
Corrected entry: At the start of the beach landing, the landing craft are either beached or a few feet out - we know this from the view of the machine gun nest and the cameras beside the landing craft. Several soldiers are waist deep in water, but when the men go over the side they fall into water that is 10-20 feet deep, as we see men sink to the bottom and drown and get shot etc. This is a continuous scene so the landing craft would not have moved.

Correction: You will also see that not all the landing craft are beached or "a few feet out" so the men we see drown could be off those crafts. Also in the actual landings there are reports of men jumping over the side before they arrived so they stood more of a chance.


24th Mar 2018

South Park (1997)

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Suggested correction: Butters is always shown as being a bit dim and slow. As a kid it's easy for him to make a mistake in thinking that there was only 132 episodes.


That's why it's called a "character mistake"; also, Butters is certainly naive, but he's hardly what I would call "dim and slow."


10th Dec 2009

2012 (2009)

Corrected entry: In the scene with the G8 meeting the American President is talking to the G8 members. The Russian President turns to his translator and speaks in clear Serbian language (not Russian!) 'do not go out, stay' (nemoj da izadjes, ostani). Then in the next moment the Russian President tells his translator in clear Serbian 'You can go now' (mozes da izadjes).


Correction: It's not uncommon for people to be able to speak multiple languages. If the Russian president thought someone could understand Russian, he could easily have decided to speak in Serbian. His choice to change his orders to his translator is not a mistake.


Correction: Raj is whispering to the other two so Penny doesn't hear him.


He's not whispering and when he does whisper in front of Penny he covers his mouth.


27th Jul 2017

Wonder Woman (2017)

Corrected entry: When Diana and Steve sail from Themyscira to London, the sails on the boat just hang there, indicating that there is no wind. Sailboats need wind to move and the sails need periodic adjustment depending on from which direction the wind is coming.


Correction: In the sequence at night there's no wind, but nor are they moving much - that's sailing for you - if there's no wind you just need to wait and hope. After another scene we then see them arriving in London, with a taught rope off the bow, a steamboat in front clearly towing them, and Steve says "we got lucky, we caught a ride and made some good time".

Correction: The sailboat is attached to a steamship or similar in front. That's why Steve said they made some good time.

I just watched the film again. There is no steamship. Where would it have come from?


As they sail into London they're being towed by a steamship.

Jon Sandys

There's no indication the boat is under any form of power other than the sails.


Corrected entry: Well after the beach has been secured and communication posts are set up where Upham is typing and Miller comes to reassign him, it then shows a panning view of the beach of soldiers still unloading. However, the big X-shaped tank traps are still littered all over the beach. During the assault there were combat engineers telling soldiers to get away from the traps so they can destroy them. How come even now after they've had the beach secured this long they haven't removed the tank traps? The fact that many of the engineers were killed in some of the initial waves on the beach is irrelevant as there were many coming ashore after the beachhead was established. (00:38:05)

Correction: Yes the tank traps are still on the beech head, however if you look closely during the panning shots you will see that the far end of the beach has been cleared of the traps to make room for the landing crafts that are carrying the armor. At the close end of the beach, you can see smaller boats deploying soldiers only. As such there is no need to remove the traps from that area as it would be a waste of manpower and resources.


Corrected entry: Right after the medic dies, when the unit has killed the Germans except for the one they eventually let leave, one of the dead bodies is breathing.

Correction: While it is safe to say that they are seriously wounded, It can take a few minutes for them to die completely. Therefore it's a reasonable assumption that there would be shallow breaths.


Corrected entry: When they first enter the field hospital, look at the side of the glider. By the door, there is no dead body. When they come back, there is a body resting against the glider. Did a wounded man get up to die next to the glider? (01:11:10)

Correction: It's a different door. Note the pilot section, and the tree coverage.


Plot hole: While parachuting from a shot down aircraft, why would a trained air force flight crew with a steerable parachute bypass the broad, open landing site to land in trees? (00:26:30)

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Suggested correction: To land closer to his injured navigator.


If he knew where his navigator was.

14th Nov 2017

Jigsaw (2017)

Revealing mistake: During the opening trap, at one point one of the five "Bucket Heads" starts banging on the wall behind them. If you look very closely, you can see the set-wall waver slightly as it's struck, revealing it's not really a concrete wall. (And it's not supposed to be the doorway that is later revealed during the final twist. It's a separate section of wall). (00:05:40)

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Suggested correction: No it's not the section that is a door, but that door does prove vital here. By showing the door, shows there is a section behind the wall. Meaning the wall we see is most likely a completely false wall and not the structural wall. With it being a false wall it is entire pleasurable that it could move.


When Jigsaw opens the door, you can see the walls are indeed solid and are at least 6-8 inches thick. Given the fact they appear to be made of concrete and run floor-to-ceiling, sorry... there's no way they are moving when someone bangs on them. Also, why would Jigsaw make a "false wall" that was so easy to move when someone hit it? He'd be setting himself up to possibly be caught. Sorry, but this particular correction is just too far-fetched. It's just a mistake.

