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Zathura picture

Other mistake: It's been stated that Danny doesn't know how to read. This is evidenced by the fact that Walter has to read every card that Danny gets. When Danny first finds the game, he's able to read and even pronounce Zathura accurately even though he is illiterate.

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The Martian picture

Other mistake: During the storm scene in the beginning of the movie, the astronauts' faces inside the helmets are brightly lit, meaning there's a light source pointed directly in their face. That's something that would render them mostly blind and unable to see and appears to be nothing but a dramatic effect for the camera. (00:05:00 - 00:08:00)

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Jurassic World picture Jurassic World mistake picture

Other mistake: When all of the raptors look at Owen from the perspective of their head mounted cameras, they are all looking at him from roughly the same angle, despite being a distance from each other. (01:34:05)

Joe Pierce

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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly picture

Other mistake: In the very last scene of the movie, and just before Blondie shoots the rope that is holding Tuco on the grave's cross. You can see a car moving in the background, screen right of Tuco's head.

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Blade II picture

Other mistake: Towards the end of the film, after Snipes beats up of a lot of vampires, Whistler throws Blade's sunglasses to him. They show him throw them in one shot, then in the next shot they show Snipes catching them. But look in the background at Whistler, he doesn't have the glasses, but is moving his arm like he is throwing them. The glasses must have been computer animated, and bad editing contributed to this mistake. (01:37:34)

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The Package picture

Other mistake: Sergeant Johnny Gallagher (Gene Hackman) and Lieutenant Milon Delich (Dennis Franz) are in a supposedly deserted building searching for a group of conspirators who plan to assassinate both the USA and USSR presidents. Delich finds a police colleague of his in the building, and Delich kills his colleague. When he fires his revolver, the sound of the blanks can be heard, slightly out of synch with the gun blasts on the sound track.

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Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man picture

Other mistake: There is a patch on the jacket Harley (Rourke) wears, that appears and disappears throughout the movie. It's on the front lower right side. It is there when he's standing outside their friends' bar with Marlboro, it's gone when they are inside.

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3 Ninjas picture

Other mistake: When the three ninjas are kidnapped and locked in that room, Tum-Tum is complaining about being hungry. Later on, before the fighting match between Grandpa and Snider, Tum-Tum gives Grandpa jelly beans. Why didn't Tum-Tum just eat those before?

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Hellfighters picture

Other mistake: The crew goes up to Calgary in January to extinguish an oil fire, yet there's no snow on the ground, the grass is green, and all the deciduous trees have leaves.

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Fast & Furious 8 picture

Other mistake: When Dom and Cipher break into Mr Nobody's base, they use "the latest in concussion grenade technology which scrambles all senses and lasts an hour" which would include vision and is reflected as such. 2 min later Letty and Hobbs are able to see the kiss Cipher gives Dom.


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Rules of Engagement picture

Other mistake: During the ending scene, when Samuel L. Jackson is walking away from the camera across the lawn, he passes directly between the platoon on the right practicing rifle drill, and the platoon leader giving them orders. Marines are taught to NEVER do this. It is called "breaking ranks", and a Colonel in the Marine Corps would have known this.


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Eve of Destruction picture

Other mistake: When Eve runs into the BMW from behind, the guy slams into his steering wheel. When you are hit from behind, you will slam backwards into your seat. It happens twice, the third time the airbag deploys and stays inflated (real airbags deflate in a second, they are not balloons).


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White House Down picture

Other mistake: After the sprinklers go off in the White House, none of the actors' clothes are wet. With the amount of water sprayed, all of them should have their clothes stuck to their bodies. (01:25:00)

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Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi picture Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi mistake picture

Other mistake: DVD and Blu-ray only: in the Battle of Endor, right after the rebel fighter says "there's too many of them." The Millennium Falcon goes into 1/4 of the picture, you can see a black square spot on the right side of the flash frame due to a bad filter usage. Widescreen only. It does not appear in the 4K release even though it wasn't removed.

More Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi other mistakes
Doomsday picture

Other mistake: Whenever you get a look at the highways, they're clean. At this point in the future vegetation would've gathered on the highways.

Low Cow

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The A-Team picture

Other mistake: Towards the end when we see one of the $100 bill plates up close, the plate is not of any money ever put into production in the US. While I know most movies do not try and use actual money, there are things that don't match how real money is made: serial numbers are not on the plates, circle around Ben's head doesn't go to the border, "The United States of America" is missing above the "100" on the left, just to name a few.


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Pearl Harbor picture

Other mistake: When Rafe and Evelyn are on the platform by the side of the Queen Mary, the platform is going up, but the ropes are not moving through the pulleys.

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Tango & Cash picture

Other mistake: When Stallone stops the bad guys in the semi full of cocaine, they fly through a windshield that is apparently made of plate glass, and not the safety glass found on almost every other vehicle windshield on earth.

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Reservoir Dogs picture

Other mistake: During the post-robbery flashback where Mr. White has just killed two police officers, there is a shot of Mr. White saying, "Let's go." after determining that Mr. Brown is dead. As Mr. White & Mr. Orange leave the scene, you can see 3, maybe 4 men standing perhaps 20 feet away, lounging in front of a dark blue truck. For all the car-crashing & gunshots easily within earshot, those witnesses seem awfully nonchalant. (01:25:40)


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