Best movie mistake pictures of 2009

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Revealing mistake: When Connor jumps out of his uncle's car before it crashes into the lake, it's obviously a stuntman. His hair is darker and straighter than the actor's. (01:22:40)


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More Saw VI mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When the daughter of Lucy and Joey agrees to go change her skimpy clothes, there's a single shot of the whole room where Kristin Davis is wearing her hair over her right shoulder. Throughout the rest of the scene, before and after, her hair is worn all the way over the left shoulder.


More Couples Retreat mistake pictures

Up (2009)

Continuity mistake: When Mr Fredrickson opens the door there are 4 locks on the front door looking from the outside in. Next scene and consequent scenes there are only 3. (00:12:35)

Tracey Blanch

More Up mistake pictures
More Case 39 mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Towards the end after the high priest has been "sacrificed" in Sodom, Z is talking to the crowd and as the shot changes between facing forwards and turning round to talk to O (after the first burst of rain) his hair changes from soaking wet to virtually dry depending on the view. (01:30:00)

More Year One mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Mulan tricks her father into taking his medicine, and everyone has a laugh at him. Between shots she is pouring from the teapot first with the right, then the left, and one of the geezers sitting by is cackling with a different posture and hands switched as well. (00:05:10)


More Mulan: Rise of a Warrior mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Max is going to stab Naoko at the end of the movie, he grabs her by the hair, but in the next shot he's grabbing her by the chin. (01:18:30)

More The Grudge 3 mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Bulma and Goku have just finished fighting and begun talking; watch Bulmas' blue streak of hair. It's on the left side of her head throughout the conversation until goku says "you might need back up." The camera shows a close up of them shaking hands, and when it cuts back to Bulma, the blue streak is on the right side of her face. There is no indication of her moving it, and there's not enough wind to blow it to the other side. (00:26:25)

More Dragonball Evolution mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: During the car wash scene a pipe is bursting, but then the amount of water changes slightly in the next couple of shots.

More The Final Destination mistake pictures

9 (2009)

Other mistake: When 1 strikes off 2 (I think) from the calendar we can see that 1 is Wednesday, 2 is Thursday, 3 is Friday and that 4 is Saturday but 5 is Monday; meaning that Sunday has no date.


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Continuity mistake: After Megan dies, for real, Jessica tells the others that they loved Megan and Megan loved them. Her robe opens and closes between alternate shots.


More Sorority Row mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: The private who was being injected with the blood substitute explodes, splattering red goo all over the glass panel. The amount increases in shots from outside the room, covering the entire panel. (00:14:45)


More Daybreakers mistake pictures

Factual error: In the shot of the front of the National Gallery as the disc jockeys walk down the stairs towards the camera, modern-day surveillance cameras are visible on curved poles to the left and right of the main frontage. (00:52:30)


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More Obsessed mistake pictures

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