Best sci-fi movie questions of all time

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Answer: The sand from the enchanted hourglass kept the spider from killing her. She breaks the hourglass and gives the sand to Ynyr. Once the sand has been poured out from his hands there's nothing to protect her from the spider.


More Krull questions
Superman III picture

Question: How come Superman is so nice to Gus at the end? He was working with the baddies, he created a computer and the Kryptonite to kill Superman! Yet Superman is totally cool and even asks the coal miners to give Gus a job. Did I miss something?

Answer: The only reason that Gus was working with Ross, Vera and Lorelei was because he stole money from the company he worked at. To avoid going to prison, Gus was forced to do anything that they wanted. After realizing that his computer was designed to do anything it was ordered to, including killing Superman, Gus removed a small screw which shut down the power momentarily but, after the computer brought itself back online, Gus attempted to destroy it with an axe to save Superman. Superman saw this and realised he was wrong about Gus and after the computer was destroyed decided to help Gus find a job.

That makes sense, thank you! Been bugging me for years.

Jen Hen

You're welcome.

More Superman III questions

Answer: She may have said goodbye to Adam but it just wasn't shown.

More Honey I Blew Up the Kid questions
Spider-Man: No Way Home picture

Question: When Dr. Strange separates Peter's spirit from his body how is Peter still able to make his arm move?

Answer: His spider-sense is probably somewhat aware that his astral form has been separated from his physical body, so it is taking over and controlling his movements.


I concur with your answer because while he is separated from his suit you can see the aurora of his spider tingle all around his head.

Answer: I guess I missed something because I thought that suit was made with Stark tech and has nanotech in it. I figured it was the suit keeping the box away and Doctor Strange thought it was Peter.


That's a possibility I didn't think of, and it admittedly makes more sense than my answer.


More Spider-Man: No Way Home questions
The Hunger Games picture

Question: This is more for the book than the movie, but how was Rue able to enter the arena with a "homemade" sling shot if no weapons could be taken in there?

Jessica Wren

Chosen answer: The tributes could not take anything in with them, but the arena is filled with different types of weapons and tools, if they can get them. Rue was clever and agile, and she could have found or stolen the slingshot or the tools with which to make one. Also, anyone, for a price, can send "gifts" into the arena to sponsor a favorite tribute.


Answer: In the book Rue never received any gifts she only grabbed a few things from the cornucopia so the slingshot must have been one of them.

More The Hunger Games questions
Spy Kids 2: Island of Lost Dreams picture

Question: When Donnagon is about to fire the transmooker on Juni, Carmen and Ingrid. Did Carmen try to grab Juni and protect him?


Answer: Yes.

More Spy Kids 2: Island of Lost Dreams questions
Resident Evil: Afterlife picture

Question: How did the Executioner zombie get into the shower room? It couldn't have burrowed in like the other zombies because it is simply too big. The cast were standing by the entrance and the Executioner does not appear at the entrance.


Chosen answer: Only Claire, Kim-Yong and Alice were left, and Alice and Claire were paying attention to Kim, who was very reluctant about going into the tunnel. The camera is just focused on what the characters are focused on, Kim-Yong.


More Resident Evil: Afterlife questions
Close Encounters of the Third Kind picture

Question: Why were the aliens abducting people and why did they bring them back?

Answer: It wasn't definitively answered, but it appears the aliens took people in order to learn more about humans. It's unclear if all those who were returned had originally gone willingly, but the intent was not to keep them indefinitely or harm them, and they were returned to Earth, albeit many decades later. At the end, after the aliens had made contact, a new group of humans, including Roy, went with them voluntarily.


More Close Encounters of the Third Kind questions

Answer: Miles was touched by what Jeff said, and it inspired him to finally find the focus needed to control his powers.


More Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse questions
Maze Runner: The Death Cure picture

Question: What would the people outside of the wall gain by destroying the whole city? It was WCKD they were after, right?

Answer: It's not so much that the rebels gain anything by destroying the city, it's just that they are untrained and driven by rage. They do not act as a military unit, they act more like a mob. They lack the discipline to strike only enemy combatants and instead cause chaos in the entire city. The point is that the rebels are acting no better, and in fact quite a bit worse, than the infected do.