26th Feb 2018

Jigsaw (2017)

Revealing mistake: At the beginning when the coroner cuts the bucket off the body, the metal is red hot and her pinky touches it. Not only does it not burn the glove but it doesn't burn her.


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Suggested correction: The metal is not red hot, it was cut by a laser that gives off a small amount of smoke. Nothing says the metal is hot. So no burn is reasonable.


Your correction suggestion completely contradicts how laser-cutters work. The metal would definitely be hot if cut with a laser cutter. That's how laser cutters work - they essentially melt the material they're pointed at in a very controlled fashion, and they do indeed get quite hot.


Smoke doesn't make the metal glow red, that would be heat. Also for the laser to cut through thr metal it needs to heat it up.


Corrected entry: Jack Sparrow finds out about the curse of the Black Pearl when he's imprisoned, and two crew of the Pearl encounter him. He didn't know what the curse was, or whether it existed until this point. Shortly afterwards, Will Turner reveals his identity to him, in which Jack Sparrow then schemes to use Will to barter him for the Pearl in exchange for providing the crew a way to remove the curse... How is it possible for Jack Sparrow to know that the crew needed Will Turner without knowing about the curse in the first place? (00:42:00)

Correction: He knew about the curse, but Jack had never seen its effects before, that's what surprises him. After all, he was the one who knew where the island was and told Barbossa.


Correction: If you watch he says "so there is a curse" meaning he knew what it was. He also knew bootstrap had a son since he was part of Jack's crew. Since word gets round places like Tortuga he would have hear Bootstrap had been sent to Davey Jones Locker not long after the mutiny which takes place on the way to the island (as explained).


22nd Nov 2002

The Aristocats (1970)

Corrected entry: When the cats are running away from the milkman, you will see O'Malley pick up Marie as he is running. However, in the next shot, as they enter the shed, Marie is running in front of O'Malley.

Correction: We don't know how far they have run, so enough time to put Marie down.


27th Aug 2001

The Aristocats (1970)

Corrected entry: When the cats jump under the train track, the train goes by. Each time it shows them, they are in a different pose. And when they show the cats again, they are back on the track. They couldn't get up there so fast.

Correction: There is a gap between each shot. Enough time for them to move.


Continuity mistake: John M is driving to the Eastern electricity station and chatting. The view out of his window shows him driving past the same distant hill at least three times. Also the speed is faster out of the passenger's side than the driver's.

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Suggested correction: Not really a mistake seeing the same hill 3 times. Also the speed can alter quite easily. Not a mistake.


Also, the road could be curving slightly, changing the angle of view with the camera change.

10th Feb 2018

Friends (1994)

Show generally

Corrected entry: The first version of Central Perk's logo, seen from season 1, presents a perspective error on the right top corner of the left cup of coffee. Some seasons later, the logo receives a tiny correction in the same area, that makes the perspective "OK" to the eye. The cup line straightens up, and the steam is brought a little closer to the ribbon containing the name.

Gui Petrini

Correction: It's not unusual for shops or business places to change their graphics. Not a mistake since the show takes place over 10 years.


20th Feb 2013

The Inbetweeners (2008)

Correction: The damage shown is from when the door falls to the floor.


I doubt it, the damage is mostly on one line down the door, as if it was hit with a pole.

22nd Dec 2017

Home Alone (1990)

Continuity mistake: When Frank squishes Fuller with the chair, we see Frank walk off. However about 5 seconds later we see Frank's wife rescue Fuller, and Frank walks off again. (00:09:35)


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Suggested correction: Not a mistake. Frank never walks off the first time.

Perhaps the wrong phrase was used. He actually moves away from the front part of the seat to the left and out of shot of the camera. When the shot is shown of Frank's wife rescuing fuller, Frank repeats his actions of walking away from the front part of the seat and moving to his left. There is no reasonable reason he would move back in front of the chair for the purpose of repeating this action. Especially since his wife is trying to rescue Fuller and would not permit Frank to return to his original position. So the mistake is valid, just an error in wording.


8th Dec 2003

Home Alone (1990)

Corrected entry: When the family is rushing all over the house because they're late, they show Brooke coming down the stairs and Heather going up the stairs. Then the scene goes to Mitch Murphy and then comes back to the family rushing. The scene shows the same shot of Brooke and Heather going down and up the stairs. (00:13:50)

Correction: It's not the same clip as the people on the stairs are different between the two shots.


7th Aug 2005

Home Alone (1990)

Corrected entry: When Kevin's father leaves the table to stop Kevin from annoying Buzz, the Pepsi bottle is going to fall, In the following shot, the bottle is not falling and the dishes have moved. (00:09:45)

Dr Wilson

Correction: The bottle does fall, causing people to panic and plates to move.


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