Mistakes in top cinema/rental movies

Elf picture

Continuity mistake: When Buddy is lying in the roll-out bed in the living room of his father's house and asks to be tucked in, his father does so. His father comes back up and ends up having a red thread on his shirt. The shot switches to Buddy, then back to him and the thread is now on his right arm.

Biggest mistakes of all time

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen picture Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Sam is in his bedroom, after he finds the Cube sliver it falls and dramatically burns a hole through the floor into the kitchen. But Sam's bedroom is over the living room (there is nothing on the ground floor below Sam's elevated bathroom, and in the first movie Jazz hides in this open space), and the kitchen is actually located between the den and dining room, at the other end of the house. If they were to follow the actual floor plan of the house, the Cube sliver would have landed in the area of the piano in the living room, but where would the fun have been in that? (00:12:30)

Super Grover

Best pictures

Continuity mistake: When Hooper gets his gear from below, after the explosion in the engine room, he runs to the deck passing Quint using the fire extinguisher. The camera pans from Brody, who stands on the bridge deck, to Hooper right below him. So where exactly is the tall iron ladder that leads up to the bridge deck in this shot? It should be behind Hooper, in front of the window, but it's gone. Don't fret, it's back in the following shots. (01:49:05)

Super Grover

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Best recent entries

Argylle picture

Revealing mistake: When Elly is "skating" on the black oil while fighting the bad guys, we can see that it is Bryce Dallas Howard's stunt double in a few shots where it briefly shows her face.

Biggest Star Wars mistakes

Star Wars picture

Other mistake: Before Uncle Owen yells for Luke, if you look very closely, a fly can be seen on the lens (best seen on the special edition release). The fly was removed in the 2019 release.

Biggest Pixar mistakes

Toy Story 3 picture

Continuity mistake: During Andy's daydream at the beginning of the film, Mr. Potato Head has an eye patch over his left eye. When the daydream cuts back to reality we see that Andy has removed Mr. Potato Head's left eye to symbolize the eye patch. But when Andy's mum comes in with the video camera, his left eye is suddenly back in. (00:01:15 - 00:05:25)


Biggest Marvel mistakes

Best questions

Saw III picture

Question: The first scene with Lynn shows her with a man who asks for a divorce. He doesn't look like Jeff, or am I wrong?

Answer: You are not wrong. The man is her lover, he wants her to get a divorce.


Biggest Disney mistakes

Best quotes

Police Academy picture

Carey Mahoney: What are you in for?
Larvell Jones: I'll show you. [holds a microphone to his mouth and imitates gun fire causing everyone to drop to the floor.]

Movie quote quiz

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"[digging graves.] Take your pick, B-b-b-billy boy. Oh, except for the one on the end. That one's already taken. Sorry!"
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Best trivia

X-Men 2 picture X-Men 2 trivia picture

Trivia: During the scene in the bar with Mystique and the prison guard, the person on the TV is Dr. Hank McCoy - this is the real name of X-Man The Beast.

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Super Grover 108
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Ssiscool 84
zenee 65
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raywest 20
Phaneron 17
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jshy7979 12
TedStixon 11
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