
Bunk Off - S1-E2

Question: Why do the boys decide to steal their parent's booze? They have three bottles of spirits between four of them, which is more than enough for them to get drunk. In fact, in Will Is Home Alone, they share twenty cans of beer between the four of them (five each, all things being equal), and are dreadfully hungover the next morning. Assume this is classed as a character mistake, it just makes no sense.

Answer: Jay, Si and Will steal Simons dad booze as they are planning on meeting Carly later on and have lost their own supply when kicked out of Neil's place by his dad after being caught and insulted.


9th Nov 2020

Casper (1995)

Question: Why didn't Casper cross over after the death of his father?

Answer: Because Casper's unfinished business is being a kid and having fun. His treatment by his uncles prevented him crossing over as he wasn't having fun. He got to act like a normal teenager when Kat brought him back.


1st Mar 2016

Breaking Bad (2008)

Chosen answer: There are several possibilities. Gus primarily does it to make an example out of Victor. Victor is one of Gus' most loyal henchman, and yet he had no problem killing him. Meaning it doesn't matter how loyal or valuable Walt is, he can still be killed and it won't bother Gus. However, Walt tells Jesse that perhaps Victor "flew too close to the sun." Meaning, Victor over stepped his bounds by learning how to cook meth. Gus didn't appreciate Victor's initiative and Gus only wants his employees to do the job they're given. Again, telling Walt and Jesse to do their job or else.


I think it was a combination of anger over Gayle's death and Victor being seen by witnesses makes Victor very vulnerable and therefore a dangerous liability to Fringe's empire.

By this point, the mugshot of Victor will have been spread around as a suspect in Gail's death. Victor had been come too hot to handle, so to say, so had to go.


Answer: They have fingers. It's just artistic license how their hands are drawn.

Brian Katcher

The same way they don't have proper feet. Just shoes on the end of their legs.


6th Oct 2020

Titanic (1997)

Question: How many scenes were removed from this film?

Answer: Will need a bit more information to answer accurately. Are you referring to a TV broadcast? A web stream? The standard DVD release? The extended dvd release? The VHS release? Netflix version (in the UK at least) is around 11 mins shorter than the 1 disc DVD release for example.


Answer: Probably to save on costs of filming the same scene. In the reused shots they have always morphed so you can't see the actors. They just have to pay them to do voice-overs rather than the entire scene.


21st Sep 2020

Pokemon (1998)

Answer: It starts with when Charizard was Charmeleon. Charmeleon did listen to Ash briefly but after Ash made him purposely lose to a weak Pokémon, Chameleon felt betrayed and decided not to listen to Ash because of what he did to him. When Chameleon turned into Charizard he still was mad at Ash for making him lose to a weak Pokémon. But he kind of listened to him but not that much since he was still mad at Ash. In Charizard Chills Charizard is hit by an ice beam which makes him ice. Ash, Misty and Tracy, decide to melt the ice and try to warm him up then Ash decides to do it, Charizard now realises that Ash did everything for him and finally decides to fight for him.


Hogwash. Right after Charmander evolved into Charmeleon, he blasted fire at Ash's ear, which was supposed to suggest/hint/foreshadow his disobedience. The main reason for Charmeleon's disobedience is the fact that Charmeleon are much more aggressive than Charmander in nature. Charmeleon didn't feel betrayed after Ash ordered him to lose. He never held a grudge against Ash but, even after evolving into Charizard, despised him for quite a long time. After Ash took care of Charizard after he got frozen by ice beam, Charizard understood that Ash never gave up on him. His disobedience was nothing personal. After Charmander evolved into Charmeleon, he instantly grew much more aggressive and prideful, even before his encounter with Paras. After evolving into Charizard he retained this attitude. Only after Ash unfroze him and helped him warm up, he regained his respect towards him and decided not to disobey him anymore.

21st Sep 2020

Outnumbered (2007)

Show generally

Question: In the third episode of the first series the family visit the farm for Karen's birthday treat. This means that her birthday must be September, being so the evenings still seem light. But jump to the fifth series when Karen starts comprehensive (year 7), it is often mentioned that she is 11. If her birthday is in September, shouldn't she have turned 12 already?

Answer: Acording to all online sources, her birthday is 30th August 2001. It's also documented that in Season 5 she is in year 7 and 11 years old. If her birthday is 30th August, she will start year 7, 2 days after her 11th Birthday so this is correct.


Answer: They needed to make it look like Buckbeak had escaped by himself. If they had freed him earlier, the Ministry of Magic would have believed that Hagrid deliberately released him, and held him accountable. They freed Buckbeak while Dumbledore and Fudge were inside Hagrid's hut so that the Ministry would know Hagrid was with them when Buckbeak "escaped" and Hagrid could not be blamed.

Casual Person

I'm not sure if I explained myelf properly. What I mean is, when Hermione was crying on Ron's shoulder, why not she just tell them about the time turner then instead of crying? Or just go back in time herself.

She's not allowed to tell anyone about the time turner. It's only after the events in the shack, when things are a lot more dire, does Dumbledore basically give permission for her to use it. She also had to sign to say she wouldn't use it for anything other than it's intended use. Saving 1 Hippogriff is not worth the risk of being caught.


I know she can't tell anyone but like I said, she could have done it on her own. Then they wouldn't know.

She can't mess with it and use it to do things on her own without approval. She was given it to be able to attend more classes and was specifically told not to use it otherwise.


