Gavin Jackson

8th Sep 2016

Star Wars (1977)

Question: When R2D2 is stunned by the Jawas and falls over, did Kenny baker do the stunt? Me and my brother have argued about this for years.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Most likely, not. The 'costume' Kenny Baker wore had what look like hoses running from the center body to the feet of R2 (to conceal his legs). Looking at the scene in question, those hoses cannot be seen. On that note, it looks like a third leg (and not the center one shown elsewhere) is visible behind R2 and probably used to push him over.

26th Jul 2016

Lethal Weapon 2 (1989)

Stupidity: When the guy is escaping on the helicopter at the beginning, the cops are all in position pointing their guns. Despite the baddie shooting at them, not one cop bothers to fire back (despite being fully within their right to). They just stand there and let him escape.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Vivo V3.

30th May 2016

The Pelican Brief (1993)

Plot hole: Darby and Gray are surprised to learn at the end that the guy who tried to kill her in New Orleans was Khamel. Given that Khamel was (a) a wanted terrorist, (b) the prime suspect in the judges' assassinations, (c) shot in a public area in front of many witnesses and (d) holding a recently used handgun when he died, this would have been breaking front page news along with his name on newspapers and news shows. Ridiculous to think they had to find out from Voyles who he was.

Gavin Jackson

8th Apr 2016

Licence to Kill (1989)

Chosen answer: It was to cause a diversion so Bond could transfer the money back onto the Wavecrest while everyone else was running about sorting out the mess from the crash.

Question: Why did Erik despise humans so much, even though it was a mutant who killed his mother?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Because it was a human who started the Holocaust and got Eric and his family put into a concentration camp in the first place. Seeing how one human reacted to just another race he saw what humans in power would do to another race or species the feared.

28th Feb 2016

Bad Influence (1990)

Question: After Alex has stolen his furniture and killed Claire, he says to Michael "OK, now we are even." So why did he continue to stalk him and plant evidence? What was his motivation there?

Gavin Jackson

Answer: Because that's what psychopaths do.

27th Feb 2016

Concussion (2015)

Answer: He was angry.

26th Jan 2016

Rapid Fire (1992)

Visible crew/equipment: When agent Stuart brings Jake before Serrano, we see Serrano sitting at a table. In every shot of him sitting, you can see the shadow of the camera on the wall at the right.

Gavin Jackson

14th Jan 2016

Goldeneye (1995)

Revealing mistake: At the beginning when Bond is chasing the plane on the motorbike, in the last shot of Bond from behind before he goes over the cliff, the background shot of the mountains is a painting. Not only can you see the square sections on the wall, but some parts of the painting don't even match. (00:09:25)

Gavin Jackson

Question: In both this film and The Desolation of Smaug. Legolas defies gravity in unbelievable and even comical ways. Is this a character trait, or just some ridiculous touch by the filmmakers?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Elves are described in the books and shown in the LotR trilogy doing things that would not necessarily rule this behavior out, ridiculous as it looks. For instance, when the Fellowship is trudging through the snow on Caradhras, Legolas is briefly shown walking easily on top of the snow while every one else's feet are sinking into it.


18th Nov 2015

Analyze This (1999)

Question: When Nicky Shivers is being held hostage, De Niro is about to belt him in the face with a metal pipe and make him fall into a hole. This most likely would have been fatal. But De Niro has a change of heart and walks away. Then Nicky sardonically comments "Well geez, that was pretty painless." Given that he was just spared from a painful ending, why would he make such a smart-alec comment?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: That's how he dealt with facing certain death and then not being killed. Some would be silently grateful as you suggest, others wouldn't. Everyone reacts differently.

Captain Defenestrator

18th Nov 2015

The Bodyguard (1992)

Question: I have two questions. Firstly after beating up the guy in the hotel kitchen, Frank returns to the room and tells Delaney that he is quitting. Why was he so ticked off? And secondly, if Nicki was the one who hired Portman to kill Rachel, why did Portman kill Nicki and why did he try to molest Rachel in the bedroom?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: I think he was ticked off because he was being so personally affected by Rachel. He talks about being disciplined. He tries to keep emotions away from his job, but he liked Rachel. Also, Rachel at the time was angry with him, but also showed a lot of disregard for her own safety (as you remember, when he got back it was just after she and Tony went shopping without telling Frank). So yeah, I think it was frustration for the overall situation. To answer your second question, from the conversation with Frank at the lakeside house, Nikki had asked around at a club she went to, but she herself didn't hire Portman. Someone named Armando did the hiring.

Meg Charnley

2nd Nov 2015

Virtuosity (1995)

Chosen answer: 24.

19th Oct 2015

Die Hard 2 (1990)

Question: When McClane is crawling up into the elevator shaft and the news reporter mentions Colonel Stewart, McClane looks at her and says "Stewart, that's who it was." Did he mean "That's who it was on the speaker." Or "That's the guy I bumped into today"?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: That's the guy he bumped into earlier, and didn't remember where he'd seen him from until she said his name.

Captain Defenestrator

1st Oct 2015

Jaws (1975)

Question: In one scene when the Orca is chasing after the shark so Quint can harpoon it a second time, Brody and Hooper are both smiling. What are they smiling for?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Adrenaline rush. Also, Hooper's thrilled to participate in the chase of the largest great white he's ever seen, while Brody's excited that they'll soon kill the shark that's claimed many of the lives he was supposed to protect.

17th Sep 2015

Under Siege 2 (1995)

Answer: I would say yes they where planning on killing some of the mercs. There is one fact that shows that. if they had plan on putting all the mercs into the copter, then the guys in the engine car should have know at x time get out and move back to get into the copter, giving the fact that they are still in the engine car when it hits the other train tells me they didn't know.

Chosen answer: Dane's speech was for the benefit of the hostages, not mercs. (It could be assumed that they knew he was lying.) Near the end of the film, a helicopter appears the train and prompts the mercs to board. The pilot's announcement of the first pickup (who was actually the porter) as well as the pilot's reaction to the fight between the porter and the female merc indicates that he expected to pick all of them up.


Question: How is it even possible for Ultron to use Loki's sceptre to mind control the technician woman...considering that the sceptre came from Asgard and Loki is a god, whereas Ultron is a sentinel robot. Is this a goof?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Loki is only a god by our standards (commanding incomprehensible power, borderline immortal, etc.) The sceptre contains a mind stone that can presumably be controlled by any sentient being, and Ultron is most definitely that.

28th Jul 2015

Unforgiven (1992)

Question: Why was Little Bill so protective of the two cowboys that had bounties on their heads? And why was he so vengeful when they were both killed? He didn't know them.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: I think Little Bill takes offense to this sort of thing taking place in his town on his watch. He tells Mr. Beauchamp while he is writing his biography something like, "I do not like assassins, or men of low character."

Answer: Little Bill wanted to be sure that the cowboys would live at least long enough to pay compensation to the owner of the saloon/brothel for disfiguring one of the prostitutes; Bill became furious when the cowboys were killed because they would never be able to make good on their agreement of compensation.


The cowboys bring in their ponies and pay off their debt early in the film. "Davey Boy" even brings in an extra pony especially for Delilah, which he calls the "best in the lot." (Which the other whores promptly reject and begin throwing dung at them). Both cowboys are killed long after they pay their debt to Skinny.

There is a scene where the two cowboys come to town and pay the required compensation in horses.

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