have been enough time for them to reach the house and leave a message waiting for Joshua in that short space of time. So, were they waiting for him or not, and why let two cops be killed if they were?


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Suggested correction: They didn't get to the house before Joshua; they showed up after he killed the two police officers. The note is in a child's handwriting, so it's more likely that Murtaugh called the family to tell them to evacuate the house, and one of his kids left the note.

18th Jan 2024

Lethal Weapon (1987)

Deliberate mistake: At the end of the film, two officers attempt to surround and handcuff Joshua. Using two officers to cuff someone is NEVER done for the exact reason of what ends up happening, as Joshua manages to grab a gun from one of the officers. Only one officer would have been doing the deed in the real world, but it's clear this error in being completely against police protocol had to happen so the good guys could prevail over the villain.


25th Dec 2023

Die Hard (1988)

Factual error: Obviously done to spice up the action, but there would in no way be enough time for McClane to jump away when he sees the rising inferno of flames coming up the elevator, as it would be too fast and burn him to a crisp.


22nd Dec 2023

Enough (2002)

Question: Two questions in the opening montage: 1. Why did Mitch seem somewhat ungrateful when Phil handed him some money as a sole act of consideration and respect for him, and what was he inferring when he told Slim "he really loves you"? He didn't even seem all that interested in Phil's compassion towards him even though he accepted it. 2. Why was Mitch upset on the beach? Why not just join Slim and his daughter, talking with them and ask how they are?


Answer: 1. Mitch was being "polite" - putting on a good image - by accepting the money, despite not needing it. Abusive people can seem nice, charming, and respectable outside their homes. He told Slim that Phil really loves her because he has observed the bond between them. 2. I viewed his behavior at the beach as distant rather than upset. He might have been thinking about work, his affairs, or whatever. Also, it was just one moment. Maybe he joined them off-screen. Remember, Slim thinks her life is overall great until she finds out that Mitch has affairs. So he was probably acting like an ideal husband and father most of the time.

Question: If Alex was being honest about being pregnant with his child and wanting Dan to take responsibility for it, then why didn't she just make an appointment with the authorities? If the child was proven to come from him, then surely he would be required to support it by law, at the very least financially.


Answer: Alex is completely mentally unstable. She doesn't just want child support or a legal acknowledgement of paternity. She wants Dan, and she wants him all to herself.

Brian Katcher

Is it possible that she was not even pregnant? (I have not re-watched the movie recently, so apologies if I forgot something.) There are a couple of online discussions about this.

There's a scene where Daniel is talking to his friend and he's explaining what the situation is and asks him about family law. He mentions speaking to Alex's gynecologist, and the doctor congratulates him (regarding the pregnancy). Alex gave Daniel the doctor's number and says he can call to confirm if he wants to - she likely gave the doc permission to discuss it with Daniel.

Of course, that was possible. I'd wondered about it too. She was either lying to trap him or allowed herself to get pregnant. The chances of her being pregnant were slim, however, since they basically had a one-night stand. She could also have gotten pregnant by somebody else. My own opinion is she was not pregnant, at least not with Dan's child.


That's true. However, they do say in behind the scenes though the her becoming pregnant was to be a motive to not move on from Dan. Though they probably decided to make it ambiguous. Though I'd say she's at least pregnant given the way she vomits unexpectedly when watching Dan and his family.


3rd Dec 2023

Child's Play (1988)

Revealing mistake: Look very closely at the way Maggie is knocked backwards after being struck with the hammer. It seems as if she is deliberately throwing herself backwards, which also means they may have used reversed footage.


3rd Dec 2023

Child's Play (1988)

Other mistake: Being struck on the forehead with a toy hammer would not cause someone to be knocked off balance to the point that they are flying backwards the 15-20 feet or so we see with Maggie.


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Suggested correction: Yet, Chucky hit her pretty hard and she lost her footing.

19th Oct 2023

Fear (1996)

Stupidity: There's no reason whatsoever for Mr. Walker to trash the other rooms of David's partners. Someone as tough-minded as Mr. Walker would have been able to recognize the consequences of his behavior. He could have simply trashed David's room and let it be. It simply seems like a plot device to justify David's gang attacking the Walker residence.


Question: Why would Martin risk putting Laura in danger by sailing for the first time (which backfires on him anyway), especially at night, when he knows full well (believes) that she can't swim? He could have had her practice a few times to make sure she was comfortable and ready, then it would be easier to convince her to come along.


Answer: Considering Martin's controlling, sadistic nature, his driving motive most likely was to further torment Laura by forcing her into something he knows she fears. Though he was not intending to deliberately put her in danger by the unexpected storm, he had no concern about her emotional comfort and security. Also, I don't believe it was the first time Laura went sailing. As I recall, Martin said he tried to get her out on the water at least once a year.


8th Oct 2023

House of Games (1987)

Plot hole: After Margaret kills Mike at the end, she leaves through the door that is right next to his corpse, leaving her fingerprints on it, since she is not wearing any gloves. Under these circumstances, the police surely would have done some forensic investigation and dusted the doorknob for prints, which would lead back to her. Considering Margaret moved up from being a psychiatrist to a lively con criminal, you'd think it would occur to her to clean up a little bit, but she gets a happy ending.


