Best sci-fi movie questions of all time

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Close Encounters of the Third Kind picture

Question: Why were the aliens abducting people and why did they bring them back?

Answer: It wasn't definitively answered, but it appears the aliens took people in order to learn more about humans. It's unclear if all those who were returned had originally gone willingly, but the intent was not to keep them indefinitely or harm them, and they were returned to Earth, albeit many decades later. At the end, after the aliens had made contact, a new group of humans, including Roy, went with them voluntarily.


More Close Encounters of the Third Kind questions
White Noise picture

Question: I was really confused by the ending, who were the three figures we kept seeing, and what were they trying to do?

Answer: The figures are spirits who figured out how to contact the living, like Michael Keaton's wife. But where his wife wants him to help others, the three spirits are evil and want to only do bad things.

More White Noise questions

Answer: She may have said goodbye to Adam but it just wasn't shown.

More Honey I Blew Up the Kid questions
Next picture

Question: I don't get the joke Chris told Liz in the cabin motel about the Zen master that ordered a hotdog with everything. What was funny?

Carl Missouri

Chosen answer: The Zen master tells the hotdog vendor to "Make me one with everything," a pun, of sorts, on the Zen philosophy of becoming one with the universe.

Jean G

More Next questions

Answer: Martian Manhunter is played by Harry Lennix, who also plays General Swanwick, a character who appears in Man of Steel and Batman v Superman (and we can see he transforms back into Swanwick he leaves), revealing that Swanwick was Martian Manhunter the whole time, so the indication is he got to Earth before Man of Steel. He assumed Martha's identity to speak with Lois, specifically to have a heart to heart with her as she is depressed due to Clark's death. Martha is present every other time we see her, when she leaves the Kent home at the beginning and when she reunites with Clark later on. This scene was the only time Martian Manhunter used her identity.

Casual Person

More Zack Snyder's Justice League questions
Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves picture

Question: Near the beginning, what does Wayne mean when he says "Nothing like the smell of 2-part apoxy resin"?

Answer: Epoxy resin is sometimes sold in two seperate tubes. You have to mix the contents of both for the epoxy to harden into plastic. It also shows how weird he is, as epoxy tends to smell pretty foul.

Grumpy Scot

More Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves questions
TRON: Legacy picture

Question: What exactly was Clu's vision of "the perfect system"?

Answer: Going by Clu's behavior and personality in the film, Clu's idea of a perfect system was likely a system where every component worked as intended and as expected. One where every action by programs could be consistently predicted. The Isometric Algorithms very existence went against everything that he believed was "perfect", in that by their nature their actions could not be predicted. Users also seem to exist in contrast to Clu's beliefs as their human emotions cause them to act irrationally and erratically.


More TRON: Legacy questions
Paul picture

Question: Being unable to believe Paul's existence, Clive attacked Paul by gripping his throat in the RV. Then Paul said "That's my fucking jorph. Get your fucking fingers out of there! If I get a jorph infection, you're dead!" What exactly does jorph mean? Where does the word come from?

Answer: Since Paul is an alien, his race would probably give their body parts names that are in their own native language. To humans, we have throats. To Paul's race, jorph is their word for throat.

It cannot be a throat as it is an opening, it is more likely an opening that acts like a human ear.

More Paul questions
Terminator Salvation picture

Question: The ending of this film seems rather vague on the actual outcome of destroying Skynet's HQ. Does that mean the humans have won the war or is Skynet still a threat? The ending of Terminator 3 would suggest the latter since there it was confirmed that Skynet is capable of moving from transferring itself from one installation to another when needed, yet here everyone seems to believe they accomplished a significant victory. So which is it?

Answer: It's suggested that they've succeeding in destroying a major node in the Skynet network, possibly the key node in that region of North America, but, no, Skynet is still a functioning entity.


More Terminator Salvation questions

Answer: Turn back to/from what? Can you please expand on the question so we know what you're referring to?

More The Iron Giant questions
Stealth picture

Question: What is the deal with a apples in this movie, is it a subtle reference to something? Aside from the main bad guy chomping on one while tailing with someone (rude), there are several scenes with large bowls of apples. In one scene, there are two tables with bowls of apples on them.

Answer: Its a Navy thing. Centuries ago, to ward off the threat of Scurvy when sailing long distances, eating apples would prevent it, and the tradition carries over into modern times.

After 21 years of Naval service (10 years destine and four ships) I have never heard of apples warding off scurvy. It was discovered that lemons were very effective. Later in time the British started using limes to avoid scurvy. While limes were cheaper than lemons, they were not as effective. This is also where we get the phrase "Limey Brits" from.

Yep you're right. It's the Vitamin C in limes and oranges that prevents scurvy. Not much of that in an apple.


More Stealth questions
Battleship picture

Question: In more than one scene, various officers are wearing some sort of necklace, apparently permissible additions to the uniform. They are of several different designs. What are they, and what do they represent?


Answer: They appear to be versions of a Hawaiian lei. During ceremonies and celebrations, it is permissible to wear pins, ribbons, and other items as a show of respect or support.

