
Continuity mistake: When Mrs. Napoloni gets trapped by the guards, notice the people around her from left to right: ambassador, thin man with loose hair, elegant man, man with beret. Closeup shot and the thin man has disappeared and a man with a white rounded hat appears out of nowhere, close to the elegant man.


Continuity mistake: When Mrs. Napoloni gets trapped by the guards, the suit of the handsome man behind her, with a hat and a coat hanging on his left arm, swaps from light coloured to black.


14th Jun 2005

Copycat (1995)

Continuity mistake: Hunter is in Weaver's house and Weaver types some code on a black pop-up box MS-DOS style. This box has a black background and white letters, and the computer has a blue desktop screen. However, Weaver's glasses show a big white reflection. The only white on the screen is of a pop-up window, but it is semi-hidden by the MS-DOS window.


14th Jun 2005

Moulin Rouge (2001)

Continuity mistake: Zidler starts to sing "The show must go on" and walks between two workmen. One of them pulls a rope to lift himself up. He rises above his mate's head, but in the next shot he is at waist level lifting himself up.


14th Jun 2005

Moulin Rouge (2001)

Continuity mistake: During the "Like a Virgin" sequence, when the Duke is sitting on a couch, his hair changes between the shots: From loose to perfectly brushed and straight.


14th Jun 2005

Moulin Rouge (2001)

Continuity mistake: The first time Satine faints, she is given something to sniff and wake up. The amount of sweat on her forehead and eyes changes between shots.


14th Jun 2005

Moulin Rouge (2001)

Continuity mistake: When the Duke's being healed of Chocolat's punch, in the close shots there's bits of hair loose to his right eyebrow (left side of the screen). In the long shots it disappears.


14th Jun 2005

Moulin Rouge (2001)

Continuity mistake: When Satine is rehearsing the end of the show in front of the Duke, Chocolat descends on a rope, but on later shots his position keeps changing from totally up to totally down.


1st Jun 2005

Moulin Rouge (2001)

Continuity mistake: In the beginning, when Christian has come up with the lyrics "the hills are alive," watch the tango singer's hair changing all the time from long and messy to short and brushed.


1st Jun 2005

Moulin Rouge (2001)

Moulin Rouge mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Satine says, "It's lady's choice.", from a front view, the Argentinian is very close to the bearded man, but from a back shot they are farther away. (00:18:45)


1st Jun 2005

Moulin Rouge (2001)

Continuity mistake: When Satine is singing "One day I'll fly away", Christian climbs up the elephant and encounters her. He leans on a column with a red ball. The ball keeps moving between shots, even though Christian keeps still in the same position, watching Satine. Sometimes the ball is down, sometimes up, sometimes close to him.


1st Jun 2005

Moulin Rouge (2001)

Continuity mistake: After Satine says, "It's lady's choice.", the Argentinian exhales a puff of smoke. A split second later, the angle changes and he is in a totally different position.


Factual error: The action takes place in Seville, and the burning of wooden figures is shown as a traditional feast. The feast involving the burning of wooden figures takes place in Alicante and Valencia, 350 miles way from Seville.


Factual error: The car chase between Ethan and Nyah is supposed to take place in Spain involving Spanish cars (plate's colour and the way numbers and letters are represented follows the Spanish code), but a real Spanish plate should have numbers and letters displayed as follows '1234 ABC' or 'AB- 1234-AB'.


10th May 2005

Charade (1963)

Continuity mistake: When the French inspector is interrogating Audrey Hepburn, he asks "Why did he want to leave France?". The shot changes to the back of the inspector and Audrey replies, "Leave? No." Then the inspector makes a rough movement with his body and head to his right, but the movement is brusquely cut and replaced by a front shot where he is sitting perfectly still, as he was doing in similar previous front shots.


10th May 2005

The Incredibles (2004)

Continuity mistake: When Frozone picks up Mr. Incredible to "go bowling", the green glass lying on the table on the left hand side of Violet keeps swapping sides between one shot and the other - sometimes its open end faces Dash, and sometimes it faces the entrance door.


10th May 2005

The Incredibles (2004)

Continuity mistake: When Mr. Incredible lands on the railway and it explodes, the rubble and debris that falls disappears and reappears between shots. Furthermore, when he stands up to stop the train, the aerial view shows cars driving along the street as if nothing ever fell. With the amount of rubble falling, it should be visible on the street and have caused some traffic problems.


10th May 2005

Charade (1963)

Factual error: The sign outside the embassy reads "American Embassy", it should read "Embassy of the United States of America". North & South America are continents, not a country.


10th May 2005

The Incredibles (2004)

Continuity mistake: Watch the street during the sequence where the railway explodes, starting when Mr. Incredible falls until the moment he stops the train: The number of cars parked on the street magically changes (a lot) between shots. (00:08:30)


6th May 2005

The Incredibles (2004)

Deliberate mistake: In the Spanish version, the headlines of the newspapers are in Spanish, but the rest of the articles are in English. It helps supports the narration, but it causes a very weird effect.


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