
Factual error: While measuring the Electromagnetic Field (EMF) being given off by Stonehenge in the film, a scientist exclaims that the frequency is increasing to over 100 Gigahertz, and is approaching radioactivity. This is absurd. EMF is radiation of electromagnetic waves over a wide spectrum of frequencies. Its strength depends on the frequency at which it is measured, with no relation to radioactivity whatsoever. It has a magnetic and an electrical component, but no nuclear breakdown as such.


9th Apr 2023

The Ark (2023)

Hoping for Forever - S1-E10

Factual error: Trust called Proxima B an "eyeball" planet, meaning according to him a planet that does not spin on its own axis and always has one side facing the sun. That is incorrect. If only one side faces the sun it means the rotation on its axis and its revolution around the sun are the same.Otherwise, the planet would seasonally have all of its surface facing the sun once every solar year.


2nd Apr 2023

Firequake (2014)

Character mistake: Nikki lost her insulin kit and needs insulin. Her mother suggests getting her a fruit juice, something sweet. Fruit juice contains a large amount of sugar which raises blood sugar levels very quickly. Therefore, people with diabetes are usually best to avoid drinking fruit juice. Her suggestion is absurd.


26th Mar 2023

Interceptor (2022)

Revealing mistake: Corporal Shah is tied and on a chair in the command center. He then receives a powerful blow to his left check, knocking him sideways and rendering him unconscious. But his glasses do not even move a millimeter.


22nd Mar 2023

Stormageddon (2015)

Continuity mistake: There are several fist fights between Cain and Adam. In most of them one scene does not relate to the previous one. For example, Cain is walking away, and the next cut shows them embraced in a shoving match. This discontinuity happens in many encounters.


22nd Mar 2023

Stormageddon (2015)

Factual error: A library assistant is showing his cellphone to a Fed. The Fed pulls out his gun and shoots the assistant from about 8 inches away into his left temple. Another Fed, standing to the immediate right of the assistant is shown after the shot. But there is no blood or material spray on him at all. His white shirt is immaculate. In fact, there is no blood anywhere.


Factual error: The Life One spacecraft is hit by a micrometeoroid. Sparks are to fly, among other effects. The sparks are bifurcated, meaning they were produced by using a grinder, not by a micrometeoroid collision.


20th Mar 2023

Magnum P.I. (2018)

Dead Ringer - S5-E6

Continuity mistake: Magnum goes to Jack Hill's house to investigate a murder. The home has a smart lock, so he breaks in through a window. Later, Det. Chris Childs goes to the same house. This time the front is different and there is a keyhole and a pushbutton for the doorbell.


20th Mar 2023

Magnum P.I. (2018)

NSFW - S5-E4

Factual error: The lady who was killed had been using a shredder "for over ten minutes straight" the night she was killed, according to the handyman. Nothing was apparently missing, though. The next day it turned out that what she received was an employment contract. No matter how many pages the contract was, it does not take ten minutes to shred.


20th Mar 2023

Magnum P.I. (2018)

NSFW - S5-E4

Factual error: Higgins finds a bloodstained bag in the dumpster. The stain is bright red. The blood belongs to a person who was killed late the previous night, around midnight. After being in the hot sun for many hours the blood would have oxidized and be closer to a brown color, not bright red.


Continuity mistake: Evelyn is reading the instructions for the transition. Item 4 says "Don't forget to breath." When she reads them again prior to pressing the green button, the note now correctly says "Don't forget to breathe."


26th Feb 2023

Risen (2021)

Other mistake: Soldiers are shown wearing camouflage BDUs. They have an American flag sewn on their right sleeve. But the flag is of the wrong type. When a flag is worn on the right sleeve, the field of stars faces the front. In this scene their flags have the field of stars to the rear. Those flags are meant to be worn on the left sleeve. It is a tradition that dates back to the 1860s. (00:57:33)


23rd Feb 2023

Interceptor (2022)

Factual error: The nuclear missiles are shown in flight numerous times. They're travelling horizontally, and have their rocket motors on. Except that long range nuclear missiles are ballistic, and follow a curved path to and from space. And their rocket motors are on only for the thrust phase of the flight, and not halfway to the target.


15th Feb 2023

Plane (2023)

Factual error: There are numerous minor errors in this movie in addition to the major ones I cited in other entries. - A person is killed when he falls in the aisle during turbulence. After a very jarring emergency landing, the body has not moved an inch. - The survivors are "in the middle of the jungle" yet there was a road wide and long enough and unobstructed to allow the plane to land with the gear down.


15th Feb 2023

Plane (2023)

Factual error: After a power outage the captain states that operating on batteries (?) he has 10 minutes of power, followed by an uncontrolled descent. That is ludicrous. Aircraft can glide to a landing with no power or engines. Further, commercial airliners have a Ram Air Turbine that can supply hydraulic as well as electrical power even if the engines are not functioning.


15th Feb 2023

Plane (2023)

Factual error: Electrical power is lost due to thunderstorms/turbulence. Even if one admits that were possible, the captain tries to transmit a mayday signal. But he states that he has no altimeter, no navigation, no radar, no ADI. Some is true, but even without power an airplane has a functioning altimeter, a magnetic compass, an airspeed indicator, and an Attitude Directional Indicator (ADI). (00:15:55)


15th Feb 2023

Plane (2023)

Factual error: The captain requests a climb to "40,000 feet" to avoid weather. The correct terminology would have been to request a climb to "Flight Level 400." Class A airspace begins at 18,000 feet and everything above that is designated in Flight Levels, not feet.


15th Feb 2023

Plane (2023)

Factual error: The captain and the first officer are both supposed to be wearing the uniform of Trailblazer Airlines. Yet their ties are completely different.


Ghosts - S3-E6

Factual error: Elizabeth Wright calls an officer on her cellphone. She addresses him as "General" Ramos. But a cut to the "general" shows he is wearing the uniform of a US Navy Admiral. (00:15:50)


18th Jan 2023

Risen (2021)

Other mistake: General Gomes has 13 ribbons. The order of precedence is correct, which shows somebody was careful to place them correctly. But not correct enough. The Armed Forces Expeditionary Service Ribbon is upside down. (00:42:06)


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