More Maze Runner: The Death Cure questions
The Purge picture

Question: Who exactly are "the new founding fathers"? It never actually says. I read an internet post that said they were not singular people, but a collection of multi-national companies that took over the government after a near nation wide collapse of the US.

Answer: The only information the original script offers is the company that took over the government, their name is "Arcon". Other than that, there is no other specific name nor is there an answer to what kind of company Arcon really is.

More The Purge questions
Judge Dredd picture

Question: Why do some Judges have a sort of eagle on their armour, when some are just symmetrical?

Answer: The 'Full Eagle' and 'Half Eagle' are badges of status amongst the Judges.


More Judge Dredd questions
Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves picture

Question: Near the beginning, what does Wayne mean when he says "Nothing like the smell of 2-part apoxy resin"?

Answer: Epoxy resin is sometimes sold in two seperate tubes. You have to mix the contents of both for the epoxy to harden into plastic. It also shows how weird he is, as epoxy tends to smell pretty foul.

Grumpy Scot

More Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves questions
Little Shop of Horrors picture

Question: Near the end of the song "I am a dentist", is Orin saying "and a success" or "and I say sit"?

Answer: He says "and a success". He's singing about his mother telling him he'd become a successful dentist.

More Little Shop of Horrors questions
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets picture

Question: Troops were sent to check out the mysterious toxic stuff in the centre of the space city but none returned (as mentioned by Clive Owen). Later it is discovered there is no toxicity. It seems extremely out of character for the pearls to have killed a whole unit of soldiers. This plot point was never explained. Were they killed by the pearls?

Answer: It is never answered, but it's safe to assume the commander has been killing the teams with his guard robots.

Thats nonsense because the commander didn't know the pearls were there so no reason to kill the teams. It was classified toxic because nobody returned, possibly incapacitated by the pearls to avoid discovery but not killed.


More Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets questions

Answer: Turn back to/from what? Can you please expand on the question so we know what you're referring to?

More The Iron Giant questions
District 9 picture

Question: Something I couldn't figure out. The black fluid (in the glass cylinder) made Wikus start turning into an alien. If the aliens were mainly interested in going back to their planet, why had they been developing a substance that could turn humans into aliens? How would this help them go home?

Answer: That's more of a side effect of the fluid. See, only the Prawns could use their technology; it was "genetically activated", so to speak. So the fluid which powers their tech is like Prawn-gene concentrate. When Wikus was sprayed with the stuff it affected his genetic makeup.


More District 9 questions
Species II picture

Question: When the Debutante examines herself in the mirror, why does she center on and support her breast just before doubling over in pain?

Answer: She was most likely giving herself a breast-self examination. Doing this would enable her to feel for lumps, distortion or swelling which if felt early would mean that she might have early stages of breast cancer and could get it checked immediately.

Her breast was sensitive and painful because she could sense that something wasn't right with her.

So the alien embryo inside of her body was giving her cancer?

No. It wasn't giving her cancer. She probably does a breast-self examination periodically to insure that there's nothing wrong with her breasts.

Plus, it wouldn't make any sense for an alien embryo to give her cancer since after giving birth to an alien hybrid she would immediately die.

Answer: She could feel discomfort in her breast as she moved her hands down to her stomach.

More Species II questions
Lilo & Stitch picture

Question: In the scene where Nani is pulling nails out of the door frame because Lilo wants to be alone and Mr. Bubbles arrives, when Nani goes around the back (smashing a window and turning off Lilo's music) is Nani opening the presumably nailed shut door to let Mr. Bubbles in that he later yanks open and all the nails fall?

Answer: No she opens the back door for Mr. Bubbles - you see him later open the front door that is still nailed shut.

More Lilo & Stitch questions
Men in Black II picture

Question: I never really got the line "it came with a black dude, but he kept getting pulled over". What was so funny?


Chosen answer: It's referring to the innate racial prejudice some people have - an inflatable black guy driving a nice car got pulled over, whereas an inflatable white guy had no problems.

More Men in Black II questions

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