
Answer: Stephen King doesn't have a cameo in this movie.

I have been told it's a common misconception that Stephen King regularly does cameos.


Question: Is there any reference to where Annie Wilkes goes at night when she is angry or depressed?

Answer: According to the book, she goes to what she calls her "laughing place", itself a reference to the Disney movie "Song of the South", in which Brer Rabbit sings about having a "laughing place" where he goes when he's feeling blue, to cheer himself up. We can presume Annie has some cabin or clearing in the woods where she has made her own "laughing place."

Question: Why couldn't Annie accept the fact that kids in the ghetto spoke differently? People all across the country do, with dialect, accent, cussing.


Answer: Annie is an insane murderer. She does not have a rational world view. Her values and morals are incredibly skewed, to the point she views cursing in general as amoral but will freely torture a man, kill children, and shoot the town sheriff in the back.


Answer: Simple answer, she was a psychopathic killer. She was a nurse, and infants were accessible, helpless victims.


Revealing mistake: When Paul goes through Annie's scrapbook, a fast reader may notice that several newspaper clippings (although having different headlines and being based on separate events), have the exact same story underneath. The text has simply been repeated, rather than a new report being created for each story.

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Annie Wilkes: Now the time has come. I put two bullets in my gun. One for me, and one for you. Oh darling, it will be so beautiful.

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