Best movie mistake pictures of 2007

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Factual error: At the very end of the movie, right before Javier Bardem is in the car accident, there is a shot out the driver's side window, past his face. In one of the driveways he is passing, a new Subaru Forester sits parked. The film is set in 1980.

More No Country For Old Men mistake pictures
More Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Shoeshine is telling Jack to 'give the dog your food'. Jack throws him a rubber steak, which moves further away from Shoeshine in a subsequent shot. (00:35:00)


More Underdog mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Rigg is watching the tapes of Jill's interview he picks up a guide to civil engineering book. Camera does an instant cut and now he's got a police file in his hand. (00:15:30)


More Saw IV mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the ending scene with Daniel and Eli, Daniel starts yelling at Eli as Eli is running down the bowling alley. As Daniel is throwing bowling balls at Eli, the first ball is thrown down the left lane, hits Eli in the foot and ends up in the right lane - no pins have fallen. The second ball is thrown down the left lane and is a gutter ball - again no pins have fallen. The third ball is thrown into the right lane, hits a bucket and presumably hits no pins. However, as Daniel is chasing Eli behind the bowling alley you can see that the left lane now shows only 2 pins still standing.

More There Will Be Blood mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Stuntman Mike is eating and talking to the blonde girl in the bar, he is holding a glass of club soda. When the shot reverses, he is wiping his hands, then when the shot returns, he is holding the club soda again.

More Death Proof mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Walter is looking for the condom in his drawer, he pulls out a picture of a girl and some cylindrical object and puts them on the desk. The items change position in the shot where he turns his back to the camera. (00:52:40)


More Pretty Cool Too mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Anna brings Semyon only copies of the original diary. The sheets are held together by handbag clips, which are closed in the close-ups, and open in the views from her angle. (00:23:00)


More Eastern Promises mistake pictures

Factual error: The license plates on Dan's car are very inaccurate fakes. The colors especially are way off. Certainly, the makers may use a fake sequence of characters the same way "555" phone numbers are, but the styling of the plate should look right. Real NJ plates are a pale yellow along the top 1/4 that fades to a very pale tan by halfway down. Dan's plate is a bright yellow (nearly orange) at the top and the rest is white. The numerals are also the wrong typeface. The mistake is made more obvious by the fact that real New Jersey plates are seen in the early portion of the film on other cars.


More Dan in Real Life mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When the Level 3 Sentry is firing up into the air for no apparent reason, it fires some rockets with a clear defined smoke trail behind them and disappear off screen. Then the shot jump cuts to further away and suddenly the smoke appears again, but the end of the smoke trails are solid and crisp indicating the animators used the smoke animation as if the rockets had just been fired from that spot... in the middle of the sky. (00:01:10)

Quantom X

More Meet the Engineer mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: In the bedroom, when Cassandra asks about what Jane has been writing and Jane answers, "Just something I started in London", when Jane gets up and moves to the table, it is obvious that she is wearing a g-string under her nightgown.

More Becoming Jane mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Marina (Fernanda Torres) gets interrupted by her husband and her dad's toilet humor as she is reading the draft of the petition for the sanitation project. Her dad Otaviano (Paulo José) has his glasses in hand in front views, but still wears them in the reverse shots. (00:02:55)


More Basic Sanitation, The Movie mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: Near the end, right when "little wonders" starts, Lewis takes a moment to look at his future family, Lucille, Frannie, etc. When there's a closeup on Lewis, his memory scanner reveals a reflection of no one in the gym, except for Lewis, even though people are supposed to be standing in front of him.

More Meet the Robinsons mistake pictures

Character mistake: When Mr. Brooks and Marshall hack into the police database and are looking at detective Tracy Atwood's financial records there is a screenshot of the computer screen showing some very terrible spelling.


More Mr. Brooks mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In Madrid Bourne calls the emergency line and says he's in 334 Norte street, which triggers cops to show up. When Bourne arrived at the building he looked at the door and it was a 2 digit number which one can faintly see it starts with a 1. (The filming location took place at number 10 Virgen de los Peligros street).


More The Bourne Ultimatum mistake pictures

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