Best movie mistake pictures of 2011

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Continuity mistake: When Laurence asks Colin for a cigarette in the screening room, he has it between his fingers when Colin lights it, but when the shot cuts, his fingers have disappeared from around the cigarette. (00:45:30)

Cubs Fan

More My Week with Marilyn mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Cal and Emily are sitting in the classroom whilst attending Robbie's Parent/Teacher meeting, when the teacher initially writes the word 'asshole' on the board, it appears to be written differently on three separate occasions during the same scene. (00:59:40)


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Factual error: When Watson is looking at the spiderweb of clues in Holmes' apartment, he is shown a newspaper article about the bombing and doctor's death. The lower left of the clipping shows a story with title "Soviet Government Money For The General Strike." The movie is set in 1891, and the term Soviet first came into use in 1905 to describe a worker's movement in Russia, but a Soviet Government didn't exist until 1917. (00:16:00)


More Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Arthur is talking to the police, posing as Naomi's fiance: one of the cops asks, ridiculing her lie, "You had your first date at Grand Central Station?" Behind him, a white haired man in a black suit walks down the street carrying a brown suitcase. Next time the policemen are in frame, a different crowd is on the sidewalk, and only after another cut, and more of Arthur's blabbering, suitcase man reappears as if nothing happened. Even better, over half a minute passes and many totally different people...but right at the end of the scene as the policemen wave Arthur goodbye the same man, sans suitcase this time, is there again walking the same way as before. (00:19:45 - 00:20:30)


More Arthur mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: At the airport Tim gets a red Chevy Cobalt for a rental car. It's a base model with no rear spoiler. Later he is seen driving a red Cobalt with a rear spoiler.

More Cedar Rapids mistake pictures
More The Inbetweeners Movie mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Stan is sitting at his desk listening to the answering machine messages and failing to do anything productive. During the whole scene, the handle of his mug switches orientation, pointing at him in every faraway shot, pointing to his left in every closer shot. (00:04:25 - 00:05:30)


More The Lamp mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the kitchen scene towards the end of the movie, Johnny English places a leek on the chopping board and cuts it length wise. In the very next shot there are now two leeks on the board.

More Johnny English Reborn mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Reid and Kato are fighting by the pool, the beach ball falls off the chair (beside the pool) when they land in the water, but is back up on the chair in a following shot. (01:12:25)

Super Grover

More The Green Hornet mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Throughout dinner, Bev's steak and lettuce keep changing place randomly. Moreso, when she takes a break she puts the napkin on top of the food, but when she is back, the napkin is at the side of the plate. Between shots the cloth also ends up crumpled differently. (00:50:00 - 00:54:00)


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Continuity mistake: When the woman is writing on the whiteboard how many people people infect with certain illness' the writing on the board changes style. (00:18:40)


More Contagion mistake pictures
More Just Go with It mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: At the end of the movie, the bloody handprint on the car changes entirely the second time it is shown. (02:02:45)


More Wake Up and Die mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Grace gets the plate with the breakfast order, consisting of two eggs, two bunches of fries, 2 slices of bacon and 3 sausages. She rearranges them to serve them in a funny face pattern, supposedly, but one piece of sausage is missing, the fries are soaked in oil and eggs and bacon appear less cooked than before. (00:02:00)


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More In Time mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Rango is stranded in the middle of the road, he is clutching a drinking glass in his left hand. For the rest of the scene (starting from when he molts), the glass switches to his right hand.

More Rango mistake pictures

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