X-Men 2

Question: How did the X-Men get into the Oval Office at the end of the movie?

Answer: Xavier just mentally froze everyone in the building, including the President, then Kurt teleported them in. He then released the President for the length of their conversation, then immobilised him again until after Kurt got them safely out of the building.


Question: What is Mystique's real name? I've heard it before but I can't remember what it is.

Answer: Mystique's original name was Raven Darkholme, but she also spent many years masquerading as Mallory Brickman.


Question: I understand that Jean Grey perishing to turn into Phoenix was part of the storyline, but there had to be another way to stop the oncoming water. Couldn't Bobby (Iceman) have tried to freeze the water? Or maybe that and a combination of Storm turning the weather very, very cold would've turned it into ice?

Answer: As mentioned elsewhere, Iceman is still in training and doesn't have enough control over his powers to turn the entire flood of water into motionless ice within the short time frame. Storm might have been able to lower the temperature, but dropping it enough to instantly freeze such a volume of water probably would have killed them all (we know from Cerebro 2 that she can't insulate people from the effects of her powers). It's just too much water too fast for these to be possible.


Question: Why didn't wolverine simply retract his claws when the cops showed up at the front of bobby's house? Might have saved him from being shot.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: They're ordering him to drop them, to put them somewhere where he doesn't have access to them. Obviously he can't do that, however, retracting them isn't going to satisfy them - indeed, if he suddenly retracted them, the shock might actually prompt them to shoot. His best bet is to keep them in view, but make it plain that he's not taking any hostile action with them. Unfortunately, it doesn't work.


Question: How do the police officers survive the blast that Pyro, sends knocking them off of the porch? They would have extensive burns to their entire body if this were to really happen and not just look like they were rolling around in dirt.

Rollin Garcia Jr

Chosen answer: Pyro probably didn't want to hurt them, just scare them. Pyro controls fire, remember? That's how they didn't get burned by the blasts.


Pyro most likely superheated the oxygen atoms just in front of the officers causing them to explode. He made sure the officers were just far enough away from the blast that the shockwave would only throw them but not kill or burn them.

Question: Does anyone know if Gambit (had a stick and threw playing cards) will be introduced in the new X-men film and can anyone explain why he hasn't been introduced yet? I always remember he was a major character in the cartoon.


Chosen answer: Rumor has it he will be in the third film. Nothing definite yet. There is no reason he hasn't been introduced yet. Why hasn't Archangel, Beast, Bishop or Forge been introduced? Why not the Sentinels? Why is Rogue starting out as a good guy? The movies will not exactly follow the comics or cartoon.

Grumpy Scot

Question: In the scene where iceman makes an ice wall between wolverine and stryker i don't understand why he doesn't claw through it.

Answer: Bobby could just reform the wall behind his slashes - it wouldn't do any good.


Question: When Nightcrawler falls from the roof of the church and Jean "catches" him telepathically, why can't he teleport away from her? Can Jean's telepathic powers inhibit his natural mutant abilities?

Answer: Two reasons for this. Firstly, you are quite correct. Jean Grey can inhibit his natural mutant abilities, as we see at the end of the film when Nightcrawler is trying to save her from the water, but she keeps stopping him. Secondly, Nightcrawler probably didn't want to escape. He was set up to attack the president and most likely wanted to turn himself in.

Gavin Jackson

Question: Hey, what do we know about Nightcrawler's past? I know he can't remember the whole Stryker experience, but before that? Like, when he was in Germany?

Answer: From the movie, very little, other than the circus references. From the comics, quite a bit. Kurt's actually Mystique's son, his father, according to a recent storyline, being some sort of demon-like mutant who dated back to biblical times. Abandoned by Mystique at birth, when she was chased by a mob, the baby Nightcrawler instinctively used his teleporting to escape. He was taken in by a gypsy witch, who raised him as her own son. She ran a travelling carnival, in which Kurt appeared - an obvious parallel to the circus mentioned in the films. Ultimately, Kurt decided to strike out on his own - a decision that ended with Charles Xavier having to rescue him from a mob and recruit him into the X-Men.


Question: How come Bobby wasn't hurt when Rogue kissed him?

Answer: Rogue is developing some elementary control over her power, but it's not completely effective by any means and is still strongly tied to strong emotional states. So she can hold off for a little bit on the first kiss, but later (with more intense emotion) she starts to drain him.


