
King Memses' Curse - S1-E13

Plot hole: At the end of the previous episode Foyle infiltrated the Fisher household and cut the telephone line. However in this episode, taking place just the morning after, no mention at all of the event is made and Bert and Cec off camera phone the police with no anomalies reported.


King Memses' Curse - S1-E13

Continuity mistake: When Miss Fisher is on her knees by the burial site of her sister, the ribbon in her possession is quite different from the one seen at the beginning of the series, which was worn out, with no hint of the shape and color of the blue one shown in this episode and the previous.


King Memses' Curse - S1-E13

Stupidity: The bad guys tied up, bound and gagged a 100 pounds teenager, but left the policeman they captured completely free of any restraints whatsoever in the same room (no real reason why they wouldn't have killed him).


King Memses' Curse - S1-E13

Factual error: The whole Egyptian mythos and references are incredibly sketchy: at first it is said that Foyle was born "on the 21st day of Proyet." Leaving aside the fact that Proyet is a season rather than a month and that it simply would not translate automatically into a matching month and day of the Gregorian calendar, it still wouldn't be the 21st of December as stated because Proyet fell rather in a January to May range. Not just that, but in the second half of the episode it's simply identified as "Midsummer", when Proyet was part of Winter and obviously seasons in Australia are the polar opposites of seasons in Egypt.


King Memses' Curse - S1-E13

Continuity mistake: When Dot is holding Hugh at gunpoint, Hugo Johnstone-Burt is holding a pencil between his thumb and middle finger only when shot from the front with Dot's hands in the foreground. He never has it in the angle behind him, or wider shots. (00:34:40)


King Memses' Curse - S1-E13

Stupidity: With all the data gathered on all the girls, and having made a note about the relevance of "Birthday", Jack is completely incapable of establishing any connection between the girls... who all have the exact same birthday. After hours, he needs Miss Fisher to find it out. Who does it by simply reading the word "birthday" that he himself wrote.


King Memses' Curse - S1-E13

Plot hole: The coroner finds the stones "in the nasal cavity" after Miss Fisher's intuition, but he already had examined it in both cases due to the bleeding. Also, it's inexplicable how with the previous case being ruled as the death of a drug addict with no particular findings, the coroner would have still lying around the body to examine for autopsy even when Hugh said the body was found a week before.


King Memses' Curse - S1-E13

Factual error: Ignoring the fact that there was no such Pharaoh as "Memses", in the cabinet inventory the missing item is listed as follows: "'Silver stirrup ring, in the reign of King Memses, Dynasty Five, 2600 BC." If it were 2600 BC, it would be Dynasty Three maybe, but not Five, which started just past 2500.


Murder in the Dark - S1-E12

Continuity mistake: As the the first conversation between Miss Fisher and her cousin's belle begins, when she mentions "That dazzling party in Charing Cross" she has her hand on the newspaper, but it is on her shoulder at the cut. And then Miss Fisher puts a hand above the hip, changing position at the following cut as well. (00:08:00)


Blood and Circuses - S1-E11

Stupidity: The plan of the bad guys to dispose of Miss Fisher, apparently, involved killing her and digging up a grave for her something like 20 yards away from the circus, in plain view and hearing distance from the various trailers. Since not everyone in the circus was a murderous maniac and certainly quite a few were capable to see a good opportunity for blackmail, it seems a bit unlikely it would have been successful.


Blood and Circuses - S1-E11

Plot hole: Miss Fisher and Samson have to find the right, narrow, timeframe to sneak into the ringmaster's tent and go through his belongings. But they seem to have an unlimited amount of time once afterwards, since they flat out take the big crate he has in plain view containing all sorts of incriminating evidence, and then have all their time to get to the station to bring the evidence to Jack, compare serial numbers, have a lab check on the vials, even dig up graves, all without Mr. Jones getting suspicious in the slightest.


Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries mistake picture

Blood and Circuses - S1-E11

Continuity mistake: Miss Fisher as 'Fern' is posing as the magician's assistant. He does the (supposedly, before the man in the crowd calls out 20 as grand finale) last throw successfully and walks up to her to retrieve the knives. They are obviously positioned differently between shots. (00:30:30)


Queen of the Flowers - S1-E9

Factual error: Behind Jack and Miss Fisher as they are waiting to get an answer about the whereabouts of Jane's mother there's a wall calendar that has November 4 as a Tuesday - wrong for 1928, and also inconsistent with the other calendar seen in the episode, in the kitchen. (00:43:00)


Away with the Fairies - S1-E8

Character mistake: When Hugh is talking with Dot making up a letter as he goes, he says that he's been going out with a wonderful girl for "nearly 6 months." This episode takes place merely a day after the previous, which was set in October. The first episodes when Dot and Hugh could start being called an item were set in August. That is nowhere near 6 months. (00:23:00)


Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries mistake picture

Away with the Fairies - S1-E8

Factual error: When Miss Charlesworth asks where everybody has gone and Letitia answers, you can get a good view of her desk, sporting above it amongst many photos also an illustration surely out of place in 1928: the "We can do it!" girl created by J. Howard Miller in 1942 and more or less apocryphally identified with Rosie the Riveter, a feminist icon that is quite specific to WW2. (00:22:10)


Away with the Fairies - S1-E8

Plot hole: Camellia is awake when she is being carried away, and later in the episode she fights using martial arts. It is unclear how even caught by surprise she was apprehended without a single sound being made except two times by doors slamming and not even a whimper...considering she is even not gagged.


Away with the Fairies - S1-E8

Continuity mistake: Dot is going through the agony aunt mail: she mentions the woman with 9 kids who does not want to deny her hubby, and you can distinctly see her put back on the table her left hand, holding a letter. Cut, and that hand is now hovering above the table. (00:19:55)


Away with the Fairies - S1-E8

Continuity mistake: During Miss Fisher's conversation with John/Giovanni/Miss Greenthumbs in the building stairway, when she asks him about Artemis he inhales from the cigarette. Smoke is present and visible, disappears in the reverse shot, back to full visibility as the original angle returns, and no smoke at all when we get back to the reverse shot. (00:15:35)


Away with the Fairies - S1-E8

Character mistake: Striking conversation with the inspector, Miss Fisher asks him if he's still thinking about when he kissed her 'the other night'. The kiss happened in the previous episode during a police operation happening at 3 PM. Hardly "the other night." (00:06:40)


Away with the Fairies - S1-E8

Factual error: Miss Fisher wakes up at her usual time (not quite cockcrow), receives from Dot the news of the death of her friend, that she heard on the radio, makes her way to the crime scene, and finds there Jack, who is just at that time closing the victim's eyelids. A little strange gesture to be performed, hours after death. Unlikely to work with rigor mortis, too. (00:03:15)


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