
18th Apr 2007

Eragon (2006)

Audio problem: There are several times in the film when Brom and Eragon can be seen mouthing the words "he" and "him" when referring to Saphira. This is most obvious in the scene where they have fled from the Ra'zacs and get off their horses.


10th Apr 2007

Cold Case (2003)

Torn - S4-E21

Continuity mistake: At the end of the episode, when Elizabeth Stone is arguing with her daughter at the top of the stairs, her shawl goes from around her arms, to across her back, to completely gone several times from shot to shot.


1st Feb 2007

Heroes (2006)

25th Jan 2007

Apollo 13 (1995)

25th Jan 2007

Apollo 13 (1995)

17th Jan 2007

Bound for Glory (1976)

Continuity mistake: When Travis goes to visit Dr. Rand to tell her what happened, she sticks a shotgun through the opening in the door to drive him off. Once he explains who he is, we hear the door unlock. In the next shot, when Travis walks in, Dr. Rand is instantly on the other side of the huge penthouse.


24th Oct 2006

Airwolf (1984)

18th Oct 2006

Annie Hall (1977)

Trivia: In the scene in which Alvy and Annie are watching people in the park and Alvy comments, "Oh, there goes the winner of the Truman Capote Look-Alike Contest," the passer by is actually Truman Capote, in an un-credited cameo.


3rd Oct 2006

Apollo 13 (1995)

3rd Oct 2006

Rocky (1976)

Trivia: Due to budget constraints, members of Sylvester Stallone's family were used to play certain minor parts; his father appears as a bell ringer, his brother was used as a street corner singer and Stallone's first wife was the set photographer.


3rd Oct 2006

Airplane (1980)

Trivia: The Zuckers' mother makes a cameo as the woman who is trying to put on makeup as the plane gets jolted around. (00:42:10 - 00:58:10)


Trivia: Peter Jackson ran out of budget money during production, so the Vietnam flashback was filmed, under a separate budget, as 'The Frogs of War', and then incorporated into the film.


25th Sep 2006

The Shining (1980)

19th Sep 2006

The Exorcist (1973)

Trivia: The Prospect Avenue apartment where the story takes place was once inhabited by the author, William Peter Blatty, while he was a student at Georgetown University. The house is at the corner of 36th and Prospect.


Trivia: During the dinner scene towards the end of the film, when Leatherface cuts Sally's (Marilyn Burns) finger, he actually does cut her finger. The protective cover was taken off without warning Burns, and her reaction on screen is real.


14th Sep 2006

The Exorcist (1973)

14th Aug 2006

Big Top Pee-Wee (1988)

Continuity mistake: When Pee-Wee and Winnie are having the picnic under the tree, he wipes a big gob of something from his face onto her dress. In the next shot, there is absolutely nothing on her dress.


Deliberate mistake: When Lex tests the crystal fragment, it knocks out all the power on the airplane Lois is flying in, yet the flight attendant's amplified voice can still be heard over the speakers. (00:30:40)


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