Best action movie mistake pictures of all time

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Continuity mistake: When Yulaw slams Gabe into a metal box, the glass and debris falls next to his feet. You see both glass and a few chunks of metal, with one especially large chunk of metal. It cuts to Yulaw, then back to Gabe, and now the metal chunks are missing and it just shows glass shards. (01:08:40)

Quantom X

More The One mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: In the scene where Doc Brown is following Biff into the tunnel, as Marty starts to pass between the cars on his hoverboard, one of the wheels on the rig supporting the hovering DeLorean is visible. (01:30:30)

More Back to the Future Part II mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: In the "Battle of Carthage" in the Colosseum, one of the chariots is turned over. Once the dust settles you can see a gas cylinder in the back of the chariot. (01:22:55)

More Gladiator mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: Bruce Willis wore fake feet during the movie to protect his own while shooting the film. They were like boots that slipped on over his. At the part where the FBI guy shoots at him from the helicopter and Bruce jumps to a lower level of the roof, you can see the tops of the fake feet that aren't tight around his ankles. (01:50:30)

More Die Hard mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When Bella pulls up in her truck for her first day at Forks High, as the camera pans from her truck as she parks it into shot, you can see the camera and boom reflected in the triangular window. (00:05:35)


More Twilight mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Arnold lets go of the landing gear he lands in the water. A few seconds later we see him walking up towards the beach, and we can now see that he is only wet from his waist down. It's not likely that he would have been able to land standing on his feet and not not becoming completely soaked. (00:24:41)

More Commando mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Tapia is giving the mural artist a dressing-down, his daughter has a book in one hand for most of the scene, but when the shot changes to one from above Tapia and his daughter, the book changes to the other hand. (02:03:15)

More Bad Boys II mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: In the widescreen edition DVD, when Max's wife tugs at the chain on the back of the car after they have escaped the gang members, before she sees the ripped-off hand tied to it, you can see a crew member's hand holding the chain. (01:00:50)

More Mad Max mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: After Indy and Henry have escaped from Castle Brunwald, Indy jumps into one of the boats, pulls the motor starter cord and jumps back out, then just as he bends over to release the boat from the piling, right between Indy's legs the black covered arm of a hidden crewmember appears from under the tarp taking hold of the throttle, steering the boat away from the pier. (01:02:40)

Super Grover

More Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: In the big fight scene at the end, there is a close-up shot of a guard (Sir Mortimer) getting stabbed square in the chest. When the sword is withdrawn, there is no hole in his tunic.

More The Adventures of Robin Hood mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: There's one bit where we see the shark slamming into a boat and gliding along the side with its mouth open. Not only does the shark's latex mouth bend beneath the snout, narrowing from pressure, but within the mouth you can clearly see yellow hydraulic tanks to open the mouth. (01:22:05)

More Jaws 2 mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When Suki and Tej are being booked for speeding when they took Brian's and Roman's cars, the police officer next to them should be writing on his notepad, but instead the words are already written and he is just moving the pen over these words. (01:24:25)

More 2 Fast 2 Furious mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When Bond is in the car following the goons heading into the facility, it shows the techie guy scan a card and then swipe it to open a door. Before he swipes it, the door is already opening. (01:13:15)

More Die Another Day mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: In the shooting scene in the Mount Rushmore cafe, a boy in the background puts his fingers in his ears, because he knows the gun is about to be shot.

More North by Northwest mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Miller's men are about to take the bunker under the radar tower, they are kneeling on the ground behind some bushes discussing their flanking moves and Jackson is about two feet away from Reiben to his left, but when it cuts Jackson is now behind Reiben. (01:22:35)


More Saving Private Ryan mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When we first see Hobbs he is marking a load of paperwork as captured. On the first sheet, he punches "captured" directly on the photo. In the next shot the word "captured" has changed its position on the photo. (00:09:35)


More Furious 7 mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Marty arrives in 1955, he lands on Peabody's farm and rams through the pine tree he then hits a scarecrow which flies over the top of his car. Then as they show it from the inside the scarecrow slams into the windshield - but how can it slam into his windshield if it is already over the car? (00:31:30)


More Back to the Future mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the scene in the apartment, where the Terminator cuts the flesh away from his damaged eye, he picks up a hobby knife that has a blade attached. In the next shot, as he lifts the knife up toward his eye, the blade has disappeared. Then in the front-on shot the blade is back again. (00:52:35)

More The Terminator mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Vader's shuttle is approaching the Death Star, the crew in the control room of the Death Star are wearing black gloves. One of them then reaches forward to press a button, but in the close-up of his hand pressing the button, the hand is not wearing gloves at all. This can only be seen in the widescreen version. (00:02:25)

More Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: At the end when Brian jumps onto the semi truck to save Vince if you look closely at the back of Brian's pants you can clearly see the safety cable that holds him onto the semi truck. (01:26:17)

More The Fast and the Furious mistake pictures

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