
Factual error: Carrie Fisher and David Soul kiss in 1936 Trieste in front of a poster for the stock cube "Arrigo" from local food company Arrigoni. Sounds fine, but the ad used was launched in 1939. (00:11:30)


Factual error: The Italian flags used in the city that stands in as Trieste are all modern flags of the Italian republic, with just the tricolour. In 1936 the flag would also have the coat of arms from Savoy, being still a kingdom. (00:08:30)


12th Mar 2022

House of Gucci (2021)

Factual error: The judge sentences Aldo to a year and a day of prison, and that's accurate, but he adds "In a state penitentiary." Aldo Gucci served time at the so called "Club Fed", the Federal Prison Camp of Eglin. (01:22:50)


12th Mar 2022

House of Gucci (2021)

Factual error: Aldo Gucci's arrest happened in January 1986, but when Paolo reads the news on "La Stampa", the article next to it refers to researcher Thomas Chalmers asking for a smoking ban on US airlines. That's August of the same year. (01:21:10)


12th Mar 2022

House of Gucci (2021)

Factual error: In the audience of the Versace show in 1983, there's a shot in the crowd showing someone portraying Karl Lagerfeld, in company of his iconic cat. Lagerfeld wasn't known for carrying felines around during that part of his career. (01:09:00)


12th Mar 2022

House of Gucci (2021)

Factual error: At the Versace fashion show set in 1983, the photographers are using cameras with modern flashes installed, complete with LCD displays. (01:08:55)


12th Mar 2022

House of Gucci (2021)

Factual error: During Aldo's phone call to the newlyweds, above the washing machine there's a bottle of "Omino Bianco" laundry detergent. It's an Italian brand that in the 80s was exclusively an additive bleach in powder form, the one in the movie is the modern liquid detergent version. (00:33:30)


12th Mar 2022

House of Gucci (2021)

Factual error: Rodolfo's brother Aldo has a real knack for business, since he comes with a business proposition to sell Gucci products at the Gotemba Mall in Japan in 1980, when the mall opened in the year 2000. (00:29:50)


12th Mar 2022

House of Gucci (2021)

Factual error: During the wedding scene and in other rare moments Lady Gaga and Adam Driver speak actual Italian (let's not get into the logic of the fact that they speak throughout the whole movie with 'English with Italian accent' in Italy, especially when it is pure pantomime like Leto's), but they are not native speakers, their pronunciation is off. Al Pacino does worse when in the next scene he greets the housemaid Claudia with "Buonasera" (good evening) which the captions (and the rest of the dialogue, since he repeats the line in Englishalian too) translate as "Good Morning."


12th Mar 2022

House of Gucci (2021)

Factual error: Adam Driver and Lady Gaga are eating some street food in Piazza del Duomo in Milan after trying the expensive and historic Savini restaurant. The scene begins with in frame the sign of the jewelry store Currado, a brand established in the 90s and that opened that particular store in 2007. (00:12:00)


12th Mar 2022

House of Gucci (2021)

Factual error: Lady Gaga is painting her toenails listening to some music on her portable cassette player. It's 1978, and walkman-type players were introduced the year after. (00:11:00)


12th Mar 2022

House of Gucci (2021)

Factual error: When Patrizia is stalking Maurizio pretending to read some law book from the university, she's leaning against a shelf that sports a grey book by the title "Formazione; I metodi." On the book, you can see the logo of the publisher, Raffaello Cortina Editore, founded in 1980. The scene is set in 1978 (the book is from 2014, incidentally, and the scene was shot at the Cortina bookstore). Another even more obviously anachronistic book is next to Maurizio on the lower shelf; about the regulations of the European Union, which didn't exist at the time. (00:08:25)


12th Mar 2022

Death on the Nile (2022)

Factual error: The movie takes place in 1937: the new and improved Salome Otterbourne of this version has a repertoire of blues songs that are a few years posterior to that date, many years if we count the Rosetta Tharpe versions actually used in the movie. An argument can be made that they are all 'live performances' from a fictional character regardless of the vocalist who actually performed, and so the only song truly 'impossible' in 1937 would be "Shout sister shout", written in 1941, but we don't actually see Salome sing it. She does perform "Up Above My Head" and no recorded version of it exist before 1941, but it comes from a traditional gospel song.


12th Mar 2022

Castle (2009)

Nanny McDead - S1-E2

Factual error: The establishing shot of the building where the murder takes place features on the foyer quite prominently "715 - The Langham." The story takes place in New York, but The Langham (named after the famous British hotel) is the name of a residential building in 715 S Normandie Avenue in Koreatown, Los Angeles, used in this episode. There is a hotel by that name in New York, not an apartment building, on 5th Avenue. (00:01:00)


11th Mar 2022

House of Gucci (2021)

Factual error: The climax of the first show by Tom Ford happens with the bold presentation of a Gucci g-string. Maurizio is alive and well here, but the event happened at the presentation of the Spring collection in 1997, months after his death.


11th Mar 2022

House of Gucci (2021)

Factual error: In the scene after the "stealing" argument with Paola, Patrizia asks her indifferent husband "Do you like my hair?" He's reading a page from "Il Foglio." First, it can't be the actual newspaper because it literally means "The Sheet" and its format is exactly that, a single page and he's reading a large bundle of pages, but more importantly, "Il Foglio" was founded in 1996, after Gucci's death. (01:43:55)


10th Mar 2022

House of Gucci (2021)

Factual error: Maurizio Gucci is killed practically in front of a recognizable landmark (Fontana delle Rane, "Frog Fountain") in Rome, but in reality he was killed in Milan. The registration plates of the cars in the scene are also "MI", which would be a pretty extraordinary coincidence in Rome.


10th Mar 2022

House of Gucci (2021)

Factual error: When Paolo insults Maurizio and Patrizia after the disaster at his fashion show, in the background there's a street sign (a red and blue circle with a cross) which was introduced only in 1992. The scene is set in 1986. (01:25:50)


10th Mar 2022

House of Gucci (2021)

Factual error: When Patrizia tells Maurizio that she talked to Paolo, the coffee table showcases a variety of books completely inappropriate for the 1983 timeframe (for instance there's "All Prints of Kusama Yayoi" with her pumpkin print from 2005 on the cover and "The Lives of Others" by Simon Watson, which came out in 2020). (01:16:45)


9th Mar 2022

House of Gucci (2021)

Factual error: When Maurizio is discussing for the first time Paolo's burgeoning business, on the table you can see San Pellegrino bottled water with the modern format and packaging instead of the appropriate bottle shape and label for 1983 that appears in other scenes. (01:11:00)


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