9th Sep 2020

Breaking Bad (2008)

Answer: The flashback to Jesse and Jane helps remind the audience of what happened to her. That informed Jesse's decision to try and stop Andrea getting high.

Plus it could also be seen as Jesse remembering what happened to Jane.


20th Aug 2020

Mamma Mia! (2008)

Answer: While their backstory is never explained, they were once in a band together, so probably met while hanging around with other local musicians and singers at nightclubs and other musical venues.


Answer: It's never explained properly. However, As both Ali and Lisa are bridesmaids for Sophie, they must be very good friends.


But didn't Sophie grow up on the island?

31st Aug 2020

Jurassic World (2015)

Question: There's a theory that the kid who calls the raptor a "six foot turkey" is Owen. Is there any possibility that Blue (the raptor) is the same raptor that Hammond, Ian, Allan etc witnessed hatching in the Visitor Center? They were all stroking it and such which it seemed to enjoy, so it's had human interaction.

Answer: Blue was a 3 year old Raptor. The events of Jurassic World are meant to take 20+ years after Jurassic Park, so Blue wouldn't have been the one seen hatching.


Answer: No. As Bishop73 has said, Blue is a 3 year old raptor and thus not old enough to have been from the original park. The T-Rex on the other hand, is the same from the original. Note the scars on the side of her neck from the Raptor attack in the main hall at the end of the first film.


Answer: In Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, there is video footage of when Owen was working with his three raptors when they were quite small. He had also mentioned that they had imprinted on him at birth.


8th Jul 2020

Sahara (1943)

Question: Serious spoiler alert: these questions summarise the entire film. During the Second World War Sgt Joe Gunn (Humphrey Bogart) and nine allied soldiers (plus one German and one Italian captive) are crossing the North African Desert. They discover a well, but this has nearly dried up and only provides a small trickle of water, barely enough to keep them alive. They are besieged by over 100 Germans. Since the Germans have no water at all they surrender to Joe Gunn. At this point a stray shell lands in the well. The resulting explosion brings hundreds of gallons of water bubbling up, more than enough for Joe Gunn's company and all the Germans. Two questions. 1. Could a well in the Sahara dry up until it only gave a small trickle of water? 2. Could an explosion really open a water supply like this?

Rob Halliday

Answer: Thank you for that! I first saw Sahara on television when I was eleven, with my mother, father and younger brother. When we saw the shell explode in the well to re-open the water supply, we all dismissed this as Hollywood hokum. But sometimes it is amusing to be proved wrong. You put a smile on my face when you informed me, and quite convincingly too, that the well really could have dried up but then opened up again.

Rob Halliday

Answer: 1. Yes it could, as water flows into the well, it could easily bring sediment and other bits of small debris and eventually block the flow of water resulting in only a trickle. 2. Again, yes. If the explosion weakens the surrounding walls holding the water back, the pressure of the water could easily rupture through the walls and result in the flooding mentioned.


Answer: Unlikely she would be seen. The boys would be separated from the girls. I watched the YouTube clip, and there didn't appear to be any girls sleeping in the Great Hall, at least not in that section of it.


I will add that in the books, its stated that "the three of them" grabbed a sleeping bag and moved to a corner. So while we may not see her in the movie, in the books she was present with Ron and Harry.


10th Jun 2020

The Simpsons (1989)

Answer: He was probably irrelevant to the plot so he was not included.

Then why would Homer bring it to our attention that Bart is absent?


It's called lampshade hanging. By drawing our attention to it the producers are letting us know they are aware it is an issue.

Yes, but even when the family is having dinner together, he's not there.

Brian Katcher

Answer: Shes had it on her all year. And better to have it in case she needs it and to stop people finding it by accident if left in her dorm.


Answer: In the book, Hermione had to receive special permission from the Ministry of Magic to use the Time Turner and then had to abide by strict rules on how and when to use it and to keep its use a secret. As noted in the other answer, she would keep the Turner with her at all times to prevent it from being found and misused by other students (like the Weasley twins). For the purpose of the movie, Hermione is more prominently shown wearing it which is meant to be a clue to the audience about its existence and purpose.


18th Jul 2020

Friends (1994)

Answer: Not only is it a real game show, Danny Osmond was the host of the show at the time. And that was the real actor Leslie Charleson from "General Hospital."


Answer: A very simple google search reveals it is real. Here is the wiki page


Show generally

Question: Is it really possible to get a fingerprint off the handle of a gun as seen on the show?

Answer: Yes. Fingerprints can be obtained from most places, including the inside of latex gloves. This makes getting a print off a gun child's play.


Unlike the show, finding a fingerprint on a gun handle is rare. Most gun handles have textured surfaces that don't allow fingerprints to form.

Wilson - S5-E6

Question: What exactly did Wilson die of? Was it because of the many dollops he did or was it a mystery?

Answer: It's not explained fully, but its shown that he is quite sick as he has been taking many dollops and that they were liquid (sorry for the graphic description but its explained in the show). Given those circumstances we can safely assume that Wilson has got some severe problems.


Question: There is something about wizards I don't understand. Why do they keep their magic a secret?

Answer: Many reasons. Muggles (non-magic people) would have a variety of reactions to them. Many would fear their power, others would want wizards to solve all their problems with magic, others would want to eradicate them. From the wizards' point of view, they live a certain way, and that would be disrupted by humans knowing about them.


I thought the reason wizards kept their magic a secret was fear of discrimination.

That is one additional reason among the variety of others listed.


In the first book Hagrid explains that muggles would want magical solutions to all their problems and that the wizards are best left alone.


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