
Trivia: The first test-screening was a disaster. Most of the cartoon effects were incomplete (with many simply missing), and the crowd was made up entirely of teenagers who weren't told anything about the movie. When the film opened with a cartoon, they began leaving in droves, as they assumed it was a kids' movie. Those who initially stayed started to then walk out due to the film being hard to follow without the effects. However, later tests screenings went much better as more effects were finished.


Revealing mistake: During the climax, one of the weasels says "Toon Town's right on the other side of the wall, boss!" If you look, you can see a brick moving completely by itself behind him. It literally just pushes out of the hole in the wall as though it's being pushed from the other side. It seems like the other weasel was supposed to be animated pulling it out, and they somehow forgot to animate that part. (He does reach over and grab it for a split second... but then immediately lets go for some reason).


Continuity mistake: During the short scene when Jonathan is talking to the yak at the camp, he instantly goes from facing sideways at the yak to facing forward at the campfire between edits at one point.


Continuity mistake: When Rick, Alex and Jonathan are going over their plan at the mountain temple, watch Jonathan's hands when he sits down. He takes both of his gloves off. However, during one quick shot in the scene (where Jonathan says "Me?"), suddenly his left glove is back on. The next time you see him a second or so later, both gloves are back off again. There's absolutely no reason why he'd put one glove back on only to take it right back off, nor would there be enough time for him to do so between edits.


Continuity mistake: During the final battle, when Mad Dog and Jonathan are in the plane, Mad Dog remarks about his men drinking for free at Jonathan's bar, and it cuts to a closer shot of Jonathan. In the first shot, Jonathan isn't holding the plane's doorway, but in the second shot, he is. Additionally, Jonathan goes from facing forward to facing Mad Dog between the edits, and a gun appears in front of Jonathan in the second shot that wasn't there in the first shot.


Continuity mistake: During the final battle, when the planes arrive, pay attention to Evie when she says the line "Jonathan certainly knows how to make an entrance!" Between cuts, she instantly goes from being about two feet away from Rick to pressed right up against him.


Continuity mistake: During the chase scene, after Jonathan says "We can use this!" Rick rips the top off a large box and throws it behind him. In the first shot, only Rick is lifting the box-top, but when it cuts to the next shot, suddenly Jonathan is helping him lift it. The cut is instant, so there's no time for Jonathan to have reached down and grabbed it between edits.


Trivia: It's noticeable that the series drops in quality in season 3. This is because ABC hired the consulting firm "Q5" to rework their lineup in an attempt to boost ratings. Unfortunately, Q5 seemed to misunderstand the series, and forced the creative team to unnecessarily change it. Their changes included making Janine a blander character and relegating Winston to just being "the driver." The crew hated the changes, which they felt were often racist and sexist. Some even left out of protest.


Trivia: Since Roger's voice actor Charles Fleischer would wear a Roger costume to "get into character," producers and executives from other productions who happened to see him would often mistakenly think he was the actual character that would appear in the final film. Evidently, it was a running joke at the studio for people to talk about "how bad the rabbit movie looks," since they didn't realise the finished film would include an actual cartoon character.


17th Feb 2022

Halloween Kills (2021)

Trivia: One of many movies impacted by the COVID pandemic. It's release was pushed back a full year from October, 2020 to October, 2021.


Continuity mistake: When Alex and Rick are discussing their guns and battle tactics, when Alex says the line "I say we ambush them with long-range rifles...", pay attention to Jonathan sitting in the background. In the first shot Jonathan only just starts to stand up. But then it cuts to a closeup of him, and he's not only standing all the way up, but he's also walking to the left. The cut is instant, so there's no time for him to have finished standing up and started walking between the cuts.


Trivia: The film was originally supposed to have a production budget of $32 million. However, before filming, it was slashed all the way down to $17 million. This is part of the reason for the film's poor quality - the production lost almost 50% of its budget at the last minute.


15th Feb 2022

Scream (2022)

Trivia: Came out almost exactly 25 years after the original. The original came out in December 1996. This film came out January 2022, with a difference of only about three weeks.


14th Feb 2022

The Suicide Squad (2021)

Trivia: In the prison sequence, at one point a TV is visible in the background playing the famous and infamous cult-film "The Toxic Avenger." "The Toxic Avenger" was produced by the independent studio Troma Entertainment. Director James Gunn actually got his start working for Troma, writing the cult favorite "Tromeo and Juliet," and doing various other behind-the-scenes jobs on several other Troma productions. As a thank-you, Gunn often includes Troma easter-eggs in his films.


13th Feb 2022

Odd Thomas (2013)

Question: Not strictly a question about the movie, but is there any reason why, as of 2022, director Stephen Sommers hasn't directed any more movies after "Odd Thomas?" It's been 11 years since this movie was actually shot (and 8 years since its release), and the only thing he's done since this movie has been executive producing two direct-to-video "Scorpion King" sequels. He did some pretty popular films in the 90's and early 2000's, so it seems strange that he's just sort-of disappeared recently.


Continuity mistake: During the final fight, around when Rick says "Enough tricks! Where is your honor?!" there's a quick shot of Alex unconscious. His body is leaning against a pillar. About 2 seconds later, Rick runs up on top of a globe-shaped structure (right before he says "Fight like a man!"), and Alex is visible on the side of frame - he's in a completely different position and no longer leaning against the pillar. There's not enough time for him to have moved between the two shots, plus he's knocked out.


Continuity mistake: At one point during the big battle, Rick and Evie run up a small hill and Rick grabs a sword from the ground after running out of ammo. Evie is behind him. The camera cuts to a different angle as Rick charges at some terracotta warriors, and suddenly Evie is in front of him and running behind him again.


Audio problem: When Yang is about to bring the Emperor to life, he says "Once this touches him, the Emperor will rise... to rule again!" When he says "to rule again!" his mouth is closed. It's a very wide shot, so you have to look closely to notice... but his mouth is definitely closed.


Continuity mistake: When she's first given the Eye of Shangri-La by her old associate, Evie is holding it and the box it came from in front of her is open. There's a few very quick cuts, and suddenly she's no longer holding it and the box in front of her is closed. There's no time for her to have put it away and closed the box between cuts, nor do we hear the box being closed. It seems like a few shots of her putting it away has been edited out to quicken the pacing of the scene. Regardless, it's a mistake.


Continuity mistake: When their old associate is first giving Rick and Evie the Eye of Shangri-La, watch closely when Rick says "Just out of curiosity, what is the mission?" After he delivers this line, there's an edit, and his facial expression completely changes instantly between shots.


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