
14th Oct 2019

Baby's Day Out (1994)

Eddie: When I boxed, the guys I most feared were the ones who feared nothing. Babies are like that. They ain't afraid of nothing! (00:45:20)


Double Sin - S2-E6

Chief Inspector Japp: The professional private detective, ladies and gentlemen, is not the glamorous figure of fiction. He's a man who, failing in more worthy walks of life and being of meddlesome and troublemaking disposition, finally comes to rest in a dingy office over the chip shop, where he plies for hire in the sordid world of petty crime and divorce....Except, I have to say, for one. I have been fortunate in my career, in that many, indeed perhaps most of my cases, have been shared with the most extraordinary of private detectives and, if I may borrow a word from his own native tongue, that "doyen" of the Belgian police force, Monsieur Hercule Poirot. I think I may say without fear of contradiction that Hercule Poirot has one of the most original minds of the 20th century. Intelligent, brave, sensitive, devastatingly quick, Hercule Poirot stands head and shoulders above any other detective of my considerable experience. (00:37:25)


Olivia: The other day, I found myself opening a door for a man. What happened to chivalry?
Richard: You know why guys open doors for women?
Olivia: No?
Richard: So we can check out your arses as you walk by.
Olivia: Well, you're just full of all these amazing insights, aren't you?


Owen Legate: Listen, Miss Starr...I've been travelling since six o' clock this morning. Gotta get up early tomorrow and do some work. Now, if you come with the room, if you are included with the two meals, then let's get on with it. Let's not play around.
Alva Starr: What do you think I am?
Owen Legate: What do you think you are?


22nd Sep 2019

Bird on a Wire (1990)

Marianne: Do I get to know what's going on or do I just get killed for old times' sake? (00:32:15)


Problem at Sea - S1-E7

Miss Henderson: It was a cruel, dirty trick you played, Monsieur Poirot.
Poirot: I do not approve of murder. Mademoiselle.


Murder in the Mews - S1-E2

Hastings: Where's Mrs. Japp tonight, then?
Inspector Japp: She can't abide fireworks.
Poirot: Ahhh, the noise disturbs the delicate sensibilities of many ladies...
Inspector Japp: Maybe, maybe. I think it's more that she doesn't like to see people enjoying themselves.


The Adventure of the Clapham Cook - S1-E1

Hastings: It's a wonderful day. Just fill your lungs with that air!
Poirot: No, my poor friend, this sort of air is intended for birds and little furry things. The lungs of Hercule Poirot demand something more substantial: the good air of the town!


22nd Sep 2019

The African Queen (1951)

Ship Captain: By the authority invested in me by Kaiser William II, I pronounce you man and wife. Proceed with the execution. (01:42:10)


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