Star Wars
Star Wars mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the battle between Obi-Wan and Darth Vader, there's a scorched slash mark on the wall to Obi-Wan's right before either saber makes contact with it. A few seconds later Darth slashes his saber in exactly that spot (we can see the scorch mark again before he hits it). (01:26:50)

Jon Sandys

Continuity mistake: Widescreen version only: When the stormtroopers are searching for hiding Rebels in the blockade runner, Leia pokes her head out from her hiding place. In the next shot, in the lower left hand corner, something white sticks out behind the foremost "pillar" and then disappears out of view.

Star Wars mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When R2D2 and C3PO land on Tatooine, the escape pod is on the flank of a dune. When the stormtroopers are doing their investigation, the pod is suddenly on more or less flat sand.

Dr Wilson

Continuity mistake: When C-3PO and R2-D2 are standing next to each other in Luke's garage, the position of R2's head changes between several shots.

Continuity mistake: Several times during the Death Star battle when the Rebel ships are flying down the trench, their position in relation to the chasing TIE Fighters change. For example, sometimes the Imperials are just behind and then nowhere in sight when, next shot, they are back in close firing range.

Continuity mistake: On the journey from the Cantina to the Millennium Falcon the camera pans left to right to follow the actors as they walk first towards and then away from the camera, towards the hangar. At the beginning of the shot R2-D2 is heading in one direction, the droid leaves the frame momentarily and at the end of the pan, trundles into the shot from an impossible angle.

Continuity mistake: When Luke is in Obi-Wan's home, C-3PO tells him "Sir, if you'll not be needing me, I'll close down for a while." and Luke nods. However, when R2-D2 projects Leia's recording, C-3PO turns his head to look at it. (This is only just visible). (00:35:06)

Continuity mistake: During the scenes in the trash compactor, after Han fires his blaster, the burn marks on the door keep changing shape, size and position. In some of the wideshots, they disappear completely.


Star Wars mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Viewed from outside, the Millennium Falcon has 4 windows around a round one, but view from inside, there are only three. (00:52:25 - 00:53:55)

Dr Wilson

Star Wars mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the Cantina, look at the walrus-like alien in a orange space-suit near Luke. He has hairy paws, but when he pushes Luke, he has normal hands with leather gloves and hairy paws again when Obi-Wan cuts his arm.

Dr Wilson

Continuity mistake: Moff Tarkin has fourteen little blocks of color that perhaps indicate rank, seven in two rows. The ones on the top are consistently blue, but at least once the ones on the bottom alternate from orange and red to just orange.

Continuity mistake: Near the end of the Vader/Obi-Wan duel, Luke and Co. run up to the Millennium Falcon. Luke says something along the lines of "Ben?" and it cuts to a shot from roughly behind Luke that shows Vader and Obi-Wan. Look closely: Obi-Wan already has his lightsaber straight up and Vader is going in for the kill. It then cuts to a shot of Obi-Wan glancing over at Luke. Obi-Wan then proceeds to raise his lightsaber (again) for the famous Jedi-disappearing trick as Vader slashes at him (again).

Star Wars mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Luke and Obi-Wan are stopped by the Storm Troopers and Obi-Wan uses his mind trick on one Trooper, there are a couple of other Troopers standing at Obi-Wan's side at first, but when they are cleared to pass, they disappear.

Star Wars mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the heros reach Yavin (the Rebel Base) there is a shot of them getting off a cart. Han's holster is on the wrong leg, and Artoo's small lens is on the wrong side. The film was obviously flipped to keep the visual flow of the scenes.

Star Wars mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Luke uses the comlink to call up C-3PO to ask how to get out of the detention block, a rack with 3 blasters can be seen in the control room. But right before the stormtroopers enter the control room, there are suddenly 4. (01:14:45 - 01:18:55)

Continuity mistake: When Luke is talking to Biggs and Red Leader, R2D2's position jumps as he is being lifted up to the top of the X-Wing. (Widescreen version, Special Edition.) (01:39:15)

Visible crew/equipment: When Luke, Han, Leia, and Chewbacca are in the trash compactor, there is a shot of Chewbacca knocking on the door. If you look to the right side of him, you can see the reflection of the blue stage lights on the metal part of the wall.

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Trivia: On its initial release, the film was booked in just 37 theaters. It ended up breaking 36 house records.

Cubs Fan

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Question: There's a HUGE rumor that's been going around since Return of the Jedi came out: There's actually three more scripts (besides the prequels). Is there, in fact, a Star Wars: Episode VII, Episode VIII, and Episode IX? If so, what are they about?

Answer: While planning Star Wars, Lucas had a vague notion of doing a long series of movies inspired by old serials, then dropped that idea in favor of just one. When Star Wars became a phenomenon and sequels became feasible, Lucas revisited the idea. He thought of three trilogies along with some stand-alone "in-between" stories for a total of 12 films. By the time of The Empire Strikes Back's release, this was pared down to the 9 mainline films, going by interviews with Lucas and the cast at the time. By Return of the Jedi, Lucas had decided to end the saga there, with the option that he could revisit the first three at some later point. It's unclear if Lucas ever had any specific story ideas for the proposed sequel trilogy, and they never had any scripts. Producer Gary Kurtz suggested in an interview they would've been about Luke's twin sister (not Leia), though many fans are skeptical about just how much he would know about them. Of course since this question was asked a sequel trilogy was written and released.


Answer: This was long a long-standing rumour, but George Lucas always denied it. He allowed various authors to cover the history of that time period in book form - if he'd had any serious intention of doing films set in that timeframe, he wouldn't have done that. Since that time of course Disney took over the franchise and has announced new films, but entirely separate from the previous "expanded universe" of the novels, and not involving any ideas George Lucas may have had in the past.


Answer: I'm not sure how old this question is but it is a sequel trilogy. Episode VII : The Force Awakens is about a scavenger and former stormtrooper teaming up the Resistance to attempt to defeat the new First Order and Kylo Ren (Ben Solo). Episode VIII : The Last Jedi is about Rey finding Luke Skywalker who is in exile hoping that he would be left alone, and he tells the story of how he tried to murder his nephew who in retaliation, turned to the dark side. Episode IX : Rise of Skywalker is about the return of Emperor Palpatine and recovering Sith Wayfinders that will lead them to Exegol and kill him, with Billy Dee Williams returning as Lando Calrissian.

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