
23rd Sep 2019

Prison Break (2005)

23rd Sep 2019

Prison Break (2005)

Prison Break mistake picture

John Doe - S2-E14

Continuity mistake: When Paul and the brothers get off the plane in Montana, the passenger door is left ajar. As the trio walks off it closes itself. This is after the pilot is entering the plane, and no he didn't have time to shut it himself. (00:20:50)


7th Feb 2007

Prison Break (2005)

Prison Break mistake picture

Chicago - S2-E16

Continuity mistake: As the train is approaching the police road block, we get a shot behind the police cars right before the train hits them. At that point all the policemen are gone. In the next shot, the policemen are back by the police cars. (00:28:30)


12th Mar 2019

Prison Break (2005)

26th Mar 2019

Prison Break (2005)

21st Sep 2019

Prison Break (2005)

21st Sep 2019

Prison Break (2005)

19th Sep 2019

Prison Break (2005)

19th Sep 2019

Prison Break (2005)

Prison Break mistake picture

The Killing Box - S2-E13

Continuity mistake: We see T-Bag standing leaning against a post - he has a pocket watch in his good hand and his bad hand is lowered. Camera cuts and now his bad hand is raised and his good hand is open palmed. (00:29:28)


19th Sep 2019

Prison Break (2005)

18th Sep 2019

Prison Break (2005)

19th Sep 2019

Prison Break (2005)

Prison Break mistake picture

Disconnect - S2-E12

Continuity mistake: When Detective Slattery gets the envelope with the receipt in it she leaves the top open and walks to her desk. Camera changes and now the envelope is closed and held differently. (00:26:20)


12th Sep 2019

Prison Break (2005)

12th Sep 2019

Prison Break (2005)

3rd Oct 2010

Lost (2004)

Lost mistake picture

Raised by Another - S1-E10

Continuity mistake: When Claire puts up the drapes, one is caught on a plant. When Thomas walks over to the drapes, it's not caught anymore. Neither Thomas nor Claire have been near the drapes during this time. (00:16:50)


1st Jul 2019

Lost (2004)

Lost mistake picture

Confidence Man - S1-E8

Continuity mistake: Kate says she looked at the envelope of the letter - the camera shows a closeup of the envelope which on the right hand side of the crest has no creases and just 1 barely visible fold. When Sawyer goes to snatch it back, the envelope is already creased significantly. (00:33:55 - 00:35:35)


11th Jan 2006

Lost (2004)

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