Miss Sloane
Movie Quote Quiz

Elizabeth Sloane: Lobbying is about foresight. About anticipating your opponent's moves and devising counter measures. The winner plots one step ahead of the opposition. And plays her trump card just after they play theirs. It's about making sure you surprise them. And they don't surprise you.

Elizabeth Sloane: Career suicide's not so bad when you consider the alternative is suicide by career.

Esme Manucharian: You crossed the line when you stopped treating people with respect. You're smart enough to know that. You just don't care.

George Dupont: Let's see how well-covered her ass really is.

Rodolfo Schmidt: Dildos are illegal in Texas, but Joe Public can walk into a sports store and walk out with a shotgun.
Elizabeth Sloane: That would explain the low rate of dildo-related murders in Texas.

Esme Manucharian: I'll keep fighting, Elizabeth. Whenever I can make a difference. And as far as possible away from you.

Cynthia: That is so cynical.
Elizabeth Sloane: Cynical is a word used by Pollyannas to denote an absence of the naiveté they so keenly exhibit.

Factual error: The 5th Amendment to the Constitution simply states that "No person... shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself." There is no actual or implied provision that means once you have answered a question, you can't plead the 5th on any subsequent questions, as the movie depicts.


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