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Suggested correction: As she tells Mike, she's out of control. I don't think she planned to kill him, but he goads her into it by telling her she really hadn't learned anything and he played her. THAT was the point she learned the lesson. She took the risk and killed him. The doorknob fingerprints were a risk, but not much of one since a lot of people probably used that door before the police got there.

As for many people using the door after the murder, probably only one person might have used it if they opened it from the hallway side, only touching the hall side knob. That person would have immediately seen the body and called the police. Anyone on the baggage handling side wouldn't have touched the doorknob. Still, Margaret is not in much peril from fingerprints, since we are led to believe she has always been a "good person" who would probably never have had her fingerprints taken.

7th Oct 2023

Die Hard (1988)

Question: Were the terrorists intending to blow up the entire building, as opposed to just the roof, to fake their deaths? If that's the case, then how can they continue with the plan to fake their deaths if McClane already took some of the explosives on the lower floor?


Answer: They were planning to blow up just the roof, with the hostages on it, while they (Hans and crew) were safely below, to make law enforcement, the FBI, etc. think they'd been killed along with everyone else in the roof explosion. The plan was to then escape with the loot in the ambulance that Theo was driving and flee the country before anyone could discover their bodies were not among the scores of others. The former element was foiled by McClane's intervention on the roof, leading Hans to activate the explosives prematurely, while the latter was stopped by Argyle when he t-boned the ambulance and punched Theo unconscious in the parking garage.

But what would cause the authorities to think that the terrorists would be on the roof when it blew up? They could have been on the bottom floor for all they knew. I remember the movie quite well, but may have missed a line that clarifies to the authorities that they were going to be on or close to the roof.


As Hans says: "When they touch down, we’ll blow the roof. They’ll spend a month sifting through rubble, and by the time they figure out what went wrong, we’ll be sitting on a beach, earning twenty percent." I don't think Hans was expecting the authorities to assume they were all dead forever, just cause enough carnage and confusion that they can escape. The FBI might think they were dead, or if nothing else not know where they went. The bodies McClane had left behind might even help muddy the waters. They could then escape to a non-extradition country and live in peace, no matter if anyone figured out they were alive or not.

Shortly after he kills Ellis, Hans radios Deputy Chief of police Dwayne T. Robison. He tells him to get his "comrades" released. He lists off several actual terrorists, then tells Dwayne that after those people are released, the hostages will be taken to the roof and accompany them by helicopter to the airport. Later, Agent Johnson of the FBI tells Hans that his demands have been met and that helicopters are en route as requested. That's why the Feds think the bad guys will be on the roof.


6th Oct 2023

Enough (2002)

Question: If Mitch set up a custody battle for Gracie while Slim was hiding, then why doesn't he file a missing persons report for them as well? Surely he would have figured the law would be on his side as she would seem completely unreliable for "kidnapping" his child and disappearing, and that there would have been some kind of manhunt or tracking done to find her? So why waste his own time into searching when he could just have the authorities do the work for him?


Answer: Mitch is trying to control the situation completely. Yes, he could have filed a missing persons report, but he would prefer to get Slim and Gracie back in his own way. He wants Slim to respect his dominance.

6th Oct 2023

The Crush (1993)

Revealing mistake: When Darian is swinging the pole at Nick near the stairs during the climax, she is so cleanly replaced by a stunt double in two zoomed out shots. The double's face looks absolutely NOTHING like Alicia Silverstone.


6th Oct 2023

Unlawful Entry (1992)

Revealing mistake: It's a stunt double when "Ray Liotta" falls down the stairs at the end, just look closely at how different his face is. You can even play it in slow motion, and it becomes more ridiculous. (01:45:15)


29th Sep 2023

They Live (1988)

Question: When Nada first puts the sunglasses on, when walking on the sidewalk, what did he see on the ground that made him realise something was wrong and different?


Answer: The glasses use a filter that makes everything appear similar to black and white television. This was not immediately noticeable to Nada until he recognized that the grate on the sidewalk appeared a different color with the glasses on (dark gray instead of bronze).


22nd Sep 2023

Disturbia (2007)

Plot hole: There is no way Turner should have been able to fool Kale into thinking that he was the club girl, due to obvious differences in his physical appearance to the club girl. Such as his much blatantly larger size and height, especially if he needed fit into the black dress she was wearing (and to top it off, it does looks very much like the actress when "she" gets into the car).


27th Jul 2023

Basic Instinct (1992)

Character mistake: When Beth encounters Nick after Gus has been murdered, she puts her hand in her pocket and steps forward, prompting Nick to order her to freeze and to take her hand out of her pocket while aiming his gun at her. However, she just keeps reaching for what's in her pocket and approaching Nick, resulting in him shooting her. Considering that she works on the police force, she absolutely should have known for a fact that she was being suspected of reaching for a gun, but thinks nothing of it.


27th Jul 2023

Lakeview Terrace (2008)

Stupidity: Abel sends a video next door showing Chris being sexually assaulted by a stripper at the bachelor party, which would actually get him in a lot of trouble as the video shows him encouraging it. Yet, for some reason, Chris and Lisa don't bother to use this important piece of evidence to make a case against his harassment of them.


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