
Continuity mistake: When Cynthia calls Jimmy on the phone you can see Jimmy's necklace chain on both sides of his chest. When it cuts to a close-up of him one side of the chain is hidden under his shirt. (00:17:25)


Continuity mistake: When Oz, Jill and Jimmy run through the door hidden behind a closet, as it cuts from inside you can see them turning right immediately as they get in the door. You can also see a banister by the entrance. When it cuts to outside you see them running straight ahead. This means that they in fact are running through the banister, however the banister is now gone. (00:31:50)


26th Jan 2005

The Medallion (2003)

Continuity mistake: In the beginning when Snakehead has received the book from the old man he says "The only pitiful is your life". He grabs a knife and we see him stretching his arm out against the old man. When it cuts Snakehead has his arm bent with the knife under the old mans chin. The way Snakehead stretched his arm he would have stabbed the old man right in the face, not placing the knife under his chin. (00:02:35)


26th Jan 2005

The Medallion (2003)

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Jackie and a bad guy are pointing their guns at each other, Jackie turns his gun against the guy's gun. The distance of their guns and Jackie's gun's angle change between the shots. (00:18:20)


26th Jan 2005

The Medallion (2003)

Continuity mistake: When Nicole arrive at the hospital and calling for Jai, watch the men running behind her. None of them is holding a gun. When it cuts one of them is suddenly running with a gun in his hand while aiming. (00:48:10)


26th Jan 2005

The Medallion (2003)

Continuity mistake: When one of the bad guys is shooting at Charlotte, Watson gets mad and shouts "How dare you shoot at my wife" while shooting at him. When the man falls down we can see him falling with his back first. When it cuts he comes down front first. (01:03:45)


26th Jan 2005

The Medallion (2003)

Continuity mistake: At the hospital when Jackie and Watson are being shot at, Jackie pushes Watson through the door. We see Watson flying backwards out the door. When it cuts we see him come flying face first. (00:46:10)


Audio problem: Even when Oz has hung up the phone with Lazlo you can still hear Lazlo saying "Can you hear me?". (01:10:00)


26th Jan 2005

The Medallion (2003)

Continuity mistake: When Giscard grabs Snakehead and says "Cops. We gotta go," we see him grabbing Snakehead's left arm. When it cuts he is holding around Snakehead's waist. (00:12:00)


26th Jan 2005

The Medallion (2003)

Continuity mistake: When Jackie shows the medallion to Nicole we can see Jackie holding the medallion with one hand. Even though he is holding his other hand up as well we can see it isn't holding the medallion. When it cuts Jackie is holding it with both hands. Also now Nicole is suddenly touching the medallion. (01:00:45)


26th Jan 2005

The Medallion (2003)

Continuity mistake: At the hospital when Jackie pushed Watson through the doorway, Watson bounces between the walls before finally hitting the door. The way Jackie is standing in the door opening change between the shots. For example, Jackie stands with his right arm down. When it cuts he is holding his right arm by his waist. (00:46:10)


26th Jan 2005

The Medallion (2003)

Continuity mistake: When we see Watson flying his machine we can see him looking at a map. It cuts to a wide shot and he is not looking at the map. Then it cuts back to him and he is looking at the map again. (01:06:55)


26th Jan 2005

The Medallion (2003)

Continuity mistake: When Charlotte is being shot at she jumps on a banister. On the floor we can see a carpet. Later when she jumps down the carpet has moved closer to the wall. (01:03:40)


26th Jan 2005

The Medallion (2003)

Continuity mistake: When Jackie and Watson get to the office and Jackie says "We're partners, we're good together. You need me," we see Watson give some files to a man. The way the man is holding the files differs between shots. (00:23:35)


26th Jan 2005

The Medallion (2003)

Continuity mistake: When Jai gives Snakehead his life back, there is a close-up of the medallion. We can see the leather band of the medallion around their hands. When it cuts the band is gone. (00:59:30)


26th Jan 2005

The Medallion (2003)

Continuity mistake: When Jackie accidentally hits the door, making it fly through the air, the color of the door changes from light green to vanilla white. (00:47:50)


25th Jan 2005

The Medallion (2003)

Revealing mistake: In the scene where Jackie jumps off the ship trying to hit the escaping boat, he hits a man on the boat and they both fall into the water. When it cuts to the impact between Jackie and the man, it is obvious they both jump from the escaping boat. In fact we can actually see Jackie standing on the boat before he 'falls' into the water. (00:19:20)


Visible crew/equipment: When Oz gets home, Lazlo is sitting by his piano. When Lazlo gets up from the piano while saying "Your wife is in a safe," you can see a man's face reflected in the window to the left on the screen. It's not one of Lazlo's men, because they haven't entered the living room yet, and it can't be Oz's face, because he is sitting too far away from the window. (00:19:25)


Continuity mistake: When Lazlo and his men park their car in the junk yard, they park in the shade. When it cuts, the sun is shining on their car. (00:11:40)


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