Question: Relating to the question about Apocalypse, what were his/her powers?

Answer: According to UncannyXmen.net, Apocalypse's powers are metahuman strength, speed, endurance, and reflexes, megamorphic power which allows him to assume any human form, grow to tremendous size, or reshape his body composition at will, the ability to discharge concussive plasma blasts, teleportation, and the ability to absorb outside sources of power to increase his own abilites.


Question: At the end when Jean is holding the water back and controlling the x-jet, the power comes back on and the x-men escape leaving Jean to die, but could she do the same if she was in the x-jet? It could have saved her life.

Answer: She could have, but she had to die to come back as the Phoenix/Dark Phoenix in X3. Plot trapdoor.

Grumpy Scot

Question: Does anyone know through the comics or wherever, who the first mutants were?

Answer: Professor X, Cyclops, Beast, Iceman, Angel, and Jean Grey. They were the orginial X-men. If you mean the first mutant, then that would be Apocalypse.


Question: Does Rogue have a crush on Logan because Bobby seems awfully jealous at times?

Answer: She certainly feels close to him, because he looked after her during the events of the first film. It never really comes across as a full-blown crush - Rogue's old enough to know better - but it's enough to worry Bobby. Given that there's only supposed to be about a month between the two films, Bobby and Rogue's relationship is in the very early stages, so it's quite normal to worry about such things.


Question: Is a third X-men already being/been made? When will it be released?


Chosen answer: It's in the pipeline. The script is being worked on, Bryan Singer is expected to direct again, and a number of the cast have the third film included in their contracts. Expect it in 2006.


Question: During the invasion of the mansion, the soldiers were wearing a device over their left eye. What is the purpose of that device? It certainly is not a night vision device since they were using flashlights.

Answer: It could be a infra-red goggle, to see through walls, although it could be night vision as it can still improve upon using a torch alone.

David Mercier

Question: After Nightcrawler saves Rogue, there is a scene in the forest where she comes up and says "Thank you." He responds in German - according to AltaVista's BabelFish he says: "Ask Beautiful" but that doesn't make sense. Does anyone know what he really says?


Chosen answer: "Bitte Schon". When someone says "Danke", it is polite to reply "Bitte" (ie. 'you're welcome'). Similarly "Danke Schon" ('thank you very much') is replied to with "Bitte Schon". Translated literally the words mean 'please beautifully' but the phrase means 'you're welcome'.


Question: Who is the kid in the mansion changing the channels by blinking? I recognized most of the "background" mutants (Siren, Jubilee, Artie, etc.) but this one's eluding me.


Chosen answer: In the comic book there was a mutant with the same powers called 'Blink' but blink was a girl, so i guess they just gave the kid some random ability from the comics.

Question: At the very end when we see Alkali Lake, we see a phoenix shape underwater, referencing Jean Grey's ascension into the form of the Phoenix. Is this symbolic or has this really happened to her?

Answer: This really happened to her. In the comics, the Phoenix Force that took over her body was an alien, which became so consumed with power that she became Dark Phoenix, and was killed; I don't know how they'll do this in the movie.


Question: Why was there adamantium in Nightcrawler's flashback? We saw a needle too, implying he was being injected. Does this fit with any comic/movie interpretation?


Chosen answer: The needle in the flashback relates to the drug that Stryker placed on the back of his neck so that he could control him. The adamantium in the flashback is most likely because the flashback relates to events at Alkali Lake.

X-Men 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Wolverine attacks the SWAT member in the Mutant Academy kitchen while Iceman takes cover, there's a spot the difference competition between the start and end of the gunfight. After a second or two there are bullet holes in the back wall, the Dr. Pepper's been knocked over, the basket's gone from the corner of the table, and the chair at the right is maybe a foot from the corner. When we cut back, the bullet holes in the wall have changed position, the Dr. Pepper's righted itself, the basket's back on the corner, and the chair's now much closer to the edge. All this while Iceman's hiding and Wolverine and the gunman are fighting each other. (00:36:40)

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Pyro: You know all those dangerous mutants you hear about in the news? I'm the worst one.

More quotes from X-Men 2

Trivia: Magneto is reading 'The Once and Future King' by T H White. In the novel Merlin is trapped in a crystal cave - Magneto in a similar plastic/glass cave.

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