More Battleship questions

Chosen answer: They were talking about the apartment Steve Rogers lives in. Pierce is saying Nick Fury bugged Cap's apartment, one of his own agents.


More Captain America: The Winter Soldier questions
Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials picture

Question: When Thomas and the others are trying to escape the station, they face a masked man as Thomas opens a door. Thomas shoots a stun gun at him. This masked man looks like he was going to save them. Who is this guy? (00:27:20 - 00:27:50)

Bunch Son

Answer: He is one of the guards that works in the facility.

More Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials questions
Timeline picture

Question: When Kate and Chris are in the tunnel (in 1357), Kate tells one of the monks to go tell Arnaut. When did Kate know of the existence of Arnaut, as they had yet to meet?

Answer: Kate is an archaeologist who,d been studying the castle's history for quite a while. She knows the protagonists and who's in charge.


More Timeline questions
Oblivion picture

Question: Maybe this was explained in the film and I missed it, but it has been bugging me for a while. What happened to all the rest of the clones of Jack and Victoria after the Tet was destroyed? Presumably their daily instructions in the form of Sally would cease. Wouldn't they get suspicious? Some reasonable explanation would be nice.

Answer: They would obviously notice that the Tet was gone and would no doubt have questions, but, without outside intervention, would be unlikely to be able to do anything about it, as they would have no reason not to believe that the "radiation zones" confining them to their particular area weren't real. Some would likely die fighting Scavenger groups in their areas (without the drones, they'd be increasingly vulnerable), others might be successfully contacted by those groups and thus could join with them, some may have ultimately starved without resupply from the Tet. The film only covers what happens to Jacks 49 and 52; the others likely met with a variety of different fates.


More Oblivion questions
Venom: Let There Be Carnage picture

Question: What exactly happens to a host's body once the symbiote emerges? At the end of Venom, when Venom is threatening the robber, he partially opens his face, and we see Eddie's face. In this movie, when Cletus/Carnage is escaping from prison, guards start shooting at Carnage who then splits open his entire midsection but Cletus is nowhere to be seen.

Answer: The host and symbiote merge fully. So the symbiote can totally disappear into the host and the host can totally disappear into the symbiote. They can also split again, or partially, at will. It just depends on who gets to be the active version at that time.


I am not up to speed with recent Marvel canon, but in the comics it's never been that way? The symbiote can surely slink inside the host (especially Carnage in Kasady's blood), but the humans can't turn into shapeless goo. Comics aside, that sequence from the movie is mind-boggling; I can sorta explain it thinking the symbiote just tore Kasady's torso in half and then reattached it instantly (in other parts of the movie Eddie gets basically stabbed with what would be lethal wounds).


Actually, in the comics it's long been established that Carnage's healing factor is Deadpool-levels of broken. There are numerous moments where Carnage is impaled, crushed, decapitated, has his neck twisted, even grenades blowing up in his jaws and straight up nailed by military missiles... AND HE'S JUST FINE AND WALKS IT OFF LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED. He absolutely could casually tear himself open with no drawback whatsoever.

"Could" tear himself open, does he usually?"Can turn into shapeless goo", has he? One thing is to regenerate the torso, another thing is to manipulate your body parting before the bullets reach you.I don't really see that from the example posted, but my curiosity aside, given we're talking about the movie anyway, I really don't see Kasady depicted as a shapeshifter, and him and the symbiote in this movie are entirely separated at the end (pending a sequel of course).


Also, for Carnage specifically, the human absolutely can turn into shapeless goo. Makes sense, actually, given that the symbiote canonically merged into Kasady's own cells and microscopic DNA, something even Venom and its hosts can't replicate so the "symbiote-opening-up-the-host-body-with-holes" being a Carnage specific thing isn't surprising at all, in fact, given it's the same body.

More Venom: Let There Be Carnage questions
Spider-Man: No Way Home picture

Question: When Dr. Strange separates Peter's spirit from his body how is Peter still able to make his arm move?

Answer: His spider-sense is probably somewhat aware that his astral form has been separated from his physical body, so it is taking over and controlling his movements.


I concur with your answer because while he is separated from his suit you can see the aurora of his spider tingle all around his head.

Answer: I guess I missed something because I thought that suit was made with Stark tech and has nanotech in it. I figured it was the suit keeping the box away and Doctor Strange thought it was Peter.


That's a possibility I didn't think of, and it admittedly makes more sense than my answer.


More Spider-Man: No Way Home questions
Lilo & Stitch picture

Question: In the scene where Nani is pulling nails out of the door frame because Lilo wants to be alone and Mr. Bubbles arrives, when Nani goes around the back (smashing a window and turning off Lilo's music) is Nani opening the presumably nailed shut door to let Mr. Bubbles in that he later yanks open and all the nails fall?

Answer: No she opens the back door for Mr. Bubbles - you see him later open the front door that is still nailed shut.

More Lilo & Stitch questions
Men in Black II picture

Question: I never really got the line "it came with a black dude, but he kept getting pulled over". What was so funny?


Chosen answer: It's referring to the innate racial prejudice some people have - an inflatable black guy driving a nice car got pulled over, whereas an inflatable white guy had no problems.

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