Best movie mistake pictures of 2005

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Continuity mistake: When Candy is talking to her boss, he puts the money in the box and it changes position, then even disappears in one shot. (00:19:05)


More The Devil's Rejects mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: The arrangement of the core samples in the safe changes, just after Sheev walks away. The two samples in the bottom left move to being in the centre. (00:36:50)


More The Dukes of Hazzard mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When the Pevensies are playing hide-and-seek, there's a shot of Lucy running up the stairs. If you look closely, she is wearing the dress that she wears in her third time to Narnia, not the dress that she was wearing when she goes through the wardrobe into Narnia for the first time. (00:10:55)

More The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: The blood on Marv's chin appears and disappears when he's being interrogated by Wendy and the girls.

More Sin City mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Arthur is lying in front of a bulldozer, he is so close that his hand is touching it. Two shots later he is a foot away from it, without appearing to have moved at all.

More The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: As Ennis leaves for his first fishing trip with Jack, Alma is holding Alma Jr, whose pajama shirt is lifted. Alma Jr's microphone wire is visible on her stomach. (01:08:45)

More Brokeback Mountain mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When Bruce Wayne is heading to the hearing at the courthouse, he checks his revolver to make sure it's loaded. His intent is to execute Joe Chill for killing his parents, so he would need a working gun. But when he opens the cylinder of the revolver to make sure it's loaded, you can see that all of the bullets have had the primer removed (the end of each bullet casing has a hole in it.) This is done to make each round impossible to fire, for safety on the set. (00:22:55)


More Batman Begins mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When the Muslim armies approach Brendan Gleason's castle there is a side shot of the Muslims army coming to a halt. You can see the marker stake with yellow tape at the top (used during production as a mark). (01:10:10)

More Kingdom of Heaven mistake pictures
More The Longest Yard mistake pictures
More Fantastic Four mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Owen and Tom pull Dodger from the pool. We see that Dodger's hair is hanging down over her face. We then see Owen's reaction, and then we return to Dodger. This time we see that her hair is behind her ear. She didn't have the time and it wouldn't make sense that she changed the position of her hair.

More Cry_Wolf mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: The first time Tim walks towards his house as an adult, there is only a bench on the front porch. When he walks up the steps, there is a bicycle next to the door. (00:25:30)


More Boogeyman mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Jack and Carl are in Carl's stateroom. Carl opens the crate of whiskey, takes out a bottle and puts it down. The bottle then turns itself around so the label's sometimes visible, sometimes not.

More King Kong mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: During the scene right after Amy's boss drives away, you can see the street behind her, over her shoulder, is empty of vehicles. The camera zooms in as she flicks her cigarette away, and in the cut shot, suddenly a taxi appears over her shoulder, which was not there a second before. (00:37:30)

More Hellraiser: Deader mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When the waitresses in the chinese restaurant sing happy birthday, a yellow balloon appears on the back of one of the mans seat, tied to the back of his chair, between shots. (01:09:00)


More The 40 Year Old Virgin mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Rachel begins to brake her car after seeing the deer on the road, as the shots keep changing the markings on the road also keep changing. In overhead shots the markings are a single broken yellow line, but in closeups of the wheels, the markings are solid double yellow lines. (00:30:40)


More The Ring Two mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Stephanie is about to check avionics, Fiona holds the flashlight by the lamp end (bulb) as Stephanie takes the flashlight. However, in the next shot, Fiona still holds the flashlight, but she now holds the other end as Stephanie takes the flashlight from her.

More Flightplan mistake pictures
More Aeon Flux mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: After Jonathan saves the baby from the car he goes to the funeral. In the funeral he starts talking to the baby's father and while they are talking you see a bald man with glasses pass by and glance at the baby and then in another scene you see the same bald guy pass again. (00:59:30)

More White Noise mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Everyone is having dinner at Lady Catherine's house. Watch the candles in front of her. In the close-up shot of her face, every candle is standing up straight. In another shot, further away, the second candle from our left (Lady Catherine's right) leans towards the left side of the screen.


More Pride & Prejudice mistake